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Moulin Neuf

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Posts posted by Moulin Neuf

  1. We have brought all our capital to France and invested in an Assurance Vie with Credit Agricole.  Not only is it protected from the eyes of the tax man as it is in a tax wrapper, it avoids potential inheritence tax.  We have taken a high risk - all relatively unrisky - and have made 7% tax free last year.

    Everything is negociable in France - banks enjoy having relationships with customers.  I haggled with them and reduced the entrance fee.  The cash is readily available (with penalties).  The other thing is if you are not pensionable and past the time of having health from E106 and CPAM cover for the first two years, your health payment is calculated on 8% of world wide income, including savings in UK, (this is after an allowance of 7000 euros approx)  Money in an assurance vie is not grossed up for this calculation - which can be a further saving.  Further advantage we have found is that the banks will lend against the assurance vie - good for buying a property with interest rate of 4% fixed for life of the loan.  Again I haggled for this using the amount invested as the haggling point. 7-4=3% instant non taxable profit!

    Good luck - Jan

  2. I contacted SSAFA in UK to ask for help and the Chairman of SSAFA France has been on to the British Consulate in Bordeaux - (with more success than I had) - and it appears that quite a number of people have been refused cover at present.  We went up to CPAM to have a chat but no one would talk to us as we are contesting the decision.  We have now formally contested the decision in writing - and are awaiting the reply.  I am sure it is an error made as the original act talkes about being 'en poste' in France.  A full military in rural France is easily taken as a salary - so we have been decided to be patient.  The tax office agree we are not in this category and still wwant us to declare tax this year.  Diplomats and serving forces are excused this.

    We wait ....


  3. The assurance we have taken out has been with a company called April Assurances.  It is their Premier Euro Non assujettis L'assurance sante des non-assujettis.  - Une garantie sante individuelle specialment cocue pour les personnes ne beneficant d'aucun regime obligatoire d'Assurance Maladie.

    Their address: April Assurances, Siege social, 27 rue Maurice Flandin BP3261  69403 Lyon cedex 03.  Fax 04 78 53 65 18 Internet www.april.fr.


  4. Tha nk you all for your concern.  Now that our anger has deminished abit, we are appealing against the decision.  Meanwhile we have found a company who have given us cover at about the same price of affiliating and having a mutuelle.  Also if we win our appeal CMU will give us the first 3 months of the year for nothing - and on the production of an attestation from CMU the insurance company will cancel our cover without penalty.

    One of the staff in one of the insurance firms we visited actually told us she thought we were very lucky as we could choose - and our policy covers us world wide.  She thought many a French person would like the choice.

    We will post the outcome - my main anger is someone saying 'no' and also not having notified us before the cover ran out.  One good thing is that the prescriptions signed before the end of last year will be honoured by both CPAM and the mutuelle.

    One question we shall be persuing - if we have the special status given to serving diplomats, soldiers, etc,  then will they allow us the priviledges with regard to not being subject to taxes, inheritance laws and capital gains tax.  Could be an amazing advantage.



  5. We were wanting to go to Spain for a month and I telephoned to ask if I could have a Carte International.  We have not to date had a letter - and infact have updated our carte vitales at the pharmacie since the beginning of the year.  I was told that there was a letter on its way to us refuing us affiliation.  I have telephoned everyone every where.  UK are sorry but not interested. The British Consul in Bordeaux was sorry but could not help.  Eventually, I am being told by one of the big bosses at CMU Poitiers that it is because we fall into a very particular category.  According to Para 383.3 of the Code de la Securite Social (I wrote a transalation down and think it is accurate)  "People founctionaire of a foreign state and their families are not allowed to affiliate to the CMU."  This includes all ex-miliitary, and all civil service and practically everyone who has ever worked for the governnment.  We can be taken back on charge at age 65 when we have a state pension. 


  6. Yes, we declared in Sept 2003 that we were here, filled in a tax form for 2004 and paid taxes this autumn.  We have fully complied with absolutely everything.  My husband is a retired serviceman - and although he declares his taxes here (and pays some here) he pays tax on his pension in UK as a foncionaire.  We are totally shocked by this refusal.



  7. After two years in France, on an E106, we have filled in  all the necessary forms and because my husband and I are not of retirement age, we have been refused medical cover through CMU/CPAM.  Has any one else encountered this?  What are we supposed to do?  Apparantly we have no cover since 31 Dec 2005.  We thought we would simply pay 8% of our revenue.



  8. I have been trying to find out how foncier and habitation taxes are affected by renovation.  Is there somewhere a table of charges - I know the sq meters but it is the level of luxury - do we have ensuite bathrooms or not?  We are converting a mill.   We would appreciate any help - I have been to the mairie and the dde but they all say 'when you have finished we will come and assess'.  Does nonovating the outside affect the taxe? Many thanks



  9. We run and indoor pool with electricity - it is expensive and at present closed down.  I have solar panels - the plastic tubes that warm water which is circulated with a pump - quite successful in summer.  However, it is only that we live in a mill and we had absolutely no idea what the potential is.  We intend to stay here until we leave in a box - so it is worth just looking at even if we decide not to do anything.  Thank you for your information - I am meeting with someone who has restored mills locally and we are going to talk.  As you say finance will eventually dictate what we do - certainly we are not looking to make a  profit.

    Many thanks for all your comments.


  10. We live in a mill - the mill wheel is still in place and we are on a weir.  Does anyone know where we would start in trying to generate electricity?  Who would we have to involve - and how would we do it?  I suppose the other possibility is geothermic heating - I am not sure what it is except it uses water!

    Help please


  11. We have today received a form to fill in (expiry of E106) and have been asked to send

    form filled in

    2 x carte vitale

    bills proving residence

    l'avis d'imposition (annee 2004

    justifcation of pension, salary or unemployment etc plus revenue from savings and lettings

    tax d'habitation 2005.

    We are living on a non-state pension as my husband is 56 years old. Can anyone please answer this question - I understand that we pay 8% over an allowance for medical care - is this 8% of pension, or is it 8% of pension plus savings interest etc.  If it includes letting a property - is it on net letting or gross letting?  Please help.


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