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Viting today?

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Just out of interest, how many or us have the vote in France and will be voting today? Me not here or in South Dorset., as can’t in one and not registered in t’other.

37 boards for election posters in front of our mairie. Democracy or a tangled ball of wool?

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Posted (edited)

I would not worry too much.

We went through the candidates this morning with their fliers.

It was bordering on ridiculous.

There was a cat candidate, everyone should speak Spanish candidate…..20 different green type candidates……facist right and facist left type candidates. Macron candidate……eeek !

Who do you choose to keep Europe safe from themselves ?😀

Edited by alittlebitfrench
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We’re back on the Electoral Roll now, but have yet to get round to registering for a postal vote.

Sub-consciously, I think that I’m not giving it much urgency because I really don’t know who I’d vote for!  

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Posted (edited)

PARIS (Reuters) -In a shock move, French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday said he would dissolve parliament and call new legislative elections later this month after he was trounced in European elections by Marine Le Pen’s far-right party.

Macron said the results were a disaster for his government, and one he could not pretend to ignore. In a high-risk political gamble, less than two months before Paris hosts the Olympics, he said lower house elections would be called for June 30, with a second-round vote on July 7.


RNNational gathering
4,503,486 votes
36.96 %
Valérie HAYER
RENRenaissance (the new name for Macron's party)
1,707,175 votes
14.01 %

The above on partial results 49%of the vote.

Edited by Harnser
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1 hour ago, Lehaut said:
12 hours ago, DaveLister said:

As the Chinese say ' May you live in interesting times'.

I always thought this, but not the case it would appear!!

So, in other words, a Chinese whisper 😂

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We watched it all live on TF1 from our exile in Devon (not having been allowed to stay in France back in 2009 when we started to apply for residency,   and were told not to bother due to my very minor health condition,  a refusal in flagrant breach of Free Movement etc),   leading us to sell up - with great sadness - eventually in 2019.

How delicious to see that little creep with real fear in his eyes,   his beloved EU project falling apart before him,   with so many voters feeling much the way so many of us felt in Britain in 2016.    Only last week Macron had the effrontery to say - on D Day - that "our friends the British had been taken down a destiny (Brexit) because too many of them left it to others to vote on their behalf",   lying through his teeth because of course - whether one agreed with the result or not - the turn out was massive.

Whether or not Britain was right to leave,    the same arrogance displayed by the EU - that only it is right,  only it is fit to govern,  only it knows best,   and it will brook no dissent - has now blown up in its face,  as Macron had to admit,  and not just in France.

Delicious,  absolutely delicious.    I don't want a FN/Rassemblement National and - having been banished - it's not up to me,    but at least this is the wake up call that all is not well.

Macron is certainly a gambler.....

Perhaps I should add,    what I have written isn't intended to start a great row,   I know many on here will disagree with me,   but please try and understand the bitterness I feel that the EU WASN'T there for me fifteen years ago at the time we wanted to move permanently to France,   and insult was added to injury when - having made a democratic decision in 2016 - Macron took it personally and made Britain's life such hell with his petty vindictive hatred for our having the temerity to say we actually didn't think the EU was for us.

Perhaps I can summarise it by suggesting that in spite of so many signals from voters (eg the 2005 referendum in France which said NON) the EU needs to learn to listen,   and the longer it refuses to do so the more results we're going to get on the lines of last night's.

Edited by Martin963
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Here in Nantes there have been many protests in the streets against the RN and their success in the elections.  One wonders how many of those protesting voted on Sunday?  Perhaps it they had, the RN would not have done so well?

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Exactly the same thought had occurred to me Lehaut.    The hard Left doesn't often seem to understand the importance of voting,   rather than just rioting and torching cars when they don't get their way.

The other thought that occurred to me is "Can the mainstream media - and people like Macron - go on referring to the "Extreme Right" when their share of the poll was over double that of any other party"?    Surely to be extreme you have to be out on a limb,   and if 32% of the votes cast are for that party it cannot by definition be extreme,    or if one keeps calling it extreme perhaps one ought to examine one's own position more critically.     Firm Right yes,  Strong Right yes,   but "extreme",   with all the pejorative venom that that implies....?


I dunno really,   I'm thinking out loud rather than expressing a firm conclusion here..... 😀

Edited by Martin963
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This whole European vote thing was just against Macron.

The bloke is toxic in France. Everyone wants to pìss him off because he is a horrible individual with no respect for anyone or any country. So they did. Which I support.

Those rioting will riot regardless. They just need an excuse because they are so bored.

And that is my problem, France is a very very boring country for young people. There is FA all to do apart from riot or spend your school days learning French which will get you nowhere. Appalling schooling system. 

FN, RN, or whatever they are called now….will not get voted in. People will toe in line….again.

If wants France normality, Macron should step down.


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Yes, but this is very different from a presidential election, if the RN, and other "far" right candidates, win the majority in the Assembly (which is a distinct possibility) then it will be Bardella as prime minister.

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27 minutes ago, betise said:

Yes, but this is very different from a presidential election, if the RN, and other "far" right candidates, win the majority in the Assembly (which is a distinct possibility) then it will be Bardella as prime minister.

I personally don’t think it will get that far…..peeps know that voting RN will distroy the French economy. The European elections was just a protest vote against Macron. Vote RN in, life in France will get significantly worse.

Or maybe, Macron has just finally tipped the balance with his stupidity and people will resort to voting RN just really drive the nail into his presidency. He really is hated that much.

That is his gamble in a nutshell.

OH voted cat party…because she could not bring herself to vote for anything associated with Macron. But come the election, she will vote for him to prevent RN getting elected. 

Nobody in France really gives a shìt about the EU. Bit like the UK.


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I see Ciotti is suggesting Les Republicains could form some sort of grouping with RN.   I guess some of the rest of his party might have something to say about that....

I thought it was just Britain going to hell in a handcart - whichever incompetents and incapables win the General Election - but I reckon France is neck and neck with us in the race given the events of the last few days.

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17 hours ago, Martin963 said:

I thought it was just Britain going to hell in a handcart

I think you would be hard pushed to find a country that is not in this position, Russia, USA, China, Ukraine, Georgia, Israel/Palestine, Colombia, Venezuela, Cameroon, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Taiwan Strait, Bangladesh, Myanmar, New Caledonia (France), Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Mozambique to name a few!

Although if you can believe this report, the USA is getting safer!! ( whether or not this includes the violent crimes committed by the Police is not clear)

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fbi-crime-report-drop-in-violent-crime-2024/#:~:text=The latest preliminary quarterly crime,year in the same period.

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