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Mr Ice-ni

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Posts posted by Mr Ice-ni

  1. [quote user="idun"]

    I was orgnanising a trip for three days with friends. One said she'd come and then that night called me to say that her son had said that she couldn't as she had her two grandchildren to look after. What I would have said to him would not have been polite, but she is not the only one this is happening to at the moment. And another friend has been told by the 'other' grandmother than she'll have to look after the new baby as she already has other children to look after, my friend, not the mother or father............ how did we get to this state?  Is the Great Escape the answer, missing grandchildren is one thing, having them more than their parents is quite another, isn't it?


    Wow, idun, you really seem to have cornered the market in spineless friends - do their vocabularies not extend to the word "no"?

    When I sired children I ran the risk of becoming a grandparent. So far though I'm not - the prospect does not concern me one way or another except to say that living 500+ miles away will probably preclude my becoming a baby minder.

    Di has grandchildren but knows that if she ever suggests moving back to Essex to be closer to them that I will happily help her pack and drive her to Rodez.


  2. Why call this crime "shoplifting"? What is wrong with"stealing"? For that is what it is - to many shoplifting sounds far less serious.

    My view is that zero tolerance should be applied at all times in taking thieves to court (and all other criminals of course), if there are genuine mitigating circs then let the court take them into account.

    Fines should be levied as a % of income - that's real equality.


  3. I have claimed just once on a travel insurance policy.

    Over the 1999/2000 new year period Di and I rented a house in Lanzarote from a friend of mine - and took out a real cheapie policy with either Boots or the Post Office. One morning I was unable to climb out of bed due to severe back pain and spent the next 7 days in a local hospital. Our insurance co paid for 14 seats our scheduled  flights back to UK via Madrid as none of the charters would carry a stretcher bound cripple - 12 seats for me as i was up in the luggage rack + Di + a nurse flown out from UK to accompany me. Then a private ambulance to Ipswich (all the way from Heathrow there was a will we/won't me about going to my local hospital, Colchester) where I stayed for a further 10 days but that's another horror story. Naturally the ins co bleated about Di's taxi fare home in the wee small hours but paid up eventually.

    I have no idea how much this jaunt cost the ins co but I suspect a tad more that the pittance paid in premium.

    The moral of this tale? Don't scrimp on travel insurance just to save a few coppers or rely on your EHIC to get you home.



  4. Anyone reading this and similar forums/fora is likely to form the opinion that SAV in France varies between poor and non-existent. But that is not always the case as I must applaud 2 organisations for their speedy help and assistance this year.

    1. Garmin - I e-mailed garmin.com when I had a prob downloading/installing new maps and feared the worst when my query was re-routed to garmin.fr. But download links to cure the prob were quickly forthcoming.

    2. Pieces et Pneus - the car battery I bought online last summer recently died. I received a Chronopost sticker via e-mail (luckily I had kept the original packaging) and staggered to La Poste with the parcel on Friday last. A replacement battery arrived today.

    I know that the predictable response will be "and so they should" but it doesn't always happen like that.


  5. Why can I never find a news channel that reports only the "news" that I want to know?

    Other than really important topics like NH racing and cycling there is little that goes on in UK that interests me certainly not the antics of "celebrities" or the weather over there (or anywhere except here).

    Think how much money the BBC could save by not bothering to report any news, there are many other places to find out if anyone is bothered.


  6. My neighbours and I cheered when London handed over better filled brown envelopes than Paris for the 2012 DrugFest. As one of them said "The South will pay and the North will benefit" - the opposite of course in UK.


  7. Of course it wasn't a good move as it invites further contact.

    People who don't contact me don't get christmas presents from me - but nor do those who do. Di and I exchange presents if/when the mood takes us and as neither of us celebrates an anniversary at this time of year there is no pressure on us to waste money.


  8. Back in the 1960s my father reared hens in a deep-litter shed. To try to limit/eradicate feather pecking we fitted the birds with red plastic opaque specs, though a simple version with no moving parts. In theory the bird could only see downwards when looking straight ahead or had to lower their heads to look over the top. a real pain to fit which resulted in much suffering for the fitters. From memory they worked well despite their appearance.


  9. Don't worry, you won't have to feel guilty for long - the High Street shops (sadly excl. Estate Agents and Charity Shops) will soon disappear from the landscape. Not necessarily a bad thing as this will free up the flats above and the shops for housing so no need to concrete the last remaining acre of green space.

    The out-of-town shopping centres, Tesco et al and the Internet will get the blame for this - but of course this is unfair. The real culprits (?) are the shoppers who decline to use them yet are the first to whine when the opportunity has gone.

    John (who is also to blame - never having bought a retaining clip on an ethernet cable)

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