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The public healthcare system in Crisis?

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14 hours ago, NormanH said:

I was "signed off" (after 18 years)  by the ICM in Montpellier. I had remembered to  ask my MT to have a blood test for my cancer 'marqeurs' that the consultant had forgotten to prescribe at the last visit, and had  the usual scan at 9.30. I waited  for the consultation until 12.15 which lasted 3 minutes. She said the scan showed nothing in particular and showed little interest in the blood test results, but just said that there was no need to come back.

I have NEVER received a  letter after ANY consultation, though sometimes, but not always my MT gets a brief note.

They have seen me through 3 different cancers 5 operations 3 'rechutes' 40 sessions of radiotherapy and 12 chimio; so it would be churlish to complain and of course it is good news that they are confident that I won't need  to go back BUT the level of communication of which menthe speaks is absent as it is with  ALL the doctors I have seen in this region over the years.

What a survivor you are, Norman!

My MT seems to be au courant with all my different investigations so I presume he gets a copy of what I get.  Maybe the surgeon I see takes that little bit more care to communicate.  I notice that if I have something to tell him, he looks AWAY from his computer screen and actually looks at me and, usually, asks questions or answers MY questions clearly with an opportunity to counter with extra questions or demands for more explanation.

There was even once, when I was at my lowest, when he wrote to explain the findings of a pathology report and wished me a rapid recovery.  Now THAT did surprise me enormously!

Having said that, the only other specialist I see, besides the ophthalmologue (who doesn't count now that he's removed my cataracts and I don't bother to "see" him regularly)  is the pneunmologue who gives me detailed written findings of the tests and consultation with a note to say it is my reponsibility to show the report to my MT.

Maybe, on account of the more populated area where you live, there is that much more pressure on medical personel and they are unable to do all the "extras" like communicating with patients!  NOT good practice but we must just hope that they are all doing their best for their patients.

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Les Roses blanches 


C'était un gamin, un gosse de paris Sa seule famille était sa mère Une pauvre fille aux grands yeux flétris Par les chagrins et la misère Elle aimait les fleurs, les roses surtout Et le cher bambin, le dimanche Lui apportait des roses blanches Au lieu d'acheter des joujoux La câlinant bien tendrement Il disait en les lui donnant : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Tiens ma jolie maman Voici des roses blanches Toi qui les aimes tant Va quand je serai grand J'achèterai au marchand Toutes ses roses blanches Pour toi jolie maman» Au dernier printemps le destin brutal Vint frapper la blonde ouvrière Elle tomba malade et pour l'hôpital Le gamin vit partir sa mère Un matin d'avril parmi les promeneurs N'ayant plus un sous dans sa poche Sur un marché le pauvre gosse Furtivement vola quelques fleurs La fleuriste l'ayant surpris En baissant la tête il lui dit : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Et j'allais voir maman J'ai pris ces roses blanches Elle les aiment tant Sur son petit lit blanc Là-bas elle m'attend J'ai pris ces roses blanches Pour ma jolie maman» La marchande émue doucement lui dit : «Emporte-les je te les donne» Elle l'embrassa et l'enfant partit Tout rayonnant qu'on le pardonne Puis à l'hôpital il vint en courant Pour offrir les fleurs à sa mère Mais en voyant une infirmière Lui dit tu n'as plus de maman Et le gamin s'agenouillant dit devant le petit lit blanc : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Tiens ma jolie maman Voici des roses blanches Toi qui les aimais tant Et quand tu t'en iras Au grand jardin là-bas Ces belles roses blanches Tu les emporteras»



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Oh dear, I think my reply above might have been a bit hasty and uncompromising.  So let's see if we can get anyone on the forum to chip in for your flowers, shall we?

Come on, everyone, who will make a contribution to Norman's flower fund?  Wooly, you being Norman's bestie?  Plus all on here who have benefited from Norman's sage advice over the years and all those who have enjoyed his limericks and music and poems?

I offer to do the collecting and take charge of all the monies....🙂

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