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just john

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Everything posted by just john

  1. [quote user="cooperlola2"]  I have selected a piece of music - Fairport Convention's "Meet On The Ledge", which although first recorded in the '60s, has become an anthem for the Fairport faithful in the modern era.    [/quote] I have found it difficult to reply to this news, but this song made me, an Excellent choice, in fact the last time I saw Deb was at the concert in Tunbridge, and specifically joined in to this number; perfect for Coops and for all the others who have demonstrated such strength and courage in life's adversity.
  2. [quote user="woolybanana"]Oh Mr Pooksie, what can I say except b ugger b ugger b ugger, it is so unfukinfair. You are both in my thoughts[/quote] As usual Wooly has it. Devastating, words just not enough, my thoughts are with you both.
  3. What a shame, a temporary setback hopefully,  Please give Coops my best, if only our wishes were cures, but I'm sure she'll beat it anyway.
  4. you only need 4 correct out of 10 questions to pass.   (Passing requires only 4 correct answers)     1) How long did the Hundred Years' War last? 2) Which country makes Panama hats? 3) From which animal do we get cat gut?   4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? 5) What is a camel's hair brush made of? 6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? 7) What was King George VI's first name? 8) What color is a purple finch? 9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from? 10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane?     Remember, you need only 4 correct answers to pass.  Check your answers below...                 ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ 1) How long did the Hundred Years War last?  116 years   2) Which country makes Panama hats?   Ecuador   3) From which animal do we get cat gut?  Sheep and Horses 4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?  November 5) What is a camel's hair brush made of?  Squirrel Fur   6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?  Dogs 7) What was King George VI's first name?  Albert   8) What color is a purple finch?  Crimson 9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from?   New Zealand 10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane?    Orange (of course) you failed, again? Me too, ! if you try to tell me you passed, . . . .  
  5. I've been going for years and never noticed special facilities, but that shouldn't be a concern, since the Hotel de Ville (special concours), restaurants, paddock and some grandstands are all on a flat level, some others require bridging the track or long walking detours. http://www.circuit-des-remparts.com/reservations-108.html all grandstands are not included with circuit and paddock this year and you need to specify a single preference, I'd choose Tribue Cathedrale, but when I saw the price, it is more than double this year . . . . Anyway Coops I'd be only too happy to assist you all day if that encouraged you to come, please do, I expect to be with friends who would be only too happy to assist. The worst problem in my experience is finding somewhere to park but I have so far managed to meet this challenge[Www]. pm me if you prefer.    
  6. Not quite so simple, but get there early and get into your chosen grandstand before lunch; the grandstands are included in the access all areas ticket and are on a first come, first served basis. Sun hat, water, and, having got soaked to the skin on several occasions, brolly essential. I love it, and generally watch from the hairpin grandstand or just opposite the pits, but sometimes just not able to get to preferred grandstand, and end up watching from the remparts. Not to be missed.  
  7. He bist a Bristol boy, and Bristol commemorated his achievements by naming a school in his honour.
  8. I never thought that I'd be half in agreement with Morrisey  Olympics-have-made-England-foul-with-patriotism-says-Morrissey or Samuel Johnson (aka Normy), but,  Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel . . .  
  9. Such controversy, [:(] I thought the Games were about athletes not national achievements, not just about the winning but taking part. I just love Usain Bolt striking a pose, like something between an archer and a javelin, and that smile, cool guy.  Usain-Bolt-win-mens-100m-final-  
  10.  [quote user="NormanH"]I think Clair (that paragon of French rationality combined with perfect English) summed this up in a related thread [/quote] Indeed she has [quote user="cooperlola"]  I cannot take the jingoistic commentary any more. [/quote] Nor I, It's worse than religious fervour, and about as valid.[+o(]  
  11. Hi Fred, perhaps this post should have been called IOC arrogance drives visitors away;[:P] The writing was on the wall months ago when traffic chaos was brought to Weymouth with the comprehensive (and crazy) traffic light controlled road works, people stayed away. Then it was announced that the beachfront and town would be closed to traffic all day and evening, carparks converted to busparks and Park & ride charges tripled, boat moorings likewise, [I]This is not how to encourage visitors! they voted with their feet and stayed away. Accommodation wasn't swamped by olympic visitors (more accommodation available now than for years, some hotels empty). The sad tale is that the acts weren't top line, and footfall wasn't there with local numbers not enough to support the festival. Maybe, maybe not, people will return next year to what Weymouth is, a seaside port, not an expensive theme park!
