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Boiling a frog

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Everything posted by Boiling a frog

  1. Search has been stood down for the night resuming in the morning http://www.ledauphine.com/haute-savoie/2013/11/04/les-recherches-de-la-britannique-disparue-dans-la-montagne-au-dessus-de-mieussy-sont-interrompues-par-la-nuit
  2. The car has been found http://www.tdg.ch/geneve/faits-divers/voiture-britannique-disparue-retrouvee-mieussy/story/29933507
  3. Am I being a touch cynical or does the OP smack of advertising.
  4. http://www.campusfrance.org/en/page/agence-campus-france Lots of info on uni
  5. I remember her fight back in the dark days of 2007
  6. Coincidence, we are at Comillas ,Cantabria at the moment and shortly moving to the camp site in the Picos de Europe.
  7. I think you have rather twisted the perception. Certain benefits are exportable, whether one was a French, German,Spanish or UK resident prior to moving to another EU country. It is all written into the EU Social Security legislation. For instance unemployment benefit would be payable at the French rate to a French resident going to the UK to find work http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/work/job-search/transferring-unemployment-benefits/index_en.htm In relation to Social security and health benefits The four main principles You are covered by the legislation of one country at a time so you only pay contributions in one country. The decision on which country's legislation applies to you will be made by the social security institutions. You cannot choose. >> Find out which rules apply to you You have the same rights and obligations as the nationals of the country where you are covered. This is known as the principle of equal treatment or non-discrimination. When you claim a benefit, your previous periods of insurance, work or residence in other countries are taken into account if necessary. If you are entitled to a cash benefit from one country, you may generally receive it even if you are living in a different country. This is known as the principle of exportability. From http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=850&langId=en
  8. [quote user="Clair"][quote user="nomoss"]...Let's see what happens.....[/quote] The only way he can step out of the embassy without being arrested is for him to have diplomatic status. He's have to take Ecuadorian nationality and be appointed as a diplomat "to the Court of St James". He gains diplomatic status and walks out of the embassy, giving the UK government no possibility to arrest and deport him. Everybody saves face. Problem over. [/quote] The only person the problem is over for is Assange as he has evaded justice. The victims still have a problem because justice has not been done, the Swedish still have a problem as they have not brought someone to justice and the British have a problem because they have failed in their legal duty. So, the problem is not over.
  9. As I have just said, there is a huge car park in front of the terminal building, it is common practice for caravans to park up overnight on this car park,indeed I have done it on several occasions both on outward and inward journeys. The lorry park is NOT recommended, movement all night, no security nor is an aire. Tip, fill up at Auchan just 5 km from the terminal, easy access off the motorway and good access for caravans.. http://grande-synthe.centrecommercial-auchan.fr/
  10. Yes, huge car park in front of the terminal building. Just follow the signs for the ferry and then follow the signs for non booked vehicles/terminal building,which is too your right. Parking is free.
  11. I wonder what all the righteous would say if a british citizen, accused of a child murder,managed to get into the Ecuadorian embassy in London and claimed asylum under some spurious pretext..
  12. [quote user="Hereford"] Quote: Just to clarify, the CPAM will only reimburse French citizens, not French residents. CPAM refunded the costs of anti-biotics and a consultation in China for someone we know - UK citizen but resident in France - 18 months or so ago, but probably they were fazed by the chinese! [/quote] I agree it has nothing to do with being a French Citizen, it is about how one is affiliated to the system When I was affiliated via CMUB I had a French EHIC and was reimbursed for treatment I received in a non EU country by CPAM. I now have a UK EHIC so the rules for reimbursement outside of France are the UK rules. Nothing whatsoever do do with ones nationality.
  13. Try http://www.weldom.fr/ If I remember correctly it cst me about 60€ for glass from them
  14. Me, I have a French bank account, so will gladly accept a cheque drawn on a French bank, Camp sites in Spain have also accepted my French cheques . Makes no difference where the cheque is written.
  15. So, he does get ratty,but only by PM to keep the "lovey" persona intact.
  16. I just wondered if anyone had ever asked the legalities of it or just accepted what someone(or several people) had told them. On reflection it has all to do with the law of contract. When you are issuing a cheque you are entering into a contract . so it is essential to the contract to specify the date,have it signed and in French contract law the place where the contract was initiated.
