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I see that several people have posted comments about problems with HMRC. Last year I too had lots of trouble getting a refund of building society interest. Non reply to letters, no body answering the phone (Audit office says 44 million calls went unanswered) non reply to e-mails, apart from automated “we will answer in 15 days", they didn’t. In the end (after 6 months) I wrote in desperation to my MP. He was brilliant & I got my refund several weeks later. HMRC offered a small sum to compensate cost of calls & postage which I accepted. However when the cheque arrived it was made out to my MP!!!!! He has now taken the matter up with the Tax Ombudsman for more compensation & I await the outcome. If you cant get satisfaction from HMRC contact your MP. Now the battle has started for the 2009/10 refund!

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My last letter with the 6th copy of the requested form to the original office that dealt with our claim ,is still awaiting a reply. They do inform you that the backlog on post is about 12 weeks at present? We have been referred to 5 other offices about the UK but have now been told the first office should have dealt with it? Out of the dozens of letters we send to family and others in the UK it amazing that it is the HMRC who don't seem to receive their post.

Luckily I keep photo-copies,dated of all mail sent to HMRC and if I can fing a box big enough I'm thinking of getting it delivered to whoever takes over the service.
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Back in the 90's the Centre for Overseas Residents had so much of a backlog that they quarantined the backlog and started dealing with the current post.

A special team was then set up and they slowly worked through the backlog.

I don't suppose with the current spending cuts coming that they'll be doing anything like that again.[:@]

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Sounds as if I was quite lucky then - the refund money order got lost in the post, a year after applying. I rang several times, wrote one letter, (to Leeds) and finally got a bank transfer in April.

I found the people at the tax office very polite and helpful, but expert at delay tactics! The number I rang was 0044 845 302 1414 .

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I have nothing but praise for them - this time last year I rang, was told to download appropriate forms from hmrc.gov.uk/cnr, was also warned that there would be about a 3 month delay and that they were shortly moving offices.

The new number for the tax centre for non-residents is 0044 151 210 2222 - this also avoids using an 0845 number when calling from France.

Chrissie (81)

Oh yes, and the refund went through like clockwork.[:D]

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[quote user="Nell"]How can you complain to "your MP" if you are French resident ???
[/quote]You can vote for the MP (or his oponent of course)  in your former constituency for 15 years after you move so they're still your MP.  Daft, yes, but true nevertheless
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