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Best Place to Live In France in the Event of a Nuclear War

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So Mr Putin has ordered all his officials living abroad to go back to Russia with their families. He has built a nice very large cosy bunker under Moscow that will house them and the entire population of Russia in the event of such a war. He has also moved nukes closer to the European border so that he can take out Europe and its populations for the sheer hell of it when it all kicks off.

So you get the feeling he is kinda of serious about having a war.

So on that happy note and in keeping with this website where do you think the best place to live is in France in the event of a nuclear war ? Dordogne, the Lot or Brittany ? Or maybe the vosges ?

I would say the Alpes but I guess after a nuclear fallout the snow will be rubbish for skiing in the winter.
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Interesting question.

It's funny but I had always thought that if anything kicked off with the Russkies that it would be in Estonia or Latvia not some Middle East dust bowl that nobody wants.

So, probably easier to eliminate places.

Population centres: Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Grenoble?

Military and strategic bases: Brest,Toulouse, Marseilles, Strasbourg, La Rochelle? Calais?

So I would suggest either in the Jura to hop across to Switzerland or Biarritz to go to Spain or Andorra.

I disagree with the skiing comment.  With a Nuclear Winter there should be great skiing all year round

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Guadeloupe ????

Too many mosquitoes in Guadeloupe. I appreciate you can't be too fussy where to live following a nuclear war but I got sensitive skin.

Grenoble ? Grenoble is already very polluted by chemical companies so doubt they would even notice if a nuclear bomb went off or not.

You have to say Brest will be smoke so that rules out Brittany.

The Cher already looks post apocalyptic now so I really don't see the point of moving there.

Jura is a good shout or as close to Swiss border as possible. They are not going to take out their banking system. Trouble is it is not that close to the sea.
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I will go into the old Cité of Carcassonne, after all it's stood the time through the Romans and gawd knows what else. Also, it should be OK as the neuk won't be able to penetrate the French border will it. After all, the Chenoble lot didn't manage it! [8-|]

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[quote user="idun"]I agree with JJ, I remember well, even when radiation was found in France[:-))], all the prefets rejected the very idea that anything had crossed the frontier.


They were probably sticking to the well known French rule of, 'a problem ignored is a problem solved'.

As for fallout, anywhere down wind would suit me.
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Reacher said 'The Creuse...I don't think even P_tain would waste a missile on the place!'

If Mr P wanted to inflict more pain and misery on the people who live in 'La Creuse' I guess he would just take out the Astra 2a satellite. Bye bye UK TV. What the hell does one do without UK TV living in the Creuse ?

Now, someone mentioned 'Carcassone' as a safe bet. But I am guessing Carcassone is as old as Appello and just look at Appello now. It does not look to great at the moment to be fair. It seems old stone walls are not that much of a defence against Mr Putins shiny new aircraft and bombs. It is also safe to say that Ryanair will cancel its flights to East Midlands airport. So really not much point living there then.

After much thought, I am thinking Paris. It will be short, swift and painless.
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I was wondering why I was looking at places to survive.  What a miserable agonising slow death from radiation poisoning or starvation. Perhaps it would just be better to suffer the massive gamma ray burst and maybe briefly see your own bones before they explode (bones preferentially absorb gamma rays) You would stop being biology and start being physics way before your brain could even notice.

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"If Mr P wanted to inflict more pain and misery on the people who live in 'La Creuse' I guess he would just take out the Astra 2a satellite. Bye bye UK TV. What the hell does one do without UK TV living in the Creuse ?"

Absolutely albf...I blame the glossy mags, my own stupidity, the tv programmes at the time and sheer ignorance
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Pierre Said "What a miserable agonising slow death from radiation poisoning or starvation. Perhaps it would just be better to suffer the massive gamma ray burst and maybe briefly see your own bones before they explode (bones preferentially absorb gamma rays) You would stop being biology and start being physics way before your brain could even notice."

Is that not describing the Dordogne before a nuclear attack ? Especially if you spend you days watching the Jeremy Kyle Show and reading the French Entree Forum.

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