  17. It is now reached the stage where Mods are fighting amongst themselves. One Mod has been dismissed and banned from the forum with no explanation,so for us mere mortals the signs are not good .
  18. [quote user="Debra"]In his favour, I have to say I don't think I've ever seen him get ratty or bolshy like the rest of us mere mortals - even in the face of some quite nasty criticism. [/quote] You obviously have never been on the receiving end of a PM from him. I have ,on several occasions, and he turns nasty if you dare to suggest he does not understand the question ,which he often does not, or that the answer he has given is irrelevant.
  19. [quote user="Debra"][quote user="Boiling a frog"]Have you ever considered that it is not the rule[/quote]I haven't actually - I guess I just believed the bank manager, the notaire and the primary school headmaster who told me that it was the rule when we first came over here in 2005 and then just continued doing it that way - and I have seen others do it too so that reinforced the idea. Isn't it the rule then? [/quote] I suspect there must have been some element of doubt in your mind if you had to confirm it with 3 separate people, or were they all there ensemble at the signing of your first cheque.
  20. Have you ever considered that it is not the rule
  21. Here is the French advice to EHIC card holders. http://www.cleiss.fr/particuliers/je_viens_en_vacances.html Remboursement La feuille de soins datée, signée, avec les vignettes des médicaments collées, accompagnée de la prescription et d'une copie de la carte européenne d'assurance maladie ou du certificat provisoire de remplacement devront être remis à la C.P.A.M (ou la CGSS dans les DOM) dans la circonscription de laquelle les soins ont été dispensés. Vous devrez préciser votre adresse permanente ainsi que vos références bancaires (nom de la banque, adresse, code SWIFT, n° de compte avec code IBAN ou BIC). or in English Reimbursement Once you have dated and signed the feuille de soins and attached the vignettes, you should send the form to the local CPAM (or CGSS), together with the prescription and a copy of your European Health Insurance Card or Provisional Replacement Certificate. You should also fill in the feuille de soins with your permanent address and give your bank details (name of bank, address, SWIFT code, account number and IBAN or BIC). So it appears that CLEISS and NHS direct are singing from the same hymn sheet,and are giving the correct advice, while your advice is incorrect. There is no need to PM me for the link to the advice, as I have given it in this post..
  22. [quote user="idun"]How unhelpful to post like that. I was talking about GP's, as were you, in your post about your neighbours. And that too was irrelevant, as far as the OP was concerned! I could give you the links, but you know, I'm not going to. If anyone else cannot find them and wants them, please please feel free to PM me. To anyone travelling, well, personally, I would always have travel insurance. And if you need to see a french GP for a holiday emergency, then bring the bills home and send them to Newcastle. [/quote] That is not what NHS direct says .NHS direct says to go to CPAM and claim the refund. Again I quote From NHS direct Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will enable you to access state provided healthcare at a reduced cost or sometimes free. It will cover you for treatment that is needed in order to allow you to continue your stay until your planned return. It also covers you for treatment of pre-existing medical conditions and for routine maternity care provided the reason for your visit is not specifically to give birth. How to claim refunds Reimbursements are claimed from the local CPAM office (Caisse Primaire D‘Assurance Maladie) in France. You will need to provide the treatment form (feuille de soins), copies of receipts and prescriptions, a copy of your EHIC, your address of residence and your bank details, including IBAN and BIC. Confirmation of your refund will be sent to your home address. If you have had to pay for the cost of your care and have been unable to claim a refund during your stay in France you should contact the Overseas Healthcare Team (Newcastle) on 0191 218 1999 (Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm) on your return to the UK. However, this process will take longer than claiming for a refund in France. Please do not give out misinformation as it could mislead people. Generally speaking the only time that one will need to seek a refund is if one visits a GP or a specialists.and the NHS website and advice is perfectly clear, as outlined above ,your initial course of action is to claim the money back from CPAM.To try and suggest that CPAM will not reimburse you is just plain wrong. As for my post being unhelpful ,may I suggest that it is your post which is unhelpful because the correct procedure is as laid out by NHS direct.
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