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Everything posted by Rainbow

  1. WiFi is a must. Or at least Internet Access.
  2. Have used Abritel in the past but now they are part of the homeaway group have gone off them. Currently use: a-gites.com amivac.com Both have good results with French and are inexpensive. Bon chance
  3. Oh, yes, charge something for it otherwise it will get abused.
  4. Does anyone have a gite available for a rental from 27th March until end of June for a family currently renting here with us. We can not accommodate after 27/03. Minimum 3 bedrooms required. They are a family of 4 boys (11, 7, 6 and 14months) and a 9 year old dog. All are very well behaved. They need to be near Castillon la Bataille (or within driving distance) because the boys are a school there. Internet access is also a must. I know this is a tall order but I want to try and help. Please let me know if you have or know of any possibilities, even if for only 2 months. They are looking to buy as well. Many thanks
  5. [quote]Hi - can anyone advise me on where to buy a Large woodburning stove in France? I can find 20kw models in the UK but places like Castorama seem to stop around 13kw. Many thanks[/quote] Both Godin and Franco-Belge have web sites, you might try there to see what your options are. If you are anywhere near Dept 24 we have a great bloke locally who can get anything in that range.
  6. Hello out there, Anyone use PayPal or similar for collecting payments on gite rental? Does it work well and is it cost effective? Anyone using French bank account to send payment to? Are you charged by PayPal and the receiving bank? Advice and information regarding above or similar very welcome. S&C
  7. If you do not rent out your house all year, or at all, but want to holiday somewhere else for free(other than the original joining fee 85)try this excellent web site: http://www.holidayswopshop.com Its a great idea. S&C
  8. If you do not rent out your house all year, or at all, but want to holiday somewhere else for free(other than the original joining fee 85)try this excellent web site: http://www.holidayswopshop.com Its a great idea. S&C
  9. Does anyone know if it is possible to apply for your carte Sejour before you have received E106 back or do you have to have this first. S&C
  10. Do you have to have E106 and top up insurance proof before you can apply for Carte sejour? Or can you start process of carte Sejour and provide proof of health cover afterwards? Help. S&C
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