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Posts posted by Deimos

  1. A slight aside but these TV stations with all their lawyers, HR depts., etc. seem very bad at selecting people who know what they are doing.  Sounds like this Dr they got was way out of his depth (I did not get to hear the program); and there was the Dog Woman (the one who does not know when enough is enough with lipstick) who had no idea about what can be done for dogs in the UK and told the owners to have the dog put to death as it was too much trouble.  Recently we have the "expert" telling people how to bring up their kids and most of the children's charities have complained about how she is totally out of date and presenting ideas rejected long ago.  Then there was that diet woman who went around smelling people's poo - claimed she had a PhD and called herself Dr. <cannot remember the name> and it then turned out her PhD was from one of those places you buy your qualifications from in the US and so she has stopped using the Dr. title.

    Strange that they go to so much trouble in some areas and then take anybody off the street to be the "expert" needed for their program.

  2. [quote user="ErnieY"]

    This is sure to get me ripped to pieces I know but if one doesn't tell the French taxman about something, say a pension tax free lump sum for instance, how will he find out about it otherwise. Do the UK notify the French authorities if someone on an E106 or E121 comes into such a sum I wonder ?

    Standing by......................[blink] [blink] [blink]


    When the exchange of information stated between the French and UK authorities I checked with my two UK banks to find out what info they were actually passing to the French authorities (actually I checked a year after it had started to let things "settle down").  The checked with their experts and said they only passed interest amounts paid to the French.  Nothing to do with transactions or balances.

    Unrelated to the above, I believe that if you transfer money from UK to France, certainly the receiving French bank has to notify the transaction, source, etc. to the French authorities and the threshold for the transaction amount is surprisingly low.

    However, I am no expert and am just repeating what I was told at the time I asked (things might change ?).


  3. For me the Seulement Naturel is one of those totally anonymous sites.  No details whatsoever about the company.  No postal address for them, no telephone number (except UPS's telephone number).  If you want to e-mail them you have to use a web form on their site.  Personally I will never deal with such a company.  If they are not prepared to allow you to contact them are they the sort of place you really want to be doing business with ?

    I'm unsure what is happening with the distribution of Burns these days.  Used to be imported by somebody with an exclusive agreement with Burns for France.  They then sold their business and somebody else purchased the distribution.  They have now sold it on and I occasionally get mails from them (from strange e-mail addresses but content is fine) but no web site, nothing.

    I used to feed my two Burns (for some time) but over a few years noticed they were both suffering a lot of muscle strains, then limping and having to stay indoors for ages resting to recover.  After a couple of years I started wondering about this as it never used to happen pre-Burns so I switched back to standard stuff (Royal Cannin) and for the last year no limping problems whatsoever - so I have unscientifically put it down to the food.  That is not to say it is bad stuff - if fact I'm sure it is excellent stuff and I fully agree with their principles.  Just that it is not right for every dog.  I wish I could find something better than standard Royal Cannin for mine as I'm sure it is not great and might not have "decent quality".  That said, I only pay 45€ for a 15Kg sack of Royal Cannin (through my dog club).  Burns used to be not to expensive (even after the delivery costs it was still only around the same as Royal Cannin from the supermarket).  I guess this has now changed.

  4. The smell can last for some time, though declines (i.e. not just 1st and 2nd use).  How long probably depends on the fire and how sensitive you are to it.  also, even once a bit older, it can still give of a bit of a smell - probably dust that has settled on the thing.  Not bad or too noticeable though.

    How you are not managing to run it at the moment is amazing.  We had temperatures down to -5 last night.

  5. Happened to me again last night.  Previous time was whilst watching Film 4, last night on Channel 4.  Switched to BBC/ITV and reception fine; just Channel 4 with virtually no sound and a mostly frozen very pixelated picture.  Unplugged and re-started and problem remained.  After 15 mins it all went away and was fine again.  All the way through the signal strength and signal quality were both excellent and weather remained clear throughout.

  6. [quote user="cooperlola"]True BaF.  Oddly, as horribe as this appears, it does help us in a way as the coverage required is clearly unreasonable, as it is impossible to obtain if you are sick ...[/quote]

    If you look at the details of what needs to be

    provided (as posted earlier by somebody and available on

    LegiFrance.fr), there is no way you are going to find such a policy

    even if you are healthy and have no pre-existing conditions. The

    detailed list of what needs to be included is quite exceptional and

    would be way beyond any insurance companies offering (even the top of

    the range platinum plus offerings).


