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just john

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Everything posted by just john

  1. [quote user="Patf"]I think this was discussed years ago, and our friend Idun (?) gave a link to a utensil for ladies to use without losing their modesty. Or getting stung. Only works if wearing a skirt. [/quote] Not taking the P, they are still available and do save ladies (women for Coops) no end of stinging embarrassment, standing up, even wearing trousers . . . [:$] http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Shewee-Female-Urination-Device-Blue-/190815665637?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2c6d7ffde5
  2. My interest in the currency is less about how it may rise or fall, though that is serious enough, but much more the human cost, especially between states, it does seem that any hope of cohesiveness is thrown to the wind, which surely will be remembered and repaid in spades with who knows what results, as indicated currently by the treatment of Cyprus. http://www.channel4.com/news/cyprus-banks-laiki-pavlou-bailout  
  3. [quote user="You can call me Betty"]  JJ you brought a little tear of nostalgia to my eye there. My mum was "Bet", always. Short for Betty, not Elizabeth..[/quote] Not LilyBet then Pet?  
  4. As Bet, but definitely not China, New York looks pretty good [Www]  Billy-Joels-Central-Park-penthouse-sells-11-4-million-dollars--10-million-dollars-profit  
  5. Dijsselbloem is now being portrayed as someone taking orders from Germany. In the Spanish press he is being called "Merkel's lackey",   margaret-thatcher-had-a-point-about-germany/
  6. Apparently the UK suffers far worse with the same problem, usually, in city bar centres during late evening . . .
  7. [quote user="NormanH"]  discussing property purchase, finance, leisure . . . !" The fact that topics on Cyprus have had many views reflects the fact that  "it is a message board which from time to time is visited by hoaxers and those not necessarily interested in discussing France and French lifestyle" [/quote] To the unblinkered I'm sure people on this UK publication and those in France are concerned with the currency, to whit the €uro, what happens to it, and how Euroland choose to deal with it can see a connection . . .
  8. [quote user="Russethouse"]  the thing (euro) which surrounded moving to France has shrunk considerably. . .[/quote] My association with France goes back decades, for holidays and some idea of a bolthole for family holidays and even possible retirement, not now though; it's the euro which has shrunk considerably as RH says; Where is the success? worse yet, has the euro not failed in every sense that has any degree of uniting the constituent people, who are every bit as disparate and even more unhappy than they ever were? I wonder how many would quietly wish that they had remained outside, Cyprus certainly, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy, even France . . . I see such unhappy states. Who are not happy to blame the euro? . . . I'm with Max  One-nastiest-immoral-political-acts-modern-times
  9. On the whole, all this up/down stuff matters not so much as whether habitants are most Ok with their life, It does seem like an awful lot of people from Euroland want to move to UK Which do you think demonstrates the most OK'ness; or where do you think people feel least OK; UK or Euroland ? Do you think they blame the Pound or the Euro?
  10. ''Jeroen Dijsselbloem Any reason anyone should leave more than €100k in a euro area bank after your comments? Any at all?'' No wonder the Euro is set to tumble, this would affect anyone who runs a significant business account, and especially anyone buying or selling a house . . .
  11. Balls has none, he shouts from behind the wimp, but the Ruskies, they play hardball, like the Chinese, who wait for a collapse before moving in . . . One day people will realise that's where the real money has gone - and is still going . . . .  
  12. I didn't want to be the first to mute the fourth Reich . . .
  13. I think I'll take that as a compliment Wools, but just where are we heading? (apart from hell in a handcart) [:'(]  
  14. More sub-plots than Spiral (Engrenages);  Perhaps the judge is being pushed to make accusations that can be refuted and bring a new improved shiny nouveau de Gaulle to the limelight in a 21st century PR stunt[;-)]  
  15. If Russian investors get a haircut then the Grey Cardinal Vova Volodya VVP won't be happy . . . http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/mar/23/cyprus-bailout-kremlin-reprisal-bank-levy and when he's not happy, who's head would roll? http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/mar/23/boris-berezovsky-found-dead-berkshire-home
  16. Interesting that Britain should be the one to send top Mandarin to be parachuted in to advise ![Www] http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/mar/22/cyprus-crisis-uk-experts-advise-bailout
  17. I can't share the optimism of some in the misery that is the euro, whereas of course your meanderings Wools, are no more than meanderings . . . aren't they? [:)]  
  18. I have read the article Q, and my concerns are not Cyprus, but the thinking of the ECB, and what would happen to other members of the EU who fail, and the knock on effect of that.  ''The European Central Bank will switch off the cash life support taps for banks in Cyprus wiping out £1.7 billion in British savings after next Monday unless the island signs off on a radical debt-cutting programme with the eurozone and International Monetary Fund. Unless a deal is in place the euro's central bank will withdraw "emergency liquidity assistance" leading to the immediate collapse of the two largest Cypriot banks and a financial crash in Cyprus. Cypriot banks are totally reliant on the ECB for funding and have taken over €9.1 billion in an emergency programme to ensure cash does not run out. Jeroen Dijsselbloem's testimony before MEPs. On agreeing a bailout package:   So, I'm not sure that this package is completely gone and failed, because I don't honestly see many alternatives. There is of course a different way to do the levy, and we're very open to a more fair approach to the way the levy is structured. On the bank levy: The levy I can strongly defend, because it is a direct way to ask a contribution of the deposits of the banking sector in Cyprus, which is inevitable if you want to a build a package which doesn't bring more loans and more debt to Cyprus than the €10bn I mentioned before. I still think it's probably inevitable there will be some kind of levy in the final package that we will agree upon. The Eurogroup thinks it's very important that we should have a fair burden share, and that means a larger contribution from large depositors than, of course, from small depositors.    
