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Nearly Retired

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Everything posted by Nearly Retired

  1. I've looked up some details. Only UK residents accepted and the load-up hit is 2%.
  2. After a little research I got this Mastercard from ICE. http://www.iceplc.com/cgi-bin/live/ecommerce.pl?site=iceplc.com&state=page&page=cashcardindex&suppress_header=yes&menu=cashcard&dept_id=01&sub_dept_id=02 I've only used it once to test it in UK and it worked just fine. I can't remember precisely, but you get a hit of something like 1.5% when you load up the card - other wise no other fees at all.
  3. I haven't been posting on here for a while, have lost my login details and so have started all over again. We have had a house with a 2 storey 100m2 barn close-by for a good few years now and more than once I've done the number crunching to see if converting it to habitable accommodation for renting out would be worth it. I don't have the numbers to hand just now, but I worked out refurb costs, loss of interest on savings so spent (even worse if you are borrowing the funds) compared with say 20 - 25 weeks per year rental income added to the the cost of generating that income: advertising, wear and tear, fuel bills and so on. The bottom line was that I just couldn't get any meaningful return even over a long period and maybe all I had left was perhaps a chance of capital appreciation at the end of it. Five years on and the barn still has only a new roof (to prevent deterioration of the fabric) and I am sorry to say that it's going to stay that way. In my humble opinion the only way to make rental gite work is to start with a building in good order.
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