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Prefab wooden houses.....who builds them?

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Hi guys!

I have friends of mine moving from the UK to France in the next few months, they are going to look for plots and then try to find a company which makes pre-fabricated wooden houses, and get them to build them on the land.  I have heard about this, because I watch a lot of "Grand Designs" but they deal mainly with German prefabs and American prefabs.  If the technology exsists, then it must exsist in France too! ;) Has anybody seen/heard of a company which builds houses, if so, do you know their name/location?  They want to build, but as cheaply as possible, houses these days cost upwards of 100,000 euro, count in the cost of the land and your pretty much sunk.  I've seen these houses for 30k -> 40k when I was looking at them a few years back.  Any advise?

Thanks! [:D]

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very typical this when we are inundated with beige "bungalows" all the same shape.colour,and the size of my garage.I also have heard the same thing,unless of course its the maire or family who are building in wood. Maude
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