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Posts posted by Phweephwoo

  1. Hello
    Sorry not to have been in contact with you before now, I've been trying to get more details out of Live 8/Sail 8 but they're understandably a bit busy. All I have so far is:
    The British "fleet" arrives in Cherbourg from lunchtime Saturday, they will arrive at the Port du Plaisance apparently, and leaves Sunday morning. I was asked if I could help out with all the people from France who will be boarding the boats checking they've got their passports/identity cards, and generally saying hello and introducing them to the sailors etc. Also of course saying hello to all the Brits, and making them feel welcome, pointing them in the right directions to find shops etc in CHerbourg, and generally doing what I can to make everyone's life a bit easier.
    I've also been asked by the BBC to round up French people who'd be willing to be interviewed for Broadcasting House about their reactions to all these little boats, and Live 8 in general, so that should be fun.
    I aim to get to Cherbourg about 11-11.30 depending on the traffic and I'll just stand around the Port du Plaisance looking lost and lonely all day, and probably half of the night, and then Sunday till everyone has gone when I'll pack sleeping bag back up in my car and head home to Brittany.
    I'm sorry that's all I can tell you at the moment, but if you'd like to come down to the Port, wave at the boats, help out making everyone feel welcome, and maybe doing some translation, and who knows maybe being interviewed by the Beeb then that would be great.
    My phone number is 0033 6 32 01 90 64 feel free to ring over the weekend to find out exactly where I am, and what's happening. Also don't forget if you're in Cherbourg tomorrow that there's a Make Poverty History event, and apparently the town hall is being draped in white ribbons, and all sorts of things are happening.
    If I have any more information before I leave on Saturday morning first thing I'll let you know.
  2.  Hello,

    I was approached today by the office of Bob Geldof, to ask with helping co-ordination of the Sail8 fleet which is sailing into Cherbourg this weekend to pick up any Europeans who wish to go to Edinburgh for the G8. Please forgive the double posting, but I felt this was quite important, and a bit urgent, and last minute, is there anything about Bob that isn't?

    They are looking for volunteers to be in Cherbourg over the coming weekend, to welcome the boats in and to act as a meeting point/translator etc. If you'd like to help at all, and could volunteer some time even an hour or two then let me know on 0632019064 or e-mail [email protected].

    It would be great to see people from these forums helping to Make Poverty History.


  3. Hello

    I was approached today by the office of Bob Geldof, to ask with helping co-ordination of the Sail8 fleet which is sailing into Cherbourg this weekend to pick up any Europeans who wish to go to Edinburgh for the G8.

    They are looking for volunteers to be in Cherbourg over the coming weekend, to welcome the boats in and to act as a meeting point/translator etc. If you'd like to help at all, and could volunteer some time even an hour or two then let me know on 0632019064 or e-mail [email protected].

    It would be great to see people from these forums helping to Make Poverty History.


  4. [quote]P......o,brits using the french health system for free,have you had a bump on the head?please do tell how to use it for free,We are in the french system[/quote]

    Ah well I didn't say we did, I just said there are those who say we do.

    And coco, do you want to stir up trouble? Almost certainly this grant was for the development of tourism in deprived rural areas. As such anyone providing this would be entitled to it no matter what their nationality. No doubt also this money was ring-fenced and could not be used to install a loo in some old house. If you have a problem with this you should no doubt right to the government to protest at their use of tax-payers money to help the development of tourism, and not to the local mayor.

    Off for a drive in the famous car now.

  5. [quote]I think it is scandalous that you move to another country where you are fortunate enough to have a second home, then after making a killing on your UK property expect the government then to subsidise ...[/quote]

     Well as has been pointed out already here Chuck, these grants are MEANS TESTED so if you're a wealthy second home owner you're not going to get a grant. There are however some grants available for restoring historically significant buildings, and if you happen to be the owner of one onf these then why shouldn't you get a grant, no matter what your nationality.

    Remember as a European, you've been paying your taxes in your country of origin for years. Part of those go to the European Union, which then comes back to France in the form of grants and subsidies. I dare say every British taxpayer could say that they've been indirectly paying to support your local farmer's set aside.

    It's the same argument when we hear the argument of Brits coming and using the French Helath Service for free. There is a European-wide agreement which allows for the transfer of funds between member states to pay for their own nationals' healthcare. In practise apparently this is rarely applied as the numbers of foreign nationals in the different member states usually balances out. In fact as it's said there are more French nationals living in Britain.....

    Anyway I think it's time for this storm in a teacup to blow over. It's bad enough to have a tiny minority of Breton feeling animosity towards Brits. If we start hating each other, where will we get?

    Off to watch France 2 now, to see if they've misquoted me as badly as the Daily Telegraph.

  6. [quote]It was in the telegragh as well.[/quote]

    Telegraph ? Was it?

    But seriously, enough already, I doubt we're speculators on here, so that means we're either.

    • Retired Brits who sold up looking for the cheapest house possible so we could invest our gains in the bank.
    • Working Brits earning a French wage and so looking for a cheap house because we can't afford more
    • Parents of kids who'll be needing a house soon enough and so will want to buy an inexpensive first time buyers' property.
    • Jobseeking Brits who obviously want to pay the least we can for any property we can find.

    I think we can all say we appreciate cheap housing, in fact only those either developing to sell on, or selling up to go back to Blighty are really interested in maximum returns.

  7. Well I have to say the Anti-British protesters were very nice to this Brit when he went to talk to them. Gave me a poster, offered me cake and cider, and generally chatted. I think like all things when you're faced with a living breathing part of your hated community you tend to change your mind.

    One thing I find ironic.

    Pour aider les communes les plus modestes à racheter ces bâtiments ou terrain, il faut obtenir la création d’un établissement public foncier aux larges compétences financé par le conseil régional, les communautés de communes, les conseils généraux, l’europe.

    So they don't want us buying their houses, but they'll take the Euro-subsidy some of which is British taxes, and use that to pay for their own houses.


    Anyway I feel it's a tempete in a tasse du thé.


    PS. I was misquoted in the Daily Telegraph.

  8. LAST EDITED ON 06-Aug-04 AT 03:41 PM (BST)

    I'm sure some people on here listen to Radio 4 either on Long Wave or the Net or via Sky and if so you might well know Broadcasting House on at 10-11am Sunday (French Time).

    Last week they asked people to nominate their towns or villages as a place to broadcast the show from, having already broadcast from Paris Plage and today I received an e-mail from Fi Glover (presenter) to say that Bourbriac has been short-listed.

    This coming Sunday 8th of August everyone can vote for their choice, and so of course as Brits in Brittanny I just know you'll all really want to support Bourbriac and who knows maybe have your chance to be on Radio 4.

    So on Sunday visit the website http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/news/bh/ or e-mail [email protected] and

    VOTE BOURBRIAC!!!!!!!!
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