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Posts posted by Judith-aka-Judith

  1. Sue,

    Take a copy ... and keep that copy, you will not guess how many times you will need it (we didn't and had to get a replacement!).  Then contact CPAM, who are the ones who register it .. unless he worked here, in which case I don't know which Caisse it will be.

    No doubt someone will know .. it's what we did when we came here as retirees anyway.

  2. Hi Lori,
    Montsegur may be stunning, but it is really in the middle of nowhere!  And the main reason it exists, the Cathars always went where there were no crowds, though of course, Montsegur was one of their last escape places, rather than a pure choice!  And yes, indeed, there are reasons why some places are so green!!

  3. I don't like or watch football either, but even so, you cannot help but be pleased that they have done so well this year.  If they make it through I shall be  pleased, but still won't watch it.

    In fact, I shall be glad when it, and the tennis are over and TV returns to some semblance of normality, but then we have the Olympics which means that sanity will not last long. 

    Oh, and then it will be the Proms, which at least is accepable, but again takes over without trying. 

    I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't keep moving the quizzes and such which I DO watch, just because of one of these above events.  Just give us a bit of relief, please!

  4. I think that the Nissan plant would have been built (or extended, whatever) even if Brexit had not alrady happened.  The plant was already there, and seemed sensible, I should think.  There is just a possibility that the red tape will be less, but if they want to export to Europe (which is why they based themselves there once upon a time if my memory serves me correctly) I suspect it won't be easier, but in fact, harder!  No advantage there, then.

  5. On this one, ALBF, I agree with you.  Wanting change was at least one of the reasons, but underneath all that I suspect there were others.  But that is one of the major reasons, yes.

  6. Antonia,

    Good to have someone posting on the minutiae of French life, and thanks for lightening the tone after a few days of so seriously heavy postings!

    I do know of the leaving of a bottle and charging by what you drink, but what you describe is new to me, though I have yet to get to Brittany.

    Personally, and like you, I find it most odd!

    But then, I'm beginning to find some of French life quite odd ...

  7. Ken,
    Wrong!  Being a British citizen is what gives peole the vote, no matter where they live.  The current rule of loosing that vote after 15 yrs away is maybe what is confusing you. It doesn't' seem to confuse anyone else.

  8. " I'm sorry but the referendum was for those living in the U.K. not all over the world!"

    Ken, why must you talk such rubbish!  The referendum was for all UK citizens still having a vote, and certain others, whose category is not relevant to this comment.  It mattered not where they lived.  I was eligible to vote, as was my husband.  We live in France.  It affects us - daily.  Having to change, or just acquire a titre de séjour, is just one example.  I will not go on, as you do.

  9. My only visit, with a friend who then lived in Neuilly, I remember it being windy and not particularly scenic.  I think we went because once upon a time (she's now dead and even then was retired) she worked there and she was showing me some of her old haunts as a way of seeing non-tourist Paris!   She let me do the tourist thing on my own, but her knowledge allowed  me to skip the queue for the Louvre, just by using the  metro and knowing which stop to get off at!  Such feiends, sadly missed, are the gems in this world!

  10. Antonia, thank you. You are the first to mention the dreaded C word - Covid.  I am about as sure as I can be that the full effects of Brexit will not be seen until the pandemic is over .. and until that happens, none of us, including Ken, can say what the effects have been, as Covid has muddied the waters supremely.

  11. NickP,

    I fact you are incorrect on this one.  Kim who runs the Facebook page not only has direct contact with ANTS, she keeps (and is kept) up to date with it all.  Her page is full of correct information, and she knew that this announcement was imminent, and it appeared on the FB group she manages as soon as it was cleared to be publicised, with a comment that it would be best to wait to act until the MOI produced their information before the end of the day (it did), as that would be the definitive information to follow.  So no brickbats please. In this instance they are totally unjustified.

  12. Getting ready to be installed as President of my Rotary Club.  There was much ribald chivving from the members (almost all French of course) when I got there ...  but they too were all sorry for us.

    Not a day I remember fondly, other than we had a great handover!

    A better memory is that is also the day my neice got engaged .. now that is something still to celebrate!

  13. Well said, Chessie and Hoddy.  We could indeed do with a like button on here.

    Ken, anti-Brexit, well as a Brit, when you live in Europe, you most likely are going to be anti-Brexit, and we are all doing what we now have to do to continue living here.  It doesn't mean that we now think Brexit was a good idea, but that we have accepted it happened for the moment, as life is too short to continue a fight that will continue for years yet I suspect.

    It is a well balanced forum, as Chessie says, we know each other well, pull each other's legs regularly, but with no malice.  Strong, and sometimes wrong, viewpoints expressed are tolerated, but if they continue ad infinitum even the gentle souls on here eventual express disatisfaction.

    An argument, well argued and supported with facts is always acceptable. Rants for the sake of gaining points are not.

    Go figure.

  14. There was a problem with this late last year as Brexit really struch, and our rights were said to be ended on 31/12/2020 ..S1s also.  It was an misunderstanding by some Caisses about the Withdrawal Agreement, and once mentioned (I did it by email on the Ameli site as we are not close to the CPAM office, besides which all was then closed), it was straightened out very quickly. It might just be that problem resurfacing.  Worth knowing anyhow, just in case. 

  15. Weather app on the phone thinks it is already 30 here .. 10am!  I'm going nowhere!!  Fans to the ready ... again!  Currently no wind either, but that usually changes as the heat rises. Back into my burrow I think!

  16. Mint, thank YOU!

    It is the first reference I have seen to say this, and is very envouraging ...

    OH gets his second jab this week, so then we can begin to plan a little.  I suspect it will become more evident in a few more days as the new rules bed in, though I will admit that our first plan was to find somewhere in France to have a break, especially since I am limited currently in how long I can go away for due to the ongoing tests.

    The more people are vaccinated, the better it should get, but wide vaccination coverage is still slow going it seems.

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