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Catastrophe Naturelle

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The flooding that is rightly occupying peoples thoughts at the moment is probably only slightly behind the second effect  - sorting out the insurance (if you have it).

On the French News we had heard the term "catastrophe naturelle" banded about as an aid for those suffering from the effects of "natural causes".  I was under the misapprehension that, once the government categorised the incident as  a "catastrophe naturelle" they, rather than the insurance companies stepped in.

If I understand the situation correctly, its actually all of us (with insurance) who pay into a fund which is used to fund pay-outs in these cases.  Currently  leveed at 12% on our house insurances, it will be going up to 20% next year.

You can argue over the "naturelle", but we will all pay the price one way or another.

https://www.france-digues.fr/actualites/augmentation-des-cotisations-catasrophe-naturelles/#:~:text=A compter du 1er janvier,arrêté du 22 décembre 2023).

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