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Posts posted by Celine

  1. What puzzles me, is that when I lived en France there were so few, if any, opportunities for work (teaching/translating) despite my degrees and experience.

    In the UK this month alone e mails have been flying for me to do paternity leave, adult education etc and these are jobs paying over 1k a week. (All I need is a qualification and far more importantly a CRB check.)

    However, none of these jobs has yet been advertised, it's all word of mouth from colleagues, which got me thinking - there must also have been many jobs for me in France, but it comes down to WHO you know, not WHAT you know.
  2. Is that a private school, Frederick? If it weren't for the independent sector my French teaching would soon dry up. Most of these establishments do at least insist on pupils taking either French or German to GCSE.

    Learning a modern foreign language shows self discipline and a creative flair, though I am not sure it really matters which language the pupil chooses.

    Interestingly I have just marked several French degree papers from Bristol University and the subject was "La Mondialisation." There were paragraphs after paragraphs on the demise of the French language. Some traditionalists may not like it, but anyone under the age of 25 would probably agree with the "useless" label given to French.
  3. We did 3 flights with the cat. Air France was brilliant and we were allowed the cat on our laps throughout (in his little box, but the door was open to feed titbits). At the airport they were waiting for us and whisked (!) us through early, no fuss. Fantastic!
  4. We often see foxes hanging round the entrance to the tube station early in the morning. They take no notice of humans, just skulk off into the bushes.

    My cat had a big fight with an urban fox. At first the vet thought he had been hit by a car and had internal injuries. The next day's consultation found fox hair in his claws which were ground down to nothing. The vet said the fox would definitely have come off worse, even been killed, which made me think they can't be that strong and harmful after all.
  5. You are so right in your last paragraph Catalpa. It seems you British are very good at commiserating over disasters, but find it difficult to pat on the back and offer praise! So maybe a few good customer stories would redress the balance.

    It seems to me that gites owned by nice caring owners as you say are plentiful, so yes, I will be discerning in my choice, it's just that one or two horror comments from owners can be off putting.

    The shower episode I just read sounds none too pleasant for the poor owner I must admit.
  6. Catalpa, I would certainly never dream of doing any damage to a property and my standards of personal hygiene are very high, thank you. Unfortunately, I guess some guests are not so careful.

    What concerns me is more the other way round. What if I arrive at a gite to find the hot water not switched on or an essential item missing or broken. From the discussions I read, I am starting to worry that the owner might not see this as any big deal and might not be willing to offer compensation or a refund.

    I understand the owner has a business to run and that money plays a big part, but I too have worked very hard to pay for my stay, so are his woes my problem?
  7. Thank you Théirère.

    So I am encouraged to check first with the owner to avoid misunderstanding. Trouble is, owners might think you are a pain if you keep asking questions. ie. a difficult customer before you even get there?
  8. I am a holidaymaker in France and yes, from time to time I look in the various forums about gites. I am becoming more and more disillusioned with owners who complain about their guests for various reasons. I guess a lot of it revolves round the money aspect, but all the suggestions of blacklisting, withholding refunds and such, is really putting us customers off.

    I'm sure there are some very demanding, even difficult guests, but it seems every little thing is getting picked on. It makes me wary what I as the renter might find.
  9. I agree that the GCSE exams have not been dumbed down. The amount and depth of content is enormous and challenging. It is the marking system - which "gives away" high grades to too many pupils instead of reserving top marks for the very best - which needs addressing.

    I found teaching in France lacked creativity and rarely engaged the children.

    The UK system would be even more superior and successful if they could get class sizes on a par with those in France.

  10. Very true RH and partly because so many now receive a university education (sometimes laughable) and consider themselves knowledgeable in all areas. But that's another story.

    I guess some of the greatest minds aren't interested in becoming politicians these days. I wonder what the brightest children at school will aspire to be in the next decade?
  11. Sorry, I think I make a mistake with the word comprehension meaning understanding. Perhaps I should say superior powers of reasoning.

    For example I am quite happy to hand over any medical diagnosis and treatment to a doctor with higher knowledge and skills, but even then I accept miracles are not possible.
  12. I agree that measuring one's IQ does not point to future job prospects, salary, personal relationships etc. so would indeed be a very unfair and stupid way of allowing people to vote.

    I also think that part of the problem lies in the fact that today's politicians are prepared to dumb themselves down in order to appeal more to the average citizen, whereas what we really need is highly intelligent leaders who make decisions well beyond our comprehension.
  13. I am surprised at how British people who have moved away from their country are always ready to commiserate with each other over traumas and disasters, but are rarely prepared to rejoice in the exciting events happening back in their country. Why not let The Olympics work for you, why not be impatient and hopeful about voting in an election?
  14. Thank you for the link Russethouse.

    I am not comfortable being exposed to such nasty negative comments as in Will's rantings. I assume he (male?) is speaking from a superior position, so I will accept my shortcomings and bow out.

    Hope the discussion has produced some interest amongst some for IWD.
  15. I think many of the discussions organised for IWD go well beyond the mundane. Don't worry, Chancer, there will be talks about the woman's role in the family, as a partner etc. so you may well reap the benefits.

    When one compares Carla Sarkosy with Sarah Brown I am of the opinion that women of the UK would do well to take more of interest in the image they give to the world.
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