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Everything posted by crakpot

  1. Thanks for the response I have no reason to upset anyone never the less, my opinion of the UK in general is crap Nick P said "especially when the rose tinted goggles start to lose their colour." Please explain
  2. No big deal just interested, I was reading problems re medication prescriptions as I have not been in the UK for 19 years it was a surprise,( or maybe not, thats why I left) there were problems
  3. I have lived at the west end and now the east end of the Pyrenees and the masses of Lichens on trees indicates there is little air pollution
  4. Be aware your urine next day from the colour will make you think you are about to die
  5. I thought the Cantal and Allier was central and had ski resorts
  6. [quote user="PaulT"]Q wrote 'Anyway how long you live is not the issue, it's what you do when you're here that counts because you never get another chance.' Choose the right religion and you get another go :)[/quote] What has religion got to do with drinking or dementia more to the point whats the right religion if any
  7. I spent Christmas Day on Narbonne Plage 16 degrees but windy Two days ago I drove from the Aude at 5 degrees to the Pays Basque and back all the way 6 degrees
  8. Quote "Coming from that fair city I have to take issue with your description of Bristol......or, as the Bristolians very aptly would say "Bristle"" As an old 18 Bus driver there I often saw Ford Cortinals and had problems with my TV aeria because I lived in the wrong areal Still remember the great expression look at her gurt big Brisols
  9. Hi On the basis 26 European countries have no border checks let the UK carry on with its mad complicated systems and look a plonker
  10. Hi In my opinion its a juvenile Aesculapian snake http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesculapian_snake
  11. It appears 4.7 million brits live abroad I have no idea how many in Europe but lets all go back together and demand benefits /housing
  12. Are you any chance an old member /caste of Dads Army sounds like crying wolf
  13. crakpot

    frost line

    Hi 330 metres up just short of Spain PS I was toying with Swetinbedde,Gyldenbolloks,and Glasscock very old Saxon surnames
  14. crakpot

    frost line

    It was a quick measure 9 years back my water supply was 5 foot in the air in metal pipes when I arrived most frosty mornings I had to take a blow lamp to a 20 foot length to have flowing water. I replaced the length with plastic only a few inches deep The idea was to bury them deeper when the ground thawed I never got around to it and not once has the supply failed
  15. Hi My first port of call in France 18 years back was Juillac North of Objat north of Brive It was ('cus I left 9 years ago ) a great area but the problem was too many Brits and Dutch I gather from old friends they are pulling up sticks now and going home There are lots of ex-pats properties for sale at inflated prices Weather in early spring cold and wet If I returned to that area which is unlikely as I now live close to the Pyrenees Tulle would be my choice
  16. I am useless at parking after 42 years, driving coaches, buses, tracked 32 ton vehicles, cars,and motor cycles just a bloke
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