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Posts posted by Cal50

  1. Yes absolutely a big thanks to John for giving him the best chance of a future and to Christine Animal for posting him here !!!

    On this note there are a lot of refuges out there that need foster families to save animals from being euthanased or simply to ease overcrowding so anyone who is interested  in any dept I'll try and point you to your nearest centre

    just need your dept no

    Have a happy life Maxo

    thanks new mommy and K for helping !


  2. I thought I'd posted this already but maybe I sent it to Christine ,

    Try again

    Very Good News !!!!!

    Very happily Maxo is going to be a farmboy as  of tomorrow and truly landed on his paws. His new mommy and friend are doing a round trip of 450 kms to fetch him . Heres part of their message

    "could you please put something
    on that site about him being a farmboy as of 22nd...he's probably the only
    dog in France with a choice of 4 bedrooms....indoors,a wooden kennel
    complete with baby mattress & blanket on the veranda,a bunkbed in a stone
    shed with a new insulated roof & a stone built kennel totally refurbished.
    It would be nice to update his progress for the interest of all those who
    were so concerned for him. "

    He's going to live with a doggy friend and go out accompanying his new mom while riding the horses

    Safe trip tomorrow K & M  all the best


  3. Thanks very much WJT !!!!

    the refuge will benefit not only from cheques received ( which of course is an enormous help ) but also if the bank sees they are getting a lot of support they might be more likely to help with a loan

    so every donation has a double effect

    well done !!!!!!!

    I've sent the refuge an email to see if they think it is a good idea to set up a paypal account ( after the idea came from Sam on AI - Thanks Sam ! ) making donations instant from any country

  4. Thanks Christine

    There have been donations promised already of cheques and food and ideas coming in such as doing car boots and volunteering help

    Some who have already adopted dogs and cats there are gearing up to help also

    I'm hoping the bars , shops and gite businesses can help with collection boxes soon as it would be desperate to lose a place where lost animals and strays find their famillies

    every euro is so gratefully received there !!!!!!!!!

  5. Thanks to Régine on TF for doing the translation of the Refuge Appeal

    The refuge for cats and dogs usually never asks for help, but today they need you because they are in big trouble as regards food for dogs and cats, litter, pet carriers,baskets, and unfortunately money...
    Your donations, whatever they are, are VERY important, and can be deducted from your taxes. ( see the address and tel number of the refuge in cally50' s post)
    Dear friends and family,

    I am not used to this kind of emergency call but here goes... I need your support for an action that is very important to me.. Some will not be touched by the situation but some will... 150 cats and dogs are in imminent danger of being put down without our quick and collective support.. You know how involved I am in associations for homeless people and abandoned animals. Today I am asking for help for the latter ..
    A refuge for abandoned animals is in danger of being closed down by lack of means.It is the only refuge in departement 61 ( Orne, basse normandie) that can rescue abandonned, ill treated or lost animals.
    Thanks to Madame Violleau, its owner, many pets are rescued, but she has little means, nevertheless she does it with all her heart, courage, energy,her little income and lots of love.
    Today, the authorities are threatening to close down the refuge, that is not in conformity with the new norms...
    If the necessary renovation is not carried out, in order to be conform to the new law,more than 150 cats and dog will be put down.
    Mrs Villeau cannot afford to start the 35 000 euro renovation by herself. So the reason for this e mail is to try and collect money as soon as possible , so as to avoid the death of those unfortunate cats and dogs, and save a refuge, which is THE ONLY ONE in departement 61.
    Withjout this refuge, the next abandoned or lost animal will be immediately put down..
    So action is urgent and with your help, I'm starting a support comitee called " Rustine et Capsule" .
    So, I would be thankful if you could help this refuge by sending a donation, even a small one..
    Please let it know to your neighbours, work colleagues, friends, relatives;.. etc... Donations for associations can be deducted from your taxes in France, since this refuge is legal and an association " loi 1901" ; which means it is perfectly legal.
    Mme Violleau will send a receipt for the administration. this receipt will allow you to deduct the amount of your donation from your taxes.
    I personnally know this lady, it is not a joke or a hoax. It's just useful.
    If we succeed in gathering enough money, it could help Mrs V. to apply for a bank loan . the more supporters to Mrs Violleau, the more likely she will be to get the necessary loans from a bank and help from the administration.
    Address fir the loans and cheques ( see Cally50's post )
    So, please, can I get you to give her a little of your time to send a cheque to her, in the name of ADAA, and please send it with a note on which you write " membre du comité de soutien " Rustine et Capsule" . ( = Member of the support comittee Rustine and Capsule)..
    Send it to Mme Marie France Violleau
    Association de défense Animale d'Andenne ( ADDA)
    5 Avenue Robert Cousin
    61140 Bagnoles de l'Orne.

    For the internet site, see the address on Cally50's post)
    I will regularly visit this refuge to see how things are going for the support comittee and the amount of donations received. I will go and visit Mme Violleau next week end.
    All your ideas to help rescue this refuge are welcome. For those who have a little free time,please send this e mail to family and friends...
    to incite them to take part in our action.
    If you intend to adopt an animal, please think of that refuge.
    You can surf on its website.
    I really rely on your generosity. Thanks a lot.
    I will let you know about the total amount of donations we will get each time I get in touch with Mrs Violleau.
    Yours truely,
    Laurence Yamnaine.