  7. [quote user="spg"]

    [quote user="londoneye"]Could anyone point me in the direction of the legislation which states that a policy can be cancelled, whatever the timescale, if due to a change in law.    I may need some ammunition for when I telephone my top up insurance agent, who seems to be unaware of this proviso. [/quote]

    When I asked what would happen to our top-up assurance if we were chucked out of CPAM my local AGF agent informed me that cancellation is automatically without time limit or penalty if 'force majeure'  is involved.



    But what if they declare it an Act of God ?  After all, look at who started these changes (i.e. Sarkozy) [:D]


  8. I had a similar problem same day around the same time.  Picture kept pixelating really badly mostly frozen with occasional blips of sound.  Signal quality and strength were both excellent (really really good).  Seemed fine until changing channels when it immediately went bad.  Then, changing channels a bit more would eventually find one ok then back to original as it might be ok until next channel change. I disconnected from mains waited a bit and then powered up again and all went fine.  I had a power cut most of the morning so put it down to an electrical supply blip when the power came back on, but maybe they were doing a software update or something (I have had reception problems related to software updates before - not a duff update but something to do with the process of updating).

  9. [quote user="cooperlola"]

    KEEP IT UP - IT WORKS (although my o/h is convinced I'm going to get us deported....)


    Well I'll be joining you as I have now decided I will not be taking out Private Health Insurance that complies with the levels of cover required by the French.  Thus, early Jan I can no longer be legally resident in France - as I will not be complying with residency laws so I will also not be liable for income tax, Contribution Sociales, etc., etc.  As I understand it if you are not resident in France you are not obliged to declare for income tax, etc.

    They cannot on one hand say I am resident but then on the other say I'm not resident.

    I'll also probably beat you to it as I lose my health cover in early Jan.


  10. [quote user="ams"]

    On the other side of the coin, the client is generally represented by a professional accountant.


    I have no idea about CPAM and CS visits but when I was first looking for an accountant to deal with my simple French tax returns I was having difficult and contacted the big ones that advertise in LF.  A friend told me to be careful as getting companies like that to submit simple tax returns can actually raise questions - like "how come they are employed to declare so little so where have they hidden the real money ...".

    Unless you are quite wealthy and expecting problems, having an accountant present might risk raising questions ?


  11. Healthcare is one aspect to living in another country.  Different people will be affected to different extents.  Different people have different reasons for objecting to the healthcare changes.  One very bad aspect if to apply it to people already resident.  To those who have not yet moved here it is just something to consider - after all the situation France is moving to has been the rule in Spain for ages and loads of Brits move there).

    As far as France becoming a "better place" for anything then it will and will not depending on you personal position.  The current healthcare changes make France a better place for some and a worse place for others.  It all depends on personal circumstances and attitudes.  If you are moving to France to be better off financially then healthcare changes might make you "better off" or "worse off" (depends on income, etc.).  If you are moving to get better treatment for a condition then the changes will probably make you "worse-off", etc.  Most people move for broader reasons related to things like lifestyle.

  12. [quote user="Lisleoise"][quote user="Iceni"]

    Depends on whether the whorehouse owners were playing hard to get/reluctant to relinquish their lease.




    I believe there is quite a few issues around people and

    businesses being thrown out for the Olympic development.  It's all

    being done on compulsory purchase.  Quite a few businesses have taken

    their owners years to develop and have not been able to find

    alternative premises and so are just being forced to close down.  Still

    nice for the people who get to run round a track a few times - at the

    cost of these peoples' life's work.


  13. [quote user="Eos"][quote user="Deimos"][quote user="Will"]

    ... all stemming from an original desire not to be too specific or make a house too easy to identify, and it will take a lot to change things.


    I agree about the "limitations" of French Estate agents - though my personal experience is quite a few years out of date now.  I also notice that most of the work they do seems related to protecting their commission.  However, why do I see Estate Agent's "For Sale" boards up outside houses.  If I were a buyer and given the commission they charge I would drive around my selected area looking for boards on suitable houses and knock on the door, thus saving myself a significant sum should I find a suitable place.  for people living in an area and wanting to move locally I would expect they would notice the boards in their normal to'ing and fro'ing and the agent you never be contacted.

