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A busy time ahead


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Well, the Tour has started so what with that, training and walking Maizy, painting the garden walls, gardening, watering my far too many flower pots, the days are going to be full, methinks.

At least the diet is working, 10 kg gone and only another 10 to lose; the secret, no wine, no or few carbs and trying to eat at lunchtime with just a snack in the evening.

And summer seems to have arrived.

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Banana, I lost 10 stone when I stipped drinking alcohol on medical advice, though do take the occasion small glass of something alcoholic when I out it if I feel like it, occasionally.  I've always limited my carbs, especially  potatoes, but am happy to have a largish amount of pasta in a bolognese or similar from time to time.  We've eaten at lunch time with a snack in the evening, ever since we retired almost uniquely. I've always been able to eat my way through salad with no problem too, just wish more places would serve meal sized salads especially in summer!  I don't exercise overmuch, but we have a long house, so between my study and the kitchen and going up and downs stairs keeps me moving.  Arthtitis is the problem really, and more limiting that peple realise. You lead an active life, espeically with a dog, so I am sure  you'll make your target soon enough!

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