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Where do you get those French head lights from?


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Well I was riding my push bike to the main village " About 7km away from our house" I had finished the small trailer and wanted to try it out to see if all was well with it, This is the first chance i have had to give it a run since finishing the construction and painting the woodwork & fitting lights Etc, a few weeks ago and to days weather was nice so before i put it away until the spring it was test time.

Now when you cycle or indeed walk along the road you would as the norm drive along, you tend to see a lot you would miss when in the car, And today was no exception ,

Those cars coming at you with only one light working and the working one seems stuck on main beam, I see so many it is just  not true,

The same is for cyclist who do not wear any visible safe vest, They tend to blend in with the hedges Etc,

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What a stupid reply (visible vest do not work) Then why do the road workers the POLICE IN THE UK AND FRANCE WEAR THEM? And why did the french traffic dept issue that driver and passenger must be able to use these vest when a breakdown or a reason for being outside the vehicle during such times?

You seem to like to come out with upsetting remarks and it is time you we're put in your place,

Are you trying to tell me you do not see visible safety vest ? Perhaps

  lights on vehicles can not be seen by the colorblind ? and so the rest of drivers should not see them?

The other part of your reply just makes no sense at all !!!!! What are you talking about ? When you buy a French car the other bike is an optional extra ?




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First things first I am not your Dear, I still remember you accusing me of being a racist ref A tale at bed time section I started and in one story i  used the name Paddy, You made such a fuss saying this could lead to racist,

Both the BBC (TOP GEAR & Paddy Mc guinness  & The  racing driver Paddy Hopkirk) Are in the national & world press all using the name Paddy, Plus many others, I and my wife come from Irish stock, And proud of the fact,

I did not see you complaining to the BBC Or the press we're being racist in any way or form,

I would rather you did not give any comments to anything i should put on this forum until you grow up and if you insist on being a moderator "you have the guts to say sorry to a few people who have left this forum because of your idea of moderating,

This forum has lost a great deal of members and not just because of Brexit,

I returned because i was ask to by another two members who pointed out how poor the forum had become,

You needed telling and I have told you;

Question How many times when things have gone pear shape did you say "Why did no one tell me?" Well now you have been told, Your not here to correct spelling mistakes some members have mad, nor accuse members of being racist when in fact they are not and remove their offerings without other members having a chance to read what was said and make their own minds up,???? Or are you worried you would have been found out for being a poor Moderator ?

You earn respect it is not something that comes with the title Moderator,


Now lets see how you deal with my honest and true comment !!!!!!

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Hello Gardian,

I could not agree with you more, But if i was to call and print such an offensive remark about you or your family would you feel the same ?

I have always tried to walk in someones else shoes but if you are to lead by example then do just that,

But thanks for your Interest & reply;

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Point of order Henry 100. No one has ever called you racist on this forum ( I have the receipts ). As moderators however we have to view all posts through the eyes of the owners. My fellow moderator believed that in this day and age certain phrases in your stories could be seen to cause offense. I'm sure, knowing Mr Banana as I do, he would have tried to explain this to you privately. You may not agree, but the forum survives through the good graces of the France Media group. We, as mods, can only do our best to make sure that it continues.

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Well since when was it the norm as a man mr Banana to call another man "MY DEAR"

And you are 100 % Wrong when you say Mr Banana ever talked to me in any private "e"mails, you say you have receipts of all my offerings, Then here is an offer from me to you with all watching this thread, You show any thing i have ever put on this thread or any thread we're i have been anything like near racist !!!

It is a very serious thing to say any person is such a thing and you know it, So now prove you are true to your word !!!

I have the right to see all this evidence you say you have, And i would like to share all with all members to see and judge!!! And lets have Mr Banana show this "e"mail he says he sent me regarding a private word regarding such a serious statement .

I have never ever had any "e" mails from him ever.

Well come on we are all waiting????

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Well, I do seem to have broken the yolk when trying to poach a perfect egg, which is always a bother. Still, it tastes the same. I do try to maintain a strict attitude about language and thoughts which might land us and our owners in the ducking pond. Sometimes it would be nice to let rip but not on this forum.

Henry, obviously you do not like being addressed as love or dear so perhaps I might suggest you nominate a word - you may NOT have any word with wooly or banana in it. Those belong to my daughter!

Have you had to do with Norman yet? I’ll see if he has finished his carnal Xmas celebrations and is able to join the fun.

Alternatively, lighten up a bit, relax, feel the life enhancing flow of the grape or the grain or other substance as they wipe away the blues, Grinchy moments and general detritus of the old year. It is worth it.

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Wools, grape or grain?  Er...what about potato peelings?  Sorry, just been reading a biography about Ireland during the last world war.  No, no mention of poteen yet but I am only on chapter 2.

Oops, am I even allowed to mention our friends across the water?!

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10 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Well, I do seem to have broken the yolk when trying to poach a perfect egg, which is always a bother. Still, it tastes the same. I do try to maintain a strict attitude about language and thoughts which might land us and our owners in the ducking pond. Sometimes it would be nice to let rip but not on this forum.

Henry, obviously you do not like being addressed as love or dear so perhaps I might suggest you nominate a word - you may NOT have any word with wooly or banana in it. Those belong to my daughter!

Have you had to do with Norman yet? I’ll see if he has finished his carnal Xmas celebrations and is able to join the fun.

Alternatively, lighten up a bit, relax, feel the life enhancing flow of the grape or the grain or other substance as they wipe away the blues, Grinchy moments and general detritus of the old year. It is worth it.

Better still just try to talk like a normal man and stop hiding behind the screen,

If you feel the need to call a man Love or dear then you sound in my book more woman than a man,

I would rather you go away and try to understand what a moderator is all about,

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