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Posts posted by soupagirl

  1. Planted some seeds a few weeks back, in my small polytunnel, they germinated quickly but this week the seedlings seem to have disappeared, maybe munched by some little beastie. Off I went to buy some replacement seeds, but couldn't find any in the local gardening sections, just the normal large-headed broccoli. Does anyone know where I can get some here in France, or do I have to order from UK? ( the batch I planted this year were the last from seeds bought in Wilko's a few years ago before we moved here, they've lasted well!). Thanks for any help you can give.
  2. Depends where in France you are of course but here in les Landes all of your list thrive as well as oregano, marjoram,parsley, thyme and chives. Coriander self seeds and grows throughout the winter. Perennials - rhubarb does well, as does asparagus. Parsnips, carrots, sprouting broccoli and cabbages will survive deep frosts. Happy gardening!
  3. Hi brit. I don't know how much of a hurry you are in for your poplar trees but they grow very easily from cuttings. In January 2011 after batterings from hurricane Klaus the year before and a further succession of storms we decided to half the height of our mature poplar tree which had developed a worrying lean, fortunately it's well away from the house. I took loads of cuttings about 18" long ( this was before the buds had begun to open) and just stuck them in the ground. They are now already nearly 6ft high, I had about an 80% success rate so you might fancy giving it a try if you can get access to a poplar. And the big tree has grown back into a rather attractive 'lollipop' shape.

  4. Lacanau Ocean is a good choice. You've got the beach and sea, and there are lovely lakes close by for swimming/watersports. There's even a good cheap bookshop! You can easily get to Bordeaux for a 'big city/ history/ architecture' day, and also drive up to the Medoc/ Pauillac region to see the chateaux and even taste the wines. You can take a ferry across the Gironde from Lamarque to Blaye. Visit Arcachon and Cap Ferret, and the brilliant Friday market at Andernos-les-Bains. And Fort Medoc is worth a visit if you're into military history.
  5. Thanks Parsnips for the sound advice. I know I was pretty euphoric when I wrote the post I will need to calm down and be a bit realistic. But it's over for now.....you can always say 'told you so' when the avis comes. Thanks again.
  6. Many thanks to the forum members who sent links and helpful replies after I had some questions about filling in the tax forms. I called in a friend who works for another branch of the tax department in the hope that she might be able to throw light upon the subject but she'd never seen a 2047 before and though she told me how she thought it should be filled in according to my situation, she wasn't sure and advised me to go to the tax office and ask for help. I rang them yesterday, was told there was no need to make an appointment, just to come along and someone would help me.  I will admit to getting up this morning with a feeling of dread, expecting a welcome at the tax office similar to that we received at the CPAM office in September when we attempted to register our S1 forms (I still want to run and bang my head repeatedly on the nearest wall if I see a man with a lilac jumper). But nothing could be further from the truth. The reception staff were cheerful and welcoming, despite the growing queue of people waving their impots forms. And yes, there was a bit of a wait to be seen by a tax officer. All well worth it- I wasn't even asked for an up-to-date copy of my great grandmother's birth certificate translated into French. The lady who dealt with me was lovely, told me exactly what to do and even told me leave bits that the tax office staff would fill in for me later using the info I'd given- thanks forum members for making sure I had my facts and figures all ready.       So, although I'm not really adding to the debate as to where to put what, since a lot of that was taken out of my hands, I hope if anyone is in a similar situation and feels like they are at the end of their tether, having nightmares about pink and blue forms then stop worrying now, take a deep breath and go in and see the experts. ( and if it's wrongly filled in, they can't blame you!). Large celebratory G&T tonight I think, glasses to be raised to the staff of Hotel des Impots, Dax.


  7. My first visit to the site, I look forward to the day when I'm in a position to offer help and advice to others, but at the moment I am trying to make my way through our first tax return in France and though I have found useful advice on the FAQs here there are a couple of issues I would really appreciate help with. I apologise if I'm just being thick and all is obvious! Having lived here since Sept 1st 2010 I presume I only declare Sept 1st-Dec 31st.                                                                     I have a teacher's pension, and an annuity purchased from AVCs. Both have been taxed in the UK, but I believe that the annuity will be taxed in France now. Do I declare them in different sections of the 2042 and 2047 and do I give the income as before or after UK tax?     Is there a section on 2042 where a French bank account is declared- I know accounts in England have to be listed on a separate piece of paper or on form 3916 -? And finally, our property in England is up for sale but currently rented out to pay the mortgage,and after estate agents fees, service charges etc it can hardly be classed as an 'income'. I downloaded the form 2044 which the 2047 says I should complete but quite frankly it's terrifying, is there an alternative?

    Many thanks in anticipation to anyone who takes the trouble to reply (after of course heaving a sign and saying 'Here we go again, another one wet behind the ears'.                                                                                                                              




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