    After all, as the agents (used to) take you to the house, there is no need for a board to help you identify the correct front door as you are always accompanied.



    I'm not sure about the situation in France, but if you directly approach a vendor based on an agent's sign and who subsequently sells to you, is the agent not due his fee as his advertising prompted the sale?


    In France before the agent will take you to a property you have to sign a "bonne visite" (or something like that) - one for each property.  That confirms (contractually) that it was that agent who introduced you to the property and that if you subsequently buy it, they get the commission.  If you buy through another agent they can/will sue you for their commission using the "bonne visite" thingy as their proof.  All part of the added work they have to do (to protect their commission - not to actually sell the place).

    Trying to prove that it was their sign that made you go and buy the property would probably be a step too far for even a French Estate Agent.

    From memory, exclusive agents are not the norm. and most people selling use every agent they can think of.  Thus, if there are signs there are probably several signs (maybe they will club together to sue you for going direct having seen their signs.

    Maybe these days agents lower their commission for exclusivity.  However, unless they have changed their "working practices" massively (e.g. started doing some work rather than waiting for the property to sell itself) then an exclusive agent would just limit the chances of a sale even more.

    No idea how many sales are through Notaire litings these days.


  14. [quote user="Glyn"]


    Do you have a siret number. If you do, I cannot see how you cannot be elligible for health care, as long as you pay the ncessary cotisations.

    I am sure that the Chambre of Commerce would help you. As far as I am aware, and depending on the size of business, you would register as an Enterprise Individuelle. You would then have to pay the following cotisations:-

    • CSG
    • CRDS
    • cotisations d'allocations familiales
    • Retirement
    • Health

    I am sure there is a way forward to you if you can get the business fully registered,



    I don't run any businesses so have no specific knowledge.  However, I thought a Siret Number was for a business rather than a person.  Thus, having a Siret number for your business would not give any rights to health cover in itself.  I would have thought that, when the business employs somebody then it pays cotisations for that person and it is those cotisations that give the rights to health care.  I would expect that there are constraints about levels of employment - e.g. being employed for 5 mins per month will probably not be adequate for achieving full rights and that there are bound to be minimum working hours and of course there are minimum wages, etc.

    Just my thoughts and not based on knowledge or experience.


  15. [quote user="Will"]

    ... all stemming from an original desire not to be too specific or make a house too easy to identify, and it will take a lot to change things.


    I agree about the "limitations" of French Estate agents - though my personal experience is quite a few years out of date now.  I also notice that most of the work they do seems related to protecting their commission.  However, why do I see Estate Agent's "For Sale" boards up outside houses.  If I were a buyer and given the commission they charge I would drive around my selected area looking for boards on suitable houses and knock on the door, thus saving myself a significant sum should I find a suitable place.  for people living in an area and wanting to move locally I would expect they would notice the boards in their normal to'ing and fro'ing and the agent you never be contacted.

    After all, as the agents (used to) take you to the house, there is no need for a board to help you identify the correct front door as you are always accompanied.


  16. Maybe I should introduce the French government to modern communications.  you can write or print stuff on a piece of paper, put in in an envelope then use something called "the Post" and is often arrives at its destination within a day or two.  that is of course assuming they are not up to the concept of e-mail where they can type their message, press a button and normally within a few minutes it is delivered.

    Ideal for keeping all the CPAMs up-to-date with policy from "lord and master".

    I assume they must still be using the system where the letter (on parchment) is being given to a rider who then walks most of the way to each CPAM in turn.  Or maybe they are still looking for the royal seal to authorise their letters.

  17. When I got my CV ages ago the sheet of paper that came with it said about how it would need updating around a particular date.  About 9 months after that date I updated it in a pharmacy.  They had a dedicated machine for the last but it looked just the same as all their other machines (so probably to avoid queues on the main till).  I was covered by an E106 then and still am now - so the update was part way through the E016 validity.

  18. [quote user="Sunday Driver"]


    You can't complain about officials following the instructions they are given.  Providing your staff with clear guidelines to follow is one of the basic principles of management.

