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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Finally saw the TV programme! I agree a few places we had not been aware of to visit. Yes, the baby bottle idea seems a little fetish (but perhaps thats just me!)so I'll leave that idea. The Mc Donald white sign is significant thought. For example there are dotting around the world different coloured 'M' signs and it is amazing how many people have seen these 'other' colours. I understand there is a prize for collecting the whole set...but dont ask me where these signs can be located or what the prize might be. Sorry for that useless bit of information!
  2. On Monday 22nd Sept on BBC 1 at 7pm (British time) holiday programme called 'You call the shots'. It will feature Paris and, I am hoping, sights off the tourist tracks!
  3. Time Out Magazine have a feature on Paris and around this month. I found it interesting reading...just thought I would share this. Also I am interested to know if anyone reads this bit of the forum... Have a great weekend!
  4. If you would like to explore Paris and its culture more the following sites maybe of interest to you...ande some are free! www.paris.fr/musees www.rmn.fr www.culture.gouv.fr www.espacepaulricard.com www.fondation-comprim.com www.icarfoundation.org www.pavillion-arsenal.com www.citefutee.com
  5. For those who wish to take advantage of freebies in Paris the following sites will be of interest. All national museums are free 1st Sunday of each month. www.paris.fr/musees www.rmn.fr Under 18's are free in all museums Dont forget all small museums are free all year round. In May 2003 there is an event Europe-wide.... www.culture.gouv.fr Enjoy...
  6. For those who wish to take advantage of freebies in Paris the following sites will be of interest. All national museums are free 1st Sunday of each month. www.paris.fr/musees www.rmn.fr Under 18's are free in all museums Dont forget all small museums are free all year round. In May 2003 there is an event Europe-wide.... www.culture.gouv.fr Enjoy...
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