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Everything posted by skipper

  1. Hi. I shall be moving to the Savoie at the end of October with my friendly rescue dogs, to an ideal house with an acre of fenced garden with no neighbours. Previous French resident for 14 yrs when I ran a very successful non profit rescue association called Doglinks, I'm thinking of offering 'doggie day care' once the dogs are settled. I will not take on any more dogs or become involved in rescue again, as the stress last time was just overwhelming, but given my lovely new rural, dog friendly surroundings, I did wonder about offering this service. People returning to work who have dogs they don't want to leave alone all day, or if there is a problem with hospitalisation etc etc. I must stress this will not be a registered Kennels but a home environment where the dogs will be in the house with us. So I am just testing the waters to see if dog minded people on this forum think this might be a useful thing to do, or maybe are already doing it and have feedback? I shall be in the Chambery zone but out in the sticks in rolling countryside. Cheers all and thanks for reading.
  2. Hi new to forum. I am British national and I have been living in Italy since 2018 and have residency permit here and healthcare etc. My son lives (for 20 years, works married to French lady kids etc) in Savoie nr Chambery. I am retired, early 70s living alone and my sons would prefer I move to be near them given advancing age, Covid etc. My son has bought a house for me to live in down the road from him but sale will not complete till 21 Oct. I/we have visited all the relevant Govt Brexit websites regarding the various options for Visa applications etc bur remain confused as to the actual best way to proceed. Prior to moving to Italy I lived in France from 2007 to 2018 and still have my old Carte Vitale (will it still work?) and my tax code reference. Will either of these be useful? Is there anyone out there who has experience of this particular set of circumstances, or who knows how I/we need to get this done properly without any mistakes that could land me in the mire! I understand that I will need private health cover for at least three months till I can get back on the CPAM register but : which visa will I need and how can I get it given I will not be able to move into the house my son has bought for me till October .....past the Sept 21 cut off date? I will be hugely grateful for some expert advice - many thanks.
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