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Who're you calling old?


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Ah yes Nostalgia....!  Who past the age of 70 can resist a soupçon of that?

Here is what passes for poetry from a Gardian reader.  Thanks to you, good guy, here's to immortality, yours and ours😄


I remember the corned beef of childhood
It was disgusting and vile
There was some other stuff they called haslet
From which I would run half a mile
We played in the hedges and alleys
We didn't need video games then
But my mate Gary White got the horrors
When he found a dead tramp in his den.
The telly was **** - just three channels
Mostly that girl with the clown
The bread it was white and went mouldy
And the rest of the world was all brown


There is also a nostalgia quizz and alexito's letter is a comment on the quizz article.

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I enjoyed that very much, Martin le Kingfisher!😄  What about olive oil being only kept in the medicine cabinet and used when you can't do your number two's or put in your ears when wax makes everything sound muffled?

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