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Posts posted by johnjones

  1. [quote]When we voted in the increases in both taxes last year,we unanimously voted to increase holiday/second homes higher than residential properties as per previous years. These properties do not contribut...[/quote]

    In addition to Nelson's notes about  contribution to the local economy, I have spent large amounts with local artisans renovating my 'holiday home' .  It's very doubtful that a 'local' would have spent the same or taken the care I have and that comment came from my local carpenter.... Yes I'm lucky enough to have a second home and pay my taxes and contribute to the local economy.  But to expect me to subsidise you (Val2) that went along with the fall of the Berlin wall ! JJ
  2. [quote]Thanks JJ that is very helpful. Perhaps I should explain. My husband is disabled and one of the many problems that this brings with it is a difficulty in regulating his body temperature. He strugg...[/quote]

    Michelle , I expect that you have been quoted for split units ie a unit in each chosen room , connected to a compressor / heat exchanger outside, these will have fans and make some noise.  It is best if they are not in direct sunlight (it makes them cheaper to run) and not outside bedrooms etc , as the noise will be quite intrusive at night especially if you are in a quiet rural location!! The exterior units can be mounted a reasonable distance away , just involves a bit more piping and cables.  If you hav'nt checked it out yet you will need to ensure that your electricity supply is up to the requirements .  JJ
  3. [quote]Hi We are in the process of having a house built in 14. After what seems an enormous amount of deliberation the builders have come up with a 'devis' for the provision of air conditioning. (Here in ...[/quote]

    Michelle, you must be nuts wanting air con in Normandy , however..  Air conditioning in simple terms means moving heat from one place to another ie inside to outside.  The machinery ie the heat exchangers have to go outside to lose the heat unless of course you want to turn the loft into an oven !  So you will have boxes and fans outside.  The system will run off electricity (lots of it) the gas will refer to the medium that is used to transfer the heat within the system.  Hope this helps . JJ
  4. [quote]I am putting in a central heating system and the only bit I have yet to get is the oil fired boiler. I have looked around and was ready to purchase when I was offered one from a large house which is b...[/quote]

    The most economical boiler is one which is working close to its rated ouput, ie around 85% of its rating.  One with too much capacity will never achieve its maximum efficiency due to the constant fire up/cool down cycle and will thus cost you more to run.

  5. [quote]I have now created a sperate forum for members looking to meet like minded people. Of course this doesn't have to be just for personal relationships/friendships, the forum can be used for people look...[/quote]

    Thats  good but whats it called.  I know I fell off a ladder at the weekend but I can't find it ......jj
  6. [quote]Have you got a house in France John? and if so, whereabouts? I got great news today! Chuck[/quote]

    Yes, I do have a house, in Normandy.  However live in the UK at present due to family and work committments.  The reason for my post is simple though, all the single women that I have met in the UK  to date don't seem to share my passion for France.  I might be wrong but there must be a lot of like minded singles who use this forum.  JJ

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