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Everything posted by JayJay

  1. I hope your top taster & of course you, enjoy them. It's just a shame clotted cream isn't readily available here.
  2. Another recipe for you to try ... 8oz  SR flour ( Francine Gateau is fine ) 2oz butter 1oz castor sugar 1 level tspn baking powder 1 pinch of salt 1/4 pt buttermilk/ lait ribot ( 1 or two more tbspns if you need it ) Plus 2oz of sultanas if you want fruit scones.
  3. [quote user="Clair"][quote user="Catalpa"]Where do I want to be laid to rest? I'll be dead. I won't be "resting" anywhere. Having seen a few dead bodies in my time, to me the body is an irrelevant shell once whatever it is that animates that body departs. I definitely want to be cremated as anything else would be a waste of space but as to what happens to my ashes... well, it's of no interest to me. Those decisions have to be made by the next-of-kin and they have to do what feels right for them and what aids their grieving process. Assuming anyone is grieving... [6] Nice to see you Twinks. [:D] [/quote] What she says... [:)] [/quote] Ditto ditto! [:)]   Norman, no problems sorting out a cremation, it seems to be getting more the norm in fact & nobody I have known that has been cremated has been a member of the crématistes.  
  4. [quote user="pachapapa"] France 3 will commence their three part operatic blockbuster this evening saturday. The broadcast "en direct" from Mantoue in Italy rather than an established Opera House reflects Verdi's setting for the work. So tonight and tomorrow afternoon and evening. [/quote] Yes & it's on BBC2 too!
  5. I would say it was a garden warbler. Plenty around at the moment.
  6. JayJay


    Have a look at this site, it should be of some use to you http://www.plantes-et-jardins.com/magazine/calendrier/index.asp?id_week=3&id_zone=2&id_location=1&long_day=40401 Just look to see what colour the area of the SW you want & click on corresponding region.  
  7. FIA = Ferrari International Association! So much for the rules & punishment, it stinks yet again. Considering how Alonso won a race before, we should be happy that Massa didn't have to crash out for FA to get the win.
  8. [quote user="JayJay"]It never shows under your own posts, only email does.[/quote] Swissie, read it again!
  9. It never shows under your own posts, only email does.
  10. [quote user="Pierre ZFP"] Deutche Telekom have set up a help line for distraught England fans: 0800 41 41 41   [/quote]   [:-))] Oh Pierre, love it! [B]
  11. Relatives of mine are on the same flight as you tomorrow, if you're going to Southampton. They have just checked in online, so have another go. I don't check in online & have not had any check in problems at the desk & I have onward flights always.
  12. [blink] Hang on, the clue being in the 'lapsed'!!
  13. But it should be St George Cross not the Union Jack or flag today!  [Www]
  14. [quote user="Russethouse"] Yes, and with the hide of a Rhino to boot ! I suspect Q is busy working, he does happen to have a fairly successful business you know [:)] [/quote]   You should have used the wynkin smiley there somewhere, RH! [:D]  
  15. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a19/freeTheInternet/Smiley/Medium/smiley-yawn.gif[/IMG]  Have that one on me! [;-)]
  16. [quote user="Swissie"]There are plenty of topics that do not interest me, bore me rigid, annoy me even - some topics or questions return periodically, for some reason or other. I just ignore them - it is very easy. [/quote]   Oh the irony! It's obviously not that easy for you at all. Funny how YOU restarted a VERY old thread, one that you knew would kick off yet again. I wonder why you did that, but hey, you have all the answers!
  17. [quote user="Swissie"]And you live in lala land. And you expect me to believe you stand for openess and truth - perhaps rather typical (and even sillier). [/quote] OFGS!! If that is aimed at me, you can believe what the hell you like, you do anyway. BTW, I'm NOT a mason, you silly person!   Sorry Russethouse, pull away. I am!
  18. [quote user="Swissie"]It is silly to believe (and I am sure you do not) that they would give me the answers. It is even more silly to think that I do not know the answers! If you are lurking in the shadows elsewhere, at least have the decency to make yourself known. [/quote] You amaze me!! BTW, I look in on many forums, as do you & they are public forums. That means I don't need to post or make myself known on any of them or even be a member. I do hope that is OK with you.
  19. If you want to be like that, then you! You have the links, I would suggest you ask masons your questions, NOT silly at all.
  20. The fact that you bang on & on about them. So, if answers are what you want, you have two links, both would be a good place to start.....don't you think? [Www]
  21. I don't believe it, the two anti masons banging on about them on two forums now. [blink] Here, this is for the pair of you.... http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/1266/974805/ShowPost.aspx#974805 So you can change the damn record! [6] OR.....how about asking your questions & putting your points of view here http://www.thefreemason.com/community/  or here http://forum.mastermason.com/  
  22. [quote user="Ceejay"]Dog is Dog = very anti masonry. I seem to remember that a similar thread was closed down some time ago due to the unseemly intervention of said person. [/quote] And not forgetting Swissie, who started this off again & on a thread that was started in 2006!! [blink]
  23. This site is very good, just click on one of the 4 choices for your situation. It's on Montagnard at the mo.  http://www.plantes-et-jardins.com/magazine/calendrier/index.asp?id_zone=4&id_location=1&long_day=40174&id_week=3
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