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Posts posted by odonovan

  1. We recently bought a new tumble dryer from But. Even on maximum setting it takes an absolute age to dry anything. About 5 or 6 times as long as we'd expect in UK. This is a real pain because one of its prime uses was to be to wash and dry all our bedding on day of departure so that it would be ready for the next visit. Does anyone know if this is something to do with the electricity supply?

    Nick O'D
  2. All banks charge in France as far as I know. We're with Credit Agricole and pay 6,27 euros a month which seems a lot but there are no charges on top of that and this fee includes our debit card, which again you have to pay for in France (normally approx 35-40 euros as I recollect. We have found having a debit card essential for 24 hour petrol, Moneo and the occasional time when our English credit cards refuse to work...

    Nick O'D

  3. >To whom should one aim angry
    >complaints about this, in order
    >to have the most effect?

    Peter King
    Customer Services Manager
    Reservations & Travel Services
    P&O Ferries Ltd
    Channel House
    Channel View Road
    Dover CT17 9TJ

    T 0870 600 0613
    F 01304 863464
    E [email protected]

    I've spoken to him on several occasions about various whinges including this one. He's reasonably receptive if spoken to in measured tones. I pointed out that charging 8 quid for our underoccupancy of a Club Cabin when they had one less complimentary glass of champagne and one less complimentary breakfast to serve as well as one less bed to make was hardly going to swell the P&O coffers but was going to alienate a lot of customers. Given that most crossings involve "a car and up to 4 passengers", I shall, in future, book spoof names and then 'Hugh Jarse' and 'Norma Stitts' will mysteriously be struck down with some virus or other and not be able to come.....

    Nick O'D
  4. LAST EDITED ON 20-Mar-04 AT 05:48 PM (GMT)

    LAST EDITED ON 20-Mar-04 AT 05:45PM (GMT)

    LAST EDITED ON 20-Mar-04 AT 05:43PM (GMT)

    If your damp problem extends to black mould on the ceilings, I don't think all the salt in the world is likely to solve it. We close our place up completely; shutters and windows because our insurance dictates that we do. We invested in an electric dehumidifier a couple of years ago, which we put on the counter top in the kitchen with a plastic tube draining into the sink. We leave all the inner doors open and the dehumidifier keeps the whole place dry and mould free. Our experience before this was opening up a fusty smelling house in the Spring with a fine layer of mould over everything especially anything wooden. Since the dehumidifier we have had no problems at all. We bought an 'Ebac' suitable for a 5 room house. It cost nearly 300 quid but was money well spent. As far as running costs are concerned, it only costs about the same as a domestic fridge.

    Nick O'D

    PS I think you'd get far more answers to your problems if you posted your message in the Owning French Property forum. Although here in Brittany it is certainly wet I don't think damp is solely a problem of Western France!
  5. Thank you so much, Mazan.

    This has been a problem for me for ages. I have also had a similar problem on the Fotango.com website. I have emailed Symantec (the Norton providers) about this on numerous occasions and they haven't been able to help me.

    At last I can post messages (like this one) without having to turn my firewall off.

    Nick O'D
  6. LAST EDITED ON 28-Sep-03 AT 09:00 PM (GMT)

    It used to be the case that new messages were highlighted in yellow to make them easy to find. Now just the topic is yellow if there are new messages within it but each individual message is white...If you ticked the box "Check here if you want to receive email when a new message is posted to this thread" you could find newly posted messages at a glance. Now you have to trawl up and down the whole list looking for dates... A retrograde step....

    Nick O'D
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