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What price French nationality?

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So, if Marie le Pen's lot get in, they intend barring duel nationals from holding certain 'sensitive' positions in France. No mention on whether or not giving up the 'non French' nationality would be sufficient. Mark my words boys & girls this is the beginning of a very slippery slope.

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10 minutes ago, betise said:

Reserved posts demand UK nationality

The same has been the case for many positions in France as long as I can remember. The difference now is the proposed exclusion of Duel Nationals which I don't think is the case in the UK.

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6 hours ago, DaveLister said:

So, if Marie le Pen's lot get in, they intend barring duel nationals from holding certain 'sensitive' positions in France. No mention on whether or not giving up the 'non French' nationality would be sufficient. Mark my words boys & girls this is the beginning of a very slippery slope.

I cannot believe that you think that the RN is a real threat compared to the rag-bag of socialists, communists, green loons, trots, and a their assorted hangers-on that makes up the hastily assembled Nouveau Front Populaire.

An agreement between France's left-wing parties was reached on Thursday, June 13, under the banner of the Nouveau Front Populaire. It includes La France Insoumise (LFI), the Parti Socialiste (PS), the Greens (Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, EELV) and the Communist Party.

It should worry all of us that Melenchon will be at the centre of it.

One former adviser, who asked to remain anonymous, says those close to him both admire and fear him.

“Ninety percent of the time Mélenchon is a brilliant orator and a brilliant strategist, but 10 percent of the time he is mad and paranoid,” he said. “He is a scale model of a charismatic dictator,” he added.

I'll take the Le Pen option, assuming that Macron is touted as being a busted flush.



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5 hours ago, Harnser said:
12 hours ago, DaveLister said:


I cannot believe that you think that the RN is a real threat compared to the rag-bag of socialists, communists, green loons, trots, and a their assorted hangers-on that makes up the hastily assembled Nouveau Front Populaire.

I'm not a fan of extremists in any form but as a foreigner my ears **** up at any talk of nationalism which is the reason for this thread. I have been intending to apply for duel citizenship for some time but, if Bardella succeeds in creating a second class of French citizen, I'm wondering if it is worth it. What happened to "égalité " ?

Mélenchon used to be very popular round my way but, in the last election, there was a strong swing to the right. Macron's RE didn't get a look in.

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8 hours ago, DaveLister said:


"if Bardella succeeds in creating a second class of French citizen"

Bardella is proposing that holders of dual-citizenship should not be considered for higher civil service posts.

This is the same rule as in the UK and a lot of other countries, so not worthy of concern.

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19 minutes ago, Harnser said:

This is the same rule as in the UK

Sorry you're incorrect as the current Civil Service Nationality rules as published by the cabinet office does not exclude duel nationals from holding reserved posts.

I quote :

"You can apply for any job in the Civil Service as long as you are a UK national or have dual nationality with one part being British."


22 minutes ago, anotherbanana said:

Does this mean I could not head up the French Security Services, such as they are?

Probably not, I know I couldn't run one of their TV stations.

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3 hours ago, DaveLister said:

Sorry you're incorrect as the current Civil Service Nationality rules as published by the cabinet office does not exclude duel nationals from holding reserved posts.

I quote :

"You can apply for any job in the Civil Service as long as you are a UK national or have dual nationality with one part being British."

Dual Nationality

 Para 1.43.

"Candidates with dual nationality are in principle eligible for employment in the Civil Service provided that they meet the requirements in relation to one of their nationalities. They may not be eligible, however, for employment in certain reserved posts where additional nationality requirements are imposed"


Touché and let's just leave it there..!!



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No, but let's return to your original question, it's more interesting 😁  Surely the big question is why you want/wanted to take French nationality in the first place? Was it purely to advance your career prospects?  To commit to France, the French and a future life here? To make the bureaucracy easier? (Forget that !).

I can vouch for it not changing much, at least in my case. As soon as I open my mouth, the accent labels me 'anglaise', however fluent I am. The UK is responsible for my pension and healthcare and always will be, so I'm regarded as a 'migrante permanente' by the French system.

