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  4. I've had my "invite" fo reht jabs too, and they are on the same form, but I too cannot see if they come in two doses or one. But what NormanH says about their administration is what I deduced from my form. And yes, the Covid ones are usually batched, as they need to the whole phial at one go (I foudn that out at my first jab as Ihad the last in the phial though they thought I was not the age to be called up( was!), but decided to give me it anyway as it was lunchtime and this one would finish the bottle as it were. It has about 6 shots in it. So it looks as though making an appointment for Covid is the way forward and have the flu at the same ..
  5. Definitely NOT! What M Crapaud de Maison Crapaud? Let the man have some dignity.....toot toot...🙂
  6. “Monsieur Crapaud“ is not perhaps quite the same?😂
  7. Absolutely. It was a dear departed member of this Forum who first put me on to the idea and steered me to a source of SH ones in the UK ..11 years ago!
  8. Thanks I should have said that !
  9. Mine is a single prescription for TWO different vaccines, saying that both can be administrated the same day. Last year I had mine at the pharmacy, and while the flu one can be given at any time they wanted to group Covid ones together (I think this is to use all the vaccine from a batch at once), so I had to make an appointment for the Covid one. Naturally I had the flu one as well on the same day.
  10. Added info. The new Covid campaign starts on the 15th of October when the vaccine will be free for all.
  11. Further to Norman's post: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/26/covid-on-the-rise-as-experts-say-england-has-capitulated-to-the-virus Can Norman or someone else tell me, is the new vaccine a combined flu and covid one or are two jabs involved?
  12. Thank you very much indeed, Polarengineer, for explaining it all so well😃 From the information on your post, I don't think we would benefit from a heat pump. From all the different perspectives you have so explicitly pointed out. No radiators, underfloor heating, boiler etc. but we do have a dehumidifier and I do use the water on my geraniums...so I will score 1 point for myself!
  13. But, Norman, it was surely "worth it" for you because otherwise you would just be hobbling along the trottoirs of Béziers instead of being "Monsieur Toad de Béziers"?
  14. I'm not surprised about either of those, as they are both highly addictive, and often misused in "cocktails" by drug users. My ordonnance for Pregabalin now has to special prescription, due to the aforementioned muppets.
  15. Last week
  16. https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2024/09/26/opioides-tramadol-et-codeine-seront-prescrits-sur-ordonnance-infalsifiable-a-partir-du-1-decembre_6334443_3224.html
  17. Many of us "oldies" will have just received the prescription for the double flu and Covid vaccinations, but in the meantime Santé Publique France is recommending taking precautions especially if you are vulnerable. I have just had the bad news from the UK that someone I knew quite well is very seriously ill in Hospital with it and not expected to pull through, so the alert seems justified. https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/life/article/epidemie-de-covid-19-en-attendant-le-retour-du-vaccin-les-gestes-barrieres-a-reprendre-contre-le-virus_240127.html
  18. The perils of translation indeed .. I now find I say TEP scan even when in England, and have to translate backwards when they look confused .. but I must admit, I had never made the connection with" animal de companie".. silly me!!
  19. Thank you for the update Norman. OH sometimes takes Tramadol, so I let him know about the new rules so he won't be surprised when he discusses it with the MT.
  20. Particularly Tramadol and Codeine, both of which I have sometimes needed. https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/france/article/le-tramadol-et-la-codeine-a-haut-risque-de-dependance-disponibles-qu-avec-des-ordonnances-infalsifiables_240113.html
  21. I have just seen this thread. I had to get mine second-hand from the UK and paid over 2k PLUS 20% EU Vat 🥵
  22. Maybe Lori's apartment was a good example of a poor design and installation. If you already have underfloor heating, a heat pump heated hot water tank would save you money, as the heat from your house could be used for the source of heat for the heat pump. You would need a pipe through a wall to remove the cold air from the heat pump. If you have radiators, they will be too small to run on this system as the temperature would be a bit lower than from a fired boiler. The theory is that for every kW energy input, you should get 4kW energy output, but this applies if the temperature output is about 40ºC. Higher temperatures are achieved usually with an additional electric element. Using outside air as the heat source requires those fan units outside which can be raised away from dogs legs or cats bums, but then they are really in your face. Ground source, where using natural soil temperature requires a geostudy and a lot of digging to lay heat transfer pipes. Indoor wall mounted AC units may be a good alternative when you are sure they are the reversible types that also heat the air for winter as well as cool for summer. If you have a very well insulated house and a good ventilation system throughout, then a 500W dehumidifier will keep a room comfortable and give a constant supply of pure water for the garden (or battery or just to drink). I'm sure the experts will now jump in with contrary explanations, I hope so, then we will all benefit.
  23. In my original post, I thought that it would take 4-6 wks to take delivery: in the event, it was more like 3 months! Dave is quite right: although you might be able to initiate the process yourself, it's better to be able to use the 'services' of your healthcare provider. The department of neurology at our local teaching hospital has one person who (apart from other responsibilities) deals with 'new' requests. She was one of the 3 people who came to our home and stayed on for another half an hour completing her own justification questionnaire. She knew the questions to ask and was of course able to get ready corroboration from her clinical colleagues. She dealt with the application which was then submitted to a department in our Region which deals with such matters. You then have to wait for that to be cleared, which is never overnight ! In the meantime, we had settled on the model of wheelchair and the Regional department eventually approves the application and notifies the supplying dealership. Delivery and demonstration then follows. For you, two possible problems. First, your healthcare specialist won't have any history of your circumstances and may not have the admin support to deal with the application process. Second, there used to be a limit on the amount that the State would fund and this used to be around E5k. Macron promised a year or so ago to scrap this and pick up the cost entirely. I'm not sure whether this has happened and if your need is for a "sophisticated" one, then the cost is going to be quite a bit higher. Mrs G is very happy with her new 'transport'. I'm less enthusiastic, because it's heavy to maneuver in and out of the car boot, but these things are never lightweight! One question from me - what do you use at the moment?
  24. Someone asked me to write and make an appointment for a "TEP scan " as it is called in French. I wrote it but he who is a know-all changed what I had written to PET scan, as it is in English, and sent that off What he wrote was asking for an scan for his 'animal de companie' ....😊
  25. Ah betise, you have once more solved a mystery for me! I couldn't make head or tail of this request of the OP but I did agree with your reply to simply put the name of the commune. Heavens! Why on earth would they use auto-translate? On important documents, that is an easy way to disaster.
  26. There is a very simple way of ending it, without the need for risky chemicals. You just need a large 3D printer! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarco_pod According to the story this week in, a 64 year old woman acquired the use of one and wanted to end her suffering in a tranquil forest setting. She was put in it and pushed the button straight away. Whereas I in no way condone or encourage suicide, if I was suffering I would not hesitate either!
  27. It should say "ville" so I am wondering if serait is an automatic translation from another language? I live in the Lot department, which often used to be auto-translated to batch.
  28. Thanks, Lori. After your post, I have dropped the idea.🙂
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