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Posts posted by ChristopheMaeB

  1. Hi, the centre of Bordeaux is very accessible. The trams are modern and spacious and easily accessible for people in wheelchairs, this will be the simplest way for you to travel round the city. For more information, you could try contacting the Conseil ville et handicape: http://www.bordeaux.fr/ebx/portals/ebx.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pgPresStand8&classofcontent=presentationStandard&id=921

    Bon courage

  2. We have just found out that we need IVF treatment and qualify for NHS treatment in the UK, however.... we are moving to France at the end of June. We both have jobs in France and will be paying French taxes, plus we have company health insurance policies. Will we qualify for IVF treatment in France and can we pick up from where we left off in the UK, or will we have to start the process again?

    As always, thanks for any help.

  3. Thanks guys. We are hoping to live 'inside the boulevards', where the city is a bit livelier. I have been through Talence and Begles, Pessac and Merignac and the centres seem a bit small and quiet. The company I work for has links with an organisation called CILG who help you relocate, so I'm hoping they'll come up with some ideas!
  4. [quote user="Anton Redman II"]Depends what your budget is. Centre Bordeaux can be almost at London prices. Are you renting or buying ?

    Tram under 35 minutes - irrespective of traffic as trams control Bordeaux's traffic lights


    Line B - Rats seem to have lost ability to post web adresses. Search Google.Fr tram bordeaux[/quote]

    Thanks for the tram link too Anton - for other readers, it only works without the WWWs, so: http://tram.bordeaux.free.fr/

  5. [quote user="Anton Redman II"]Depends what your budget is. Centre Bordeaux can be almost at London prices. Are you renting or buying ?

    Tram under 35 minutes - irrespective of traffic as trams control Bordeaux's traffic lights


    Line B - Rats seem to have lost ability to post web adresses. Search Google.Fr tram bordeaux[/quote]

    We'll be renting - were planning to spend about 900 Euros a month - does that sound realtistic to you Anton?

  6. Hi, we are two people and one springer spaniel moving to France, to take up a job offer in Pessac on the outskirts of Bordeaux. Ideally, we are looking for a 2 bedroom house/appartement with a garden, and in Bordeaux. We have seen lots of the town on the outskirts and think they are just a bit too rural and isolated for us. Can you help with these two questions - 1/ Are we likely to find the property that we want in Bordeaux; 2/ how long is the tram journey from Bordeaux to Pessac? Thanks for any and all help.

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