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It's normal for here. There are days even in January when the sun shines, the temps rise, it feels like spring and then everything evens out again. What is guaranteed is that when the tulips are flowering, we have a spell of hot sunshine  and the show is quickly over 😁  Don't worry, ALBF, it's going to cool down again over the weekend and next week....

Edited by Noisette
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12 hours ago, Noisette said:

when the AMOC switches off

A predicted catastrophic event which will have devastating consequences for places further south than Scotland.  Would be ironic if the climate refugees started a reverse trend in boats across the Channel!  

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On 18/02/2024 at 08:48, Lehaut said:

"When the AMOC switches off"

A predicted catastrophic event which will have devastating consequences for places further south than Scotland.  Would be ironic if the climate refugees started a reverse trend in boats across the Channel!  

The Scientific Advances’ study’s conclusion is predicated on a single climate model, the Community Earth System Model (CESM), projecting far into the future and it’s also predicated on an amount of ice melt that has not happened in our lifetimes. Even then, the CESM had to have its pump primed with unrealistic meltwater data in order for the researchers to come to the conclusion they got. What they did was to run the model, then add modeled freshwater very gradually to the modeled North Atlantic, presumably simulating a melting of the Greenland ice which might shut down the AMOC.

There’s only one problem; the amount of freshwater from melting that they injected into the model is about five times the actual amount of ice available in Greenland to melt."

So it's very much a fake news scenario.


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Are you declining to take part in the 'mea culpa', 'we're all doomed', ecolo hysteria, Harnser? 😁  How refreshing!  I wish I had your ability to come up with trenchant counter-arguments backed up by facts. Seriously.

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2 hours ago, Noisette said:

Are you declining to take part in the 'mea culpa', 'we're all doomed', ecolo hysteria, Harnser? 😁  How refreshing!  I wish I had your ability to come up with trenchant counter-arguments backed up by facts. Seriously.

The"we're all doomed', ecolo hysteria" is a narrative originally created by the United Nations.

What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?... In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?   Maurice Strong of the UN.

Just about everything published today by the mainstream media on climate,weather, is designed to support that narrative.

There is currently a co-ordinated campaign of misinformation by an organisation called Covering Climate Now.

Covering Climate Now (CCNow) is an advocacy organization operating out of the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) at Columbia University in New York, USA.  Their purpose is to spread fear and alarm about  – or as they say “raise public awareness of” — what they claim is a “Climate Emergency” or “Climate Crisis”

Their approach is to feed pre-written stories, editorial narratives and shared resources to magnify the voices of alarm to convince the world’s people that there is a Climate Crisis that demands everyone giving up fossil fuels, access to inexpensive electrical power, air travel, natural gas heating and cooking and the myriad other benefits of modern life that are a normal part of our developed societies.   In addition, they provide story-sharing opportunities where stories in one media outlet can be freely re-posted/re-published to another, or used as the basis for “original” re-writing at another media outlet. 



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