    And you can't expect them to throw those guidelines out of the window whenever someone arrives and says "Ah, but...EU directive number 12345 states that......".  Most of them probably won't be aware of what an EU directive is (and why should they?).

    Be patient....


    I agree.  What frustrates me (though does not yet affect me directly) is that these rules are already being applied and are affecting people - even though the French do not seem to have sorted out what the rules actually are.  There are already poeple whose E106's have expired and have supposedly (if complying with French law anyway) taken out Private Health Insurance.  What if the French then change their laws to allow people with permenant residence to joing CPAM - who will refund those individuals insurance premiums (those that can then join the CMU) ?  I am really quite disgusted with the way the French are failing to sort this situation out.


  19. Whatever the rules and regulations (EU/UN wise) say, seems to me that the French authorities are cherry picking what suits them and just giving the rest "the finger".  I do find it surprising that a government can act like that, and even more surprising how things are just totally uncoordinated.  Thus, whilst Article numbers, etc. lend weight I would expect that when faced with the officious official who actually had to do the work you will continue to get the "non" until his boss is told by his boss, is told by his boss ... is told by lord and master that things must change.  Lord and master does not like British early retired so is not going to act quickly.

    Maybe if the British government started representing their citizens - but that does not seem to be very likely either.  However, seems what little they are doing is very "could you possibly ..." and "if it would not be too much trouble ..." rather than "this is EU law, comply with it now" attitude.  Treading softly in the extreme.

  20. [quote user="Sunday Driver"]

    Seems that despite what Ms Gaillard claims, all inactive foreign nationals are excluded, regardless of where they are coming from......


    I know of a non-EU foreign national who has has their CMU renewed without any "until March" constraints and without any problems.  One case hardly establishes how CPAM is intepreting the rules but maybe an indication ?


  21. Or,

    In Skype go into the Tools/Options ... and select audio devices from General section the list at the left.  You can the select which audio device you want Skype to use for calls (there is a pull down list of sound devices on your computer).  you select the microphone seperately from the sound output (and seperately from the ringing device).  Thus you can have the microphone and audio on different sound cards/devices if you want.  It is easy and obvious when you get into the Audio settings in Skype.

  22. Whilst you have made your decision I will still add my 3d worth on one aspect.

    I think that the health changes for inactifs in France needs to be kept in perspective.  After all, what the French system is moving to is actually what has been happening in Spain for many years and people have not been dying in the streets uncared for.  In fact the majority of the problems in Spain seem to have been from people moving there and just doing nothing as far as health cover was concerned, waiting until they became ill and that is when the problems arose (though I am now 4 years out of date regarding the Spanish situation).

    I am against the healthcare changes for a number of reasons, in particular the aspect where people have already taken up residence in France and are having the rug pulled out from under them ("so to speak").  For people considering moving here it is just another aspect to consider and budget for.  From a cost perspective it seems probably that the private insurance will be needed after the E106 cover (often 2 years) until you have been resident for 5 years (EU law but still "to be decided" by the French authorities).  Then add in that for some/many/a few/lots (nobody really knows the numbers though probably not lots) the private health cover will actually be cheaper than CMU-B+top-up.  Maybe the cover will not be as good but it will be cheaper.

    I think for people considering moving to France (or even within the UK) a balanced approach is necessary. There will always be positive and negative aspects and if you cannot see both then you are probably missing something.  They offset each other and where the balance lies depends on you own position and attitudes.

    You get many who go on about how terrible France is and others who see only the fantastic aspects.  Both are right - they are just focusing on different aspects and we all do that with everything in life.  For me France is great and I love it here.  But that is due to the sum of who I am, my circumstances, etc.

  23. I just had another look at 2004/38/EC and there is a publicity section; Article 34:

    Member States shall disseminate information concerning the rights and obligations of Union citizens and their family members on the subjects covered by this Directive, particularly by means of awareness-raising campaigns conducted through national and local media and other means of communication.

    No way have they done this.  With the rules becoming effective 10 days after they were announced on http://www.securite-sociale.fr/comprendre/europe/europe/cmu_inactifs.htm there was no time.  also, given that they have full contact information for everybody affected by these changes they have the easy option to write to everybody - which they have not done.


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