A French passport enables me to move more freely around the world, especially the French-speaking bits of it. I haven't yet tested out the theory of it helping with a move to French territory and how that pans out with aforementioned pension/healthcare provision.

It doesn't appear to have changed by one jot how I'm regarded by friends, acquaintances and bureaucrats.

If you really do still want to do it, then best get a move on. I suspect it will be less straightforward if/when the RN get in to power.

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Des centaines de milliers de travailleurs potentiellement privés d’emplois

Ce texte vise même à « interdire l’accès à des emplois dans l’administration, des entreprises publiques et des personnes morales chargées d’une mission de service public aux personnes qui possèdent la nationalité d’un autre État ». Cet extrait en dit long sur le projet du RN qui vise non seulement les étrangers, mais aussi les binationaux, soit 3,5 millions de personnes.

L’extrême droite discrimine encore et toujours les citoyens selon leurs origines, ce qui finit toujours par se retourner contre tout le monde. « Les étrangers, et donc les binationaux, sont considérés comme déloyaux d’office, et à ce titre il faudrait leur interdire l’emploi public. Bon courage ! Que ce soit pour les médecins, les professeurs ou encore les éboueurs, l’emploi public repose en grande partie sur des travailleurs de nationalité étrangère ou de double nationalité », souligne Ian Brossat

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En 2024, la « préférence nationale », théorisée par les fascistes dans les années 1980, reste plus que jamais l’élément central du programme du RN. « C’est la raison d’être de ce parti, s’il abandonne ça, il n’est plus rien », résume Jean-Yves Camus, politologue spécialiste de l’extrême droite.

D’après son programme présidentiel, Marine Le Pen souhaite ainsi introduire dans la Constitution « la priorité nationale dans certains domaines, notamment pour l’accès à l’emploi et au logement » en y ajoutant « l’institution de sanctions pénales ou administratives ». Un employeur, un propriétaire et un bailleur social seraient donc contraints de choisir le dossier d’un Français, sous peine de sanctions. Une menace couplée à d’autres mesures, dont le durcissement des conditions d’accès à la nationalité française et « l’expulsion des étrangers sans emploi depuis un an », pour vider la France de ses immigrés.

Des arguments qui n’ont aucune valeur économique

Concernant le logement social, Marine Le Pen a même sous-entendu qu’il fallait expulser les familles étrangères, en émettant le vœu, en 2022, de « remettre sur le marché les 620 000 logements sociaux occupés par des étrangers 

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Yep, but I'm too young to be retired ( for the record I have never applied nor needed to work in France and have never had the need to apply for financial aid from the state ). In fact, due to the way the French tax 'unearned income' they'd be seriously out of pocket. 🤣

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On 27/06/2024 at 14:14, Noisette said:

No, but let's return to your original question, it's more interesting 😁  Surely the big question is why you want/wanted to take French nationality in the first place? Was it purely to advance your career prospects?  To commit to France, the French and a future life here? To make the bureaucracy easier? (Forget that !).

I can vouch for it not changing much, at least in my case. As soon as I open my mouth, the accent labels me 'anglaise', however fluent I am. The UK is responsible for my pension and healthcare and always will be, so I'm regarded as a 'migrante permanente' by the French system.

A French passport enables me to move more freely around the world, especially the French-speaking bits of it. I haven't yet tested out the theory of it helping with a move to French territory and how that pans out with aforementioned pension/healthcare provision.

It doesn't appear to have changed by one jot how I'm regarded by friends, acquaintances and bureaucrats.

If you really do still want to do it, then best get a move on. I suspect it will be less straightforward if/when the RN get in to power.

In my part of ‘Real France’ nobody cares where you are from and most seem to embrace all different nationalities. So many languages are spoken in our local Lidl…I can’t keep up. In fact, I don’t know what language to learn. 

The whole FN thing….I hate immigrants…comes from rural France….which is bizarre because they have no immigrants.

Apart from the British….because they are only stupid enough to live there.

Ha Ha.

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