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A couple of idle questions

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In another life I used to be a parish councillor. Does anyone know if the general council meetings at the Mairie are open to the public? I quite fancy going just to keep a handle on things despite no longer having a vote ( thank's Brexit 🙁 ).

Secondly, has any car manufacturer ever given the option of a left handed flip for their key fob?

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17 hours ago, DaveLister said:

are the general council meetings at the Mairie are open to the public

I was voted onto our village council a few years ago.   These were open to the public.  In six years I only remember one person attend.

La séance est ouverte au public sauf si l'assemblée décide le huis clos, ou si le maire exerce son pouvoir de "police des séances", notamment en cas d'agitation, et restreint l'accès du public aux débats.

https://www.vie-publique.fr/fiches/19615-quel-est-le-role-du-conseil-municipal#:~:text=La séance est ouverte au,accès du public aux débats.

It was our tradition that whosoever had a birthday in the month the meeting was held had to bring champers and eats. Don't think as a a member of the public you get to share that though 🙂


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19 hours ago, DaveLister said:


Secondly, has any car manufacturer ever given the option of a left handed flip for their key fob?

No need. 

Instructions for left hand key fob flip.

1 - Carefully turn key fob over 180 degrees keeping the unflipped key facing away from you.

2- Press button underneath - key will flip out from right to left

3 - Insert key into ignition switch.

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Throttle on the left?  Yikes, really, really confusing ..... I can't imagine how horrible it will be trying to change gears AND accelerate using your left hand.

I think I'll stick to walking and chewing gum at the same time!

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