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Cathar Tours

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Posts posted by Cathar Tours

  1. The official tax calculator for 2015 can be found using the link below.


    If your French is not up to it then use the Chrome browser which has built in translation.

    Answer the questions in the right boxes and you get the amount due at the end. It is anonymous so you don't have to give your details. It is worth printing out at the end so you can work out where to put the amounts on your real tax return when it arrives. 

    At your age you would have given your E121/S1 to CPAM so no social payment there. The old CSG tax will apply at 15.5% but you can claim that back (all but 2.5%). You won't be able to after 2015 because CSG has been scraped (good news) and has been replaced with another tax (bad news) which is roughly (in English) a Citizen Tax on everyone living in France and strangely works out roughly to the same rate as CSG.

  2. I think you are right and may also be to do with the end of CSG as of the 1st Jan 2016 which is replaced with the "impĂ´t citoyen sur le revenue" (citizen income tax) that is not a social tax like the old CSG. This will be absorbed into the normal tax regime and covers both French citizens and residents. Certainly the threshold is the same as the new PUMA band per person. It is also a progressive tax in the same way as income tax. It also stops people on S1's claiming back the CSG from the year 2016 because of course it won't exist. This may also affect those residents from other EU countries that have been in France for many years who were allowed to stay in the French system when France adopted the EU legislation a few years back by paying a small percentage even though they were 'inactive'. At the moment I cannot find anything on a French government website it is only what I have read in French newspapers like the one below.



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