  12. [quote user="Pommier"]Will it soon be Sir Bradley Wiggins, sportsman of the year?[/quote] not to mention Minister for Cyclists -  /bradley-wiggins-i-did-not-call-for-compulsory-helmets-for-cyclists- [8-)]
  13. [quote user="Frederick"] Many will be glad when the Olympics are out of town [/quote] Amend that to most, Local cafe owner saying that it's her worst trade for three years, normal visitors have voted with their feet to avoid the town and it's restrictions ' park and ride triple normal price, and less users
  14. I would think you of all people would appreciate freedom of movement Wools[:P], especially having had access all areas, it's doubly frustrating when it is curtailed. As for Weymouth, ('Georgian and glamorous'), well, any port in a storm, (and I have weathered a few storms), even the one that imported the black death to England, then provided the place for Thomas Hardy to write his first novel; you might appreciate the title 'The Poor Man and the Lady' [:D] not to mention playing theme park to some people messing about in boats for the Oimlypcs- (am I allowed to say that?)  
  15. Sore point, saw a few sails on the horizon, and   weymouth.Pelican was in the bay, but most of the town and harbour is cut off so a drive through as is our want is not currently possible, unless you jostle with the crowd of grockles, the Nothe park was restricted to tickets only and ''failed to reach it's anticipated capacity . . !'' neither is it possible to park at the Nothe Arms since that has also been taken over by the comiiteeee.[:@] but in all honesty we were too busy playing housey and went to the pub where we could park; jaundiced? who me? give us our town back!!
  16. Where there's a will, there's a way, I think I might buy one!  Badly-drawn-ploy-Clothing-stores-novel-attempt-tries-round-strict-Olympic-merchandising-rules. I stand to be converted, since I missed Mr Bean, still waiting to hear what the Volley team wore, hope it's sealskin[Www]  
  17. [quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"] This quote from the Times today sums it up for me: “The Olympics are meant to be a celebration of human endeavour. However the ’people’s games’ in London are subject to the whims of global corporations and financial institutions who seek to ’legally’ avoid tax and saturate sport with their own marketing in an attempt to sanitise their reputations, never mind limiting ticket availability and securing VIP lanes,” Kate Morris (Occupy London) [/quote] That Kate has got it soooo right, Bradley had *k*, and the '2012' has some of the worse corporates, how dare they say that even '2012' is registered, VIP lanes are not unique to London, and this morning I took my life in my hands crossing one of these in Dorset, [quote user="Clair"]  I'm on the fence about the games/sports/competition per se.  I am fed up to the back teeth with the continuous coverage of The Progress of The Torch. I am baffled by the adoration shown to it, as if it were some rare artifact to be worshipped as it is carried aloft by our betters (Eastenders? Really?) I feel manipulated and force-fed by the Beeb which keeps running these "news" items every time I want to watch some real news. And if that makes me one of the "bah-humbugs", I'd rather be one of those than a sheep! [:D] [/quote] Hear, Hear, Clair - I've always looked on these things as tribal, and I don't use woad any more Having said that, the Games are just not my bag and I detest it being force fed.  
  18. [quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"]   I didn't realise Iwasn't allowed to comment. Long may your whinge-fest continue...maybe if you get really good at it someone will give you a medal [:D][/quote] Of course feel to comment, after all we are all entitled to compete if we want, and there is more than one kind of medal, gold even, for a few . . . got tickets yet?[;-)]
  19. [quote user="Clair"]   The current Adoration of The Torch and overall enforced joviality brings to mind the cringing Jubilee coverage... Bread and games... We must enjoy this, you must enjoy this, you will enjoy this...  [/quote] Abso - olympickle - lutely, nearly as bad as North Korea in the amount of propaganda thrust down everyone's throat, I don't enjoy this, I refuse to enjoy this, you will not enjoy this... [quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"] For all the bah-humbugs out there, there is always the off button - or DVD's. I mean, no one is forcing anyone to watch it, it's not like you live in North Korea is it? [/quote]  For all those who enjoy the olympics out there, fine - enjoy ; this posting is clearly for those who won't. Despite the North Korea like entreaties like Clair said, 
  20. No apologies if I'm out of step with this fat cat junket, I'm also out of step with  Absolutely-Fabulous-BBC-One-review. I thought their take was hilarious,
  21. Result[:D]  -  ok teamwork, but 2013 sports personality of the year?
  22. Chris Froome might have managed to restrain himself, pity his girlfriend doesn't understand the benefits of acting likewise . . .  Twitter-row-erupts-wife-Bradley-Wiggins-Chris-Froomes-girlfriend.
  23. I don't know what it would take to so magnaminous -  family-murders-An-open-letter-from-the-grandfather-of-Sam-Becca-and-Charlie.
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