    Mobile phone number : 06 81 49 37 55


  6. The refuge for dogs and cats at Bagnoles de l'orne is at crisis point and in danger of being closed down. It is the only refuge in dept 61 and 150 cats and dogs are now in danger of being put down

    They are desperate for any donations - any donations !

    i.e food , bedding , baskets and of course money donations ( tax deductable )

    Many thanks for reading

    more details below

    Le refuge de Bagnoles de l'Orne (61), est un refuge très discret qui ne demande jamais rien à personne... Aujourd'hui, ils ont besoin de nous, car ils sont en grandes difficultés de nourritures (chiens/chats), de litières, de paniers et malheureusement aussi d'argent... Vos dons, quels qu'ils soient, sont très important et de plus, déductible des impôts !

    Coordonnées du refuge :

    Association de Défense Animale d'Andaine
    5 Avenue Robert Cousin
    61140 Bagnoles de l'Orne
    Tél. ou


    Chers Amis et Famille,

    Je n'ai pas l'habitude d'entreprendre ce genre de démarche, mais je me lance.

    J'ai besoin de votre soutien à tous pour une action qui me tient très à coeur. Certains d'entre vous ne seront pas touchés par cette action, mais je sais que vous serez cependant nombreux à être sensibles à la mort imminente d'environ 150 chiens et chats qui seront euthanasiés sans notre soutien collectif rapide.

    Vous connaissez mon engagement auprès des "sans domicile" et des "animaux abandonnés". C'est cette deuxième catégorie qui lance un cri d'alarme aujourd'hui.

    Un refuge pour animaux abandonnés est sur le point de fermer ses portes, faute de moyens. Il s'agit du seul refuge recensé dans l'Orne (Basse-Normandie) qui, grâce au dévouement de sa fondatrice, Madame Violleau, accueille des chiens et chats abandonnés, perdus ou mal traités.

    Madame Violleau dispose de peu de moyens pour secourir ces quatre-pattes. Mais elle y met beaucoup d'énergie, toutes ses petites ressources financières et un amour incommensurable.

    Aujourd'hui, les autorités la menacent de fermer son refuge qui n'est pas aux normes en vigueur. Si ce refuge n'envisage pas les travaux imposés par la législation, plus de 150 chiens et chats seront euthanasiés. Madame Violleau n'a cependant pas les moyens d'engager les dépenses afférentes à ces travaux, qui s'élèvent à près de 35.000 euros !

    Ce mail a donc pour objet de récolter le plus vite possible des fonds pour éviter la mort certaine de ces malheureux chiens et chats, et sauver un refuge qui a le mérite d'être le seul à exister dans le département de l'Orne. Sans ce refuge, tout prochain animal qui se verrait abandonné ou qui se trouverait perdu serait, sans dérogation, euthanasié.

    Il y a donc urgence à agir et, avec votre concours, je fonde le Comité de Soutien "Rustine et Capsule", qui vient au secours du refuge fondé par Madame Violleau.

    Aussi, je vous remercie vivement d'aider ce refuge en envoyant un don, peu importe le montant. Faites-le, s'il vous plaît, pour eux, pour elle, pour moi, pour vous. Faites le chers amis, tontons, tatas, cousins, cousines, frères et soeurs, faites-le !

    Sachez que les dons au bénéfice d'associations sont déductibles de vos impôts, que vous soyez particulier ou commerçants/entrepreneurs/profession libérale. Ce refuge est une association Loi 1901.

    Madame Violleau enverra à tous ceux d'entre vous qui auront la gentillesse d'aider son refuge, une attestation destinée à l'administration fiscale. Cette attestation vous permettra de déduire votre don de vos impôts.

    Je connais personnellement cette dame, ce n'est ni une arnaque, ni une blague. C'est juste utile.

    Si nous réussissons à récolter une somme suffisante, elle sera un préalable à Madame Violleau à la demande d'octroi d'un prêt bancaire. Plus nous serons nombreux à soutenir Madame Violleau, plus elle aura de chance de pouvoir obtenir des banques et des administrations les aides dont elle a besoin.


    Prenez donc quelques minutes de votre temps, même si ce n'est pas le moment (car demain il ne le sera pas plus), pour établir un chêque à l'ordre de ADAA, et envoyez-le en l'accompagnant d'un papier portant la mention "membre du Comité de Soutien "Rustine et Capsule", à :

    Madame Marie-France Violleau
    Association de Défense Animale d'Andenne (ADAA)
    5 Avenue Robert Cousin
    61140 Bagnoles de l'Orne
    Site Internet : http://site.voila.fr/amis_mfrance/index.jhtml
    Tél. : 02 33 37 85 68 - 06 72 28 34 06

    Je me rendrai régulièrement à ce refuge pour faire un point sur les dons de notre Comité de Soutien "Rustine et Capsule". J'ai d'ailleurs programmé de m'y rendre le week-end prochain.

