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Moving to France

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i hope i can obtain some useful information on here from anyone willing to help.

My partner and i are selling our uk home which will give us a cash budget of 200k.We are keen to move to France,probably the South so we are keen to hear other peoples stories,good or bad.And indeed the best places to search for our new home,what we should expect to pay etc etc.

Any help will be appreciated

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Wooly, if they bought a titchy house in an "unpopular" area and have some income besides their cash budget, couldn't they manage?

I am assured that a lot of French people manage on what we profligate Brits would consider a pittance.

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my fiencee' and I are contenplating moving to France-in the south but,I am not prepared to do so before we have sorted out the inheritance and legal situation -I can only presume you have done so. best wishes.Raymondo.
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