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Posts posted by lily

  1. Yes I know what you mean.  We have French friends who have three lovely daughters.  One has moved to America to a teaching post and the other two are in England.  They say although they are well qualified they would never get the same opportunities if they had stayed in France.  It's more a case of not having the same opportunities here, not that older people are working longer, if that was the case there would be no work in Britain for young people as our retirement age is much higher.

    It's nice to hear all the thoughts from this thread.


  2. [quote user="Iceni"]

    Until I saw yesterday's La Depeche I was not really aware that there had been a day of inaction. And of course the heaps of placards etc on one of the roundabouts in Figeac.

    Do you think that M Thatcher is too ga-ga to be shoe-horned into Sarky's govt ?



    Yes, Maggie was vilified for many of her decisions but she has become a talking point at the moment in the current situation with the strikes.  Many agree that she certainly got rid of the strike mentality in England.  It makes for a good conversation piece around the table.  Have you spoken to your French friends about her, many seem to have a soft spot for her!


  3. [quote user="NormanH"]Sorry, but I thought that the whole point of a strike was to be disruptive.
    I suppose you would prefer it to be in toffee-apple factories, so it didn't upset 'everyone in life.' who has a holiday home in France  and enough money to waste on needless 'allez -retours'  with low cost airlines.
    These people are battling for  real survival after 60, not your privileged way of life.

    yes I agree, Ignore Norman, although he does seem to have a huge chip on his shoulder.  I’m afraid his pathetic comments seem to come from a man who has nothing better to do than criticise his fellow ex pats.  What is your problem, do you object to those of us who use cheap flights for our families to come and see us?  How do you return to Britain, if you ever do, maybe you have no friends left over there. Or maybe you have you own private aircraft!!  Anyone who knows Norman should let us know.  I started the thread as I was interested in finding out how everyone managed with the strikes, not to start a pointless attack on my fellow brits!!  

  4. Sorry, but I thought that the whole point of a strike was to be disruptive.
    I suppose you would prefer it to be in toffee-apple factories, so it didn't upset 'everyone in life.' who has a holiday home in France  and enough money to waste on needless 'allez -retours'  with low cost airlines.
    These people are battling for  real survival after 60, not your privileged way of life

    We all have our own opinion and professional people respect this.  I have been living and working in France for 22 years, have you?  I am now drawing my French pension.  Myself and 70% of my French colleagues are fed up with these disruptive strikes.  Everyone has the right to protest and let their voices be heard but when they stop other people who are struggling to make a living and bring up their families, it is not so amusing.  Myself, and many of my French friends continue to work independently although we are drawing a pension.  We don’t want to retire, we enjoy living our life to the full.  If you watch and read the news you will see that a majority of the strikers today were as young as fifteen years old and students from the college.

    Everyone has their own views!!



  5. Hi,

    Have you all survived the grève today?  After worrying for the last week as to whether my father-in-law would get his flight back to England with Flybe from La Rochelle today, all was well, we arrived in good time after checking on the internet that the flight was on time.  We checked him in and were told the flight was delayed by 30mins, not too bad considering the delays that we were expecting.  We got him safely through the check-in and started to make our way back home, on the ring road north of La Rochelle all the traffic started to slow down, then eventually came to a halt.  The two lanes were jammed solid with cars, lorries and the motorbikes which proceeded to zoom in and out between the traffic.  We were at a standstill for an hour, switched off the engine and had a doze in the sunshine.  When we eventually got moving the police had blocked off a road so presume there was some sort of protest up there, couldn't get any helpful info on the radio as they are on strike also.

    Just thankful this didn't happen on the way to the airport. Surely no one can have sympathy for strikes like this as they are so disruptive to everyone in life.  Watch out for the next one!


  6. I have a 90 year old relative living with me who had a disabled badge in England as he was still driving,it runs out in November.  As he is no longer driving can he obtain a disabled badge over here to use when we go shopping etc.?

    Someone told me just to get a form from the Mairie and give it to the doctor, if anyone has any knowledge of this would be interested.


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