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footballers have opinions too!


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So I find it rather surprising that no one on the forum has expressed any opinion on French or UK elections?

Clearly French footballers do not keep schtump like UK ones?

There is no doubt that these results are significant.  Are people really disengaged or just too timid to venture the smallest peep?

I applaud Mbappe and I think that the UK results do give the politicos a chance to do a bit more than pay lip service to what they have told us they want to do.

For the moment I am cautiously opptimistic but that could change sooner than I'd like!




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Exactly my thoughts Menthe!  Better things to worry about, espcially not being able to affect the vote at all with not vote! 

In fact, I'd almost forgotten about it today until I was parking my car for (English speaking) church, and realised.  We use the car park of the hall (with permission of course) where the vote was taking place!

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Mélenchon’s speech last night was just as threatening and worrying as the extreme Right. Corbyn’s inheritance lives on in the left of the Labour Party and in the French Left. Either would offer Cubanization and poverty. One hopes that the Centre will be able to find a way to create some sort of consensus to keep the government ticking over.

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Mélenchon is no longer the force he was.  Actually, I admired the way he was the first to come out, after the first round, and said if any of his people were the third candidate, then they would stand down.  It was only after his speech that the others fell into line and the left "coalition" of 4 parties was formed.

Mélenchon is a wily old campaigner, has been for decades.  But he is no longer in line for any official position.  At least that is what I think and I will eat my words if I am wrong.

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On 08/07/2024 at 12:33, menthe said:

Forgot to say, as many smarter and wiser than I have, Politics is the Art of the Possible.

 “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”

 (Possibly Groucho Marx ) 

That should be engraved on Macron's tombstone, it sums up what he is about perfectly.

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