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Cadastral plan query


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Was looking on the online cadastral site to check the boundaries on our French property but on several parts of our land and other parts of the village there is a thick red line in addition to the solid black line and dashed lines. Does anyone know what this red line denotes? Thank you
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I hope that works

if not, it might be the length of it, so here's a tiny URL version: https://tinyurl.com/y7vykypq

NB the link doesn't take you to a page, but downloads the document (so in Firefox, you'll see it in your downloads, ie the blue downwards-pointing arrow)

Thanks suein56 for finding the original

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That is handy as I had a query on the same subject, there is a dotted line about 1m in from the boundary of a parcelle that I am negotiating for, the PDF says it is a subdivision fiscale, so what does that mean in terms of the situation I describe?


It happens to align exactly with the bottom of the talus which physically divides the two physically, the boundary is at the top of the talus.

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Thank you for this; the link I have worked perfectly


and gives a good explanation of the symbols etc. Looks like for me its either a department or commune line. Thank you Sue, really appreciate it.
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