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Posts posted by Dominique

  1. Please can anyone advise me. I want to have some signs made for Chambre d,hotes, one for the road in the village and one for my house itself. I have searched pages jaune but to no avail, does it come under panneau, I can,t seem to find the french word for sign writers. If anyone has had signs made or have made them themselves, I would be grateful for any advice.

    I live on the borders of the Lot and Dordogne, depts 24 and 46.
    I have tried the DDE but they were not very helpful, saying there were new regulations being brought in, signs would be be allowed to be put on the sides of the roads, and those there would be taken down. I checked with my mairie and they confirmed this, but if we were to put them on Private property this would be o.k., The maire has said it would be okay to put them in the village.

    So please if anyone can help me with this I would be most grateful.

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