  19. It's bad enough having tax on prudent savers, what's worse is the lock down on funds, and now the threat that it may all be swallowed up. If ever there was a case for spreading savings to maintain fluidity surely this must be up there. Cash (in any bank) is no longer King. What now for all the other savers in 'approved' schemes, stocks, bonds, and property? is all to be confiscated to support this unhappy currency?  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/debt-crisis-live/9945121/Cyprus-bailout-live.html
  20. Years ago we used Brittany, they had the route we preferred and good cabins with breakfast, excellent restaurant, but then it changed, except their prices. We changed our route and used speed ferries, they collapsed, so did P&O on the routes we used, so we used Brittany once more and were extremely disappointed at the value of low service and high price. We use LD lines now, on recommendation of friends who switched, excellent value, don't expect anything else; after all it's just a crossing. With traffic seemingly reduced over the last few years, I can't see a way back for Brittany until their pricing becomes competitive and their standards improve.
  21. What price the Euro when it has to be bailed out by Russia in return for oil and gas !    what was Super Mario's lie "Within our mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough," .
  22. I think I'd rather have my money devalued, than stolen, at least "It does not mean that the pound here in Britain, in your pocket or purse or in your bank, has been devalued"  
  23. [quote user="Quillan"] Well I mean to say the Euro sceptics would be well at home in Scotland with Salmond at the tiller. They have a lot in common with him predominantly the ability to lie, talk c*ap and have a low IQ but then they probably wouldn't mind that just to escape the USE and the Euro which lets face it is doing a lot better than both sterling and the pound and suffers less inflation as well but let not the truth stand in the way.[/quote] There are statistics and statistics, I'm sure we are all entitled to our view, and equally sure I wouldn't apply the above comments to Hans-Olaf Henkel, former head of Germany's industry federation (BDI) and a chastened europhile -- the "worst error of my professional life" (amongst others in Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal; even the UK doesn't have 50% youth unemployment, riots and US investors laughing)[:)]    
  24. Despite holding a Frequent Traveller card they have been a bit remiss in letting people know what's going on, only after booking my trip did they let me know about the offer of books of 10 or 20 fixed price tickets, which can be shared and used by friends in different vehicles! Though having been caught by Speedferries on a similar deal it might make you wonder how long they offer availability. Still seems like a good deal though. Dear Customer, As one of our regular passengers, LD Lines is pleased to advise you of our latest offer of prepaid tickets in bulk. This year, we will have two cross channel offers. We offer you to purchase 10 crossings for a standard size car (up to 1.85m in height and 5m in length) and up to 2 passengers, including standard reclining seat accommodation for £680 on Portsmouth-Le Havre and £545 on Newhaven-Dieppe. Buy a minimum of two lots of ten tickets and we will offer you two additional similar single tickets. The 10 tickets are to be used before 10th January, 2014. Following receipt of your registration form and full payment, you will receive your membership number by return. Unlike previous years, we will be able to take your payment by credit card either in Euros or Pounds without any card fees. The crossings, in either direction, can be undertaken by yourself, or can be passed on to parents and friends. All reservations must be made to bulktickets@ldlines.fr using the attached booking form. Please note the number of vehicles allocated to this offer will be limited on some sailings. In order that we may provide you with the best possible service, you are advised to make your reservations as early as possible. Under no circumstances will reservations be accepted at the terminal on the day of departure. Should you require a supplementary service, such as cabin accommodation or transport of a caravan or trailer, your request should be confirmed and paid for when reserving your crossing, and will be subject to availability. Please see attached 2013 Price List. Before you confirm your bookings, we strongly advise you to check our website for any cheaper special offers, especially in the lower season. Please find attached full terms and conditions of this offer, together with a registration form that should be returned to the address given below as early as possible. Please note that the availability of this offer is limited and subscription can be suspended at any time. Yours sincerely, The Subscription Department LD Lines Terminal de la Citadelle Quai Auguste Brostrom B.P 90746 76060 Le Havre 0033 235 197 863 Terminal de la Citadelle Quai de Brostrom BP90746 F-76060 Le Havre cedex Office: + 33 (0)235197863 DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected by legal rules, and for use by the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return the message to the sender and delete it and any attachments from your computer without copying it or disclosing its contents to anyone. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, no responsibility is accepted in this regard and the recipient should scan and carry out such other checks as it considers appropriate.
  25. [quote user="Frederick"]Cracks  !   The whole EU is like one  big crazy pavement  !  All sorts of political factions springing up dissatisfied  with the ways things have turned out . [/quote] There are no winners. Each country is blighted in turn, and in different ways. Like Goethe's Sorcerer's Apprentice, they have launched an experiment they cannot control. The broom has a fiendish will of its own. A lot of people have been saying this for sometime, meanwhile the deadly behemoth lumbers on, other than a few eurocrats I fail to see a country that is really benefiting; the last few lines of the article says it; roll on a split, so a fix can begin.
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