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Everything posted by grumpyaudeman

  1. On average two and a bit fumblings every day for many years must be a wankers record, a complete tea pot
  2. Good luck But I disagree "Biggest unrealistic expectation was the Winter weather, which I found even on the Med much wetter and colder than expected. So if avoiding Winter heating bills is an objective, France is not the place! " Here in the Aude it never rains "Last but not least France has got expensive, especially in the south," Dead cheap here I have lived in France 21 years Correze , Pays Basque Aude what a dump and now moving back to the Bearn It's madness returning to the UK
  3. Google Google .uk plenty of results https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=club+foot&oq=club+foot&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61l3.4273j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  4. Hi I would leave them alone unless you keep Bees after many years they have never threatened me as for being allergic the wasp intends to hurt you and what ever pain loss off life it causes is in its favour to leave it be
  5. Does the internet make it easier or harder to move and live in France ? Daft question how does the internet make it harder lets have a few examples
  6. How good are the Olives how many /old are they, and more important who wants them
  7. I find watching passersby waving there hands around whilst talking on a mobile weird
  8. Sorry to hear of your problems the river Aude is 5 meters from my house and and has been /presently, well below normal levels it must be the lower tributaries /weather causing your hardship
  9. Salvage/Reclamation yards are uncommon in France but try here http://www.nosdepotsvente.com/depotvente/dordogne-24/
  10. Hi Seems right using the A64 French route I used to live in the Pays Basque Pau to Quillan is about 4 hours via Carcassonne Having lived near Quillan for 2 years, I now know its a dump and can not move quickly enough elsewhere
  11. Hi Just throw a few soup spoons of ammonia Hydroxide about brings tears to my eyes
  12. "So I’m not asking for sponsorship with nothing in return. I’m offering you a service and in return I ask that you make a donation" As an atheist "The best of fortune" If this charity is important to you why not forgo the long walk and just donate the money you would have spent or am I paying for your holiday ,admittingly with a good intent
  13. Hi I may be grumpy but at least replied to a 18 month old post On the other hand after living in France for 20 years in three different areas can not wait to move on This area is a deprived poor dump full of cats, beggars old shut up shops and miserable people Just one supermarket for the whole population a good kilometre plus PS luvinlife best of luck for your adventure for me no regrets
  14. I agree with PaulT the politicians may have agreed but as I have no connections with the UK for 20 years so what has that got to do with me, just my health care and pension I will stop worrying about them in deference to a women I have not known and for an unknown reason someone killed her Its times like this I am pleased to have left the UK and its inhabitants/ Forum Moderators bonkers ideas
  15. Hi Many supermarkets offer van hire . Check out their web sites I used Bricomarche a few years back very happy LOCATION DE VÉHICULES Vous avez vu trop grand pour votre voiture ? Vos projets nécessitent le transport de matériaux encombrants ? Louez un utilitaire à partir de 12€ la demi-journée pour 7 m3 (kilomètres en supplément) Profitez de notre service de location d'utilitaire, MOINS CHER ! Plusieurs forfaits de location allant de la demi-journée au week-end s’adaptent à vos exigences. Exemple : 12 € TTC (kilomètres en supplément) la demi-journée en semaine pour l’utilitaire de 7m3. Les tarifs de location comprennent l’assurance tous risques avec franchise en cas de panne. Pour tout complément d'information sur le contrat, n'hésitez pas à contacter votre magasin. Retrouvez sur le parking de votre Bricomarché, nos véhicules utilitaires 7 m3, 12 m3 et 15 m3 : renseignez-vous à l'accueil de votre magasin. Pour profiter de ce service, vous devez être âgé d’au moins 21 ans et être détenteur du permis de conduire depuis plus d’un an. Le véhicule ne peut être utilisé qu’en France métropolitaine et dans ses pays limitrophe
  16. Hi I cannot vote but look forward to seeing who has the most red faces after the result whatever it is Forget the EU the UK will never be the same again, to many arguments a bit like a divorce
  17. All these guys record your activity Acuity Ads AddThis Adform Adition ADTECH Advertising.com Amazon Associates AppNexus Audience Science BidSwitch BidTheatre BlueKai Chango Connexity cXense Datalogix DataXu Dotomi DoubleClick Dstillery Eyeota Eyeview Facebook Exchange (FBX) Flashtalking Google Adsense Google AdWords Conversion Google Analytics Google Dynamic Remarketing Grapeshot Index Exchange (Formerly Casale Media) Integral Ad Science LiveRamp Lotame MediaMath Metrigo Moat myThings Netmining NetSeer Neustar AdAdvisor Omniture (Adobe Analytics) Outbrain PageFair Quantcast RadiumOne Relestar Rocket Fuel Rubicon ScoreCard Research Beacon Simpli.fi SiteScout TradeDesk Turn Inc. Videology Yashi
  18. " The oddest thing is every one driving at the speed limit" If you are a French resident seems sense but with Uk plates you can often get away with it With French plates had a blast around the M25 years back flashed 8 times at no cost
  19. "The original effort was abysmal and nothing more than pathetic." How right you are, it's your your post As a non believer I still have a bible which I have read many times, my prename is one of the apostles even gave my daughter the name Rebecca, old family names are Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Amos I am sure these characters existed in the past but as for afterlife heaven etc for me it's the Michael Jackson's "This is it "
  20. What's your point Mohammed and arabic names are much later than Christ He and his friends were born and named as Jews Not Christians ps I am a non believer but Richard Head comes to mind http://www.jesusandtheprofessor.com/2011/03/hebrew-names-for-jewish-apostles.html
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