    Toutes vos idées sont les bienvenues pour aider plus avant ce refuge. Pour ceux qui auront un peu de temps, envoyez ce mail à vos amis, collêgues et famille, pour les inciter à participer à notre action.

    Si vous souhaitez adopter un animal, pensez à ce refuge. Vous pouvez consulter le site Internet.

    Je compte sur votre générosité à tous. Merci beaucoup. Je vous tiendrai au courant de l'évolution dans les tous prochains jours et vous informerai du montant que nous aurons récolté après avoir fait le point avec Madame Violleau.

    Très affectueusement.

    Laurence Yamnaine
    Tél. 06 81 49 37 55

  7. I am getting more and more fed up with our insurance company just seeming to increase charges and offer little ' service ' . I have been in to the office to explain that a small van we have got is now off the road completely due to it having broken down and they still want approx €150 a year for it to stand on the grass . This company has all our insurance ie house , business , health etc etc and this adds up to a nice sum for them and to add insult they give us a teashirt each year with their logo in XXXL size and we ain't that big. I guess we'll have to give notice to leave them too - Is that pretty straightforward or not ?
  8. link from anglo-info

    By David Evans

    PARIS, Oct 25 (Reuters) - France on Tuesday ordered chickens, geese and ducks farmed in more than one fifth of the country to be kept inside over concerns that migratory wildfowl could spread the deadly Asian strain of bird flu to the country.

    Amid signs that H5N1 avian influenza, essentially a poultry virus which can be fatal to humans, could soon spread across Europe, France also said that markets, fairs and displays featuring wild birds would be suspended across the country.

    Farm Minister Dominique Bussereau said the ban on outside poultry would apply in those departments where domestic birds were at risk of coming into contact with migratory fowl, believed to be the main carriers of the virus.

    In the rest of the country, poultry must not be fed outside.

    While noting the national food safety agency AFSSA had evaluated the risk of bird flu infection in domestic poultry as negligible, he said the government had decided to take measures similar to those adopted in other European Union countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Austria.

    "Out of the principle of precaution, we want to go beyond the advice of AFSSA," he told a news conference to announce the measures, which will run until Dec. 1.

    "In those departments which present a particular risk of contact with migratory birds, the measures consist of a confinement of open-air breeding concerning domestic, wild or pet birds," the Farm Ministry said.

    It listed 21 departments, out of a total of 96 in France, that had a particular risk of contact, mostly areas along the Atlantic coast and in the east of the country.

    These matched two major routes used by birds migrating to winter destinations, Environment Minister Nelly Olin said.


    Bussereau also said he would seek a temporary change in rules governing free-range poultry so that farmers could keep any existing quality labels for their produce.

    He said there were some 30,000 poultry farms in France, of which 42 percent reared birds in the open air, accounting for 17.5 percent of the total amount of poultry slaughtered.

    He said the label exemption would avoid what could have been "an economic catastrophe" for the industry.

    France's main FNSEA farm union said the measures were necessary and would help in the fight against bird flu, although they could be difficult to implement and it was essential farmers were reimbursed for any costs.

    Bussereau said France would ask EU Farm Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel for EU funds to co-finance information costs associated with the confinement measure.

    The ministry also said if it was not possible to confine poultry, for example due to a lack of available buidlings, "equivalent protective measures as well as reinforced surveillance" had to be put in place.

    Authorities in departments not considered at risk could ask for a special exemption to the suspension of displays of live animals at markets and fairs.

    The EU on Tuesday banned imports of wild birds and certain poultry products from Croatia. It was also poised to ban all imports of captive wild birds after a parrot died of the H5N1 strain in Britain.

    AlertNet news is provided by

  9. Sorry should have put more detail - when I said that affected birds may poop into pens I took this comment from a French government site where I guess they were thinking of the flu having passed on to normal garden birds . I can't find the site just now but will post it if I can
  10. As far as I understand it would be a sensible precaution to feed your chickens / ducks etc inside the buildings if at all possible to discourage wild birds from mixing with domestic foul plus move their drinking source inside . I think netting them in has to reduce risk but will not eliminate it because they will perch on top and do their 'business ' which will drop in the path of the chooks

    Hope that helps
  11. Only my experience but

    I have reserve de chasse on our 3 hectares much for the same reasons . No problems since ' touch wood' .After expressing concerns about my animals at the Mairie- The President of the chasse came round for coffee and quickly changed the signs .

    I haven't improved the fencing people could still enter but thankfully don't
  12. just spotted this on anglo info site

    Jobs Offered

    · Experienced horse rider - full/part time · Send · Print

    brian61 writes: (e-mail brian61) Post Reply

    Posted: 15/09/2005 at 15:41

    Experienced rider required. Must be under 65kg (well that rules me out). Must be able to demonstrate abilities (French galop certificates a plus). Full time 1300euro brut/month. Can accept part time. Haras is located at 61 Aubry-en-Exmes, not far from Argentan/Nonant etc.

    Job is being advertised with ANPE under job code 4278361. Further details on that site.



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