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Water Utility

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I'll try to make this as brief as possible.

Ever since we've been here (20 yrs), the water supply has been managed by the Commune.  It all worked OK, in that every 6 months or so one of the techniciens would come by and read the meter and then (sometimes eventually!) you'd get a bill.  A couple of years ago, the Commune sold the rights for water supply to SAUR.  Of course, the cost almost doubled overnight !

Anyway, about 3 weeks ago I realised that I hadn't had a water bill for ages - when I checked, it was a year.  I messaged them and of course received a bill almost by return, with penalties for non-payment.  When I checked the invoices, the address was totally incorrect, so hardly surprising.

I rang their so-called Customer Service.  It was of course all my fault and she required immediate payment.  I said that I could hardly pay if I hadn't received any bills, but that didn't cut any ice.  I then said that we had a small water leak in the garage on their side of the compteur - she said that she would send a technicien.

Aforementioned turned up yesterday.  Let's just say that this 'gentleman' had the interpersonal skills of Attila the Hun.  It was my fault that the meter was where it was, it was a leak on 'my' side, went off in a huff after 5 mins.  He came back this morning, but made no contact -  just seemed to be checking for leaks en route to the garage.

I've just paid the bill as presented (E450-ish) and sent a snottogram to them about the two individuals.  When recruiting, they must seek interpersonal skills of zero.   

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Same thing happened to me with SAUR when we were in Bédoin.  However, after their 'expert' came, I called in a professional plumber who found the leak on THEIR side.  He took a highly zoomed in photo clearly showing the abimé portion on their side.  After a bit of here and there, problem solved.  They installed a new meter and 'forgave' my outrageous bill.  I was also reminded that I only get one forgive. 

So, it is sometimes worth it to call in someone else.


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