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[quote user="Philouis"]Can any knowledgable person inform me if it is possible to use a English bank service card into cash point machine in France and obtain Euros?[/quote]

Assuming that the card carries a Visa/Maestro/Mastercard or whatever symbol, then yes. There used to be a few cards that could not be used in this way: I suspect that the only ones that fall into this category now would be restricted to some of the "basic bank accounts" that certain banks provide (under sufferance), not their normal offerings.



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[quote user="AnOther"]I'm sorry but I don't really know what a 'bank service card' is [blink][/quote]

Hence my comment: I remember that there used to be cards that could only be used with the ATMs of the particular bank and which were not part of any other network.

[quote user="Anton Redman"]Unless you are very lucky in your choice of

card you will be shafted 4% points  on the exchange rate.[/quote]

The Nationwide's debit card being one of the few that do not charge commission or punitive exchange rates.



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"Hence my comment"

I appreciate that Pickles and wasn't criticising your response but was trying to make the point that until we know what the frankly odd term 'bank service card' actually means then the answers could be semi hypothetical.

Is it a bird, is it a plane nooooooo, it's.............................?


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Some of us understood it. At least one of the major UK banks uses the term 'servicecard' - see http://www.natwest.com/personal/current-accounts/g4/cards/yourcard.ashx

As far as NatWest is concerned, Servicecard refers to the Maestro card, which is being replaced by the Visa debit card. The way the Maestro card could be used abroad was heavily publicised a few years ago.

Remember the penguins in the TV ads? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u0q05qRn1k

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Yes, AnO, I'd probably do the same. But I got the impression, and it could well be a completely wrong one, that English ,might not be the first language of the person who asked the original question. So he/she may have simply referred to a bit of the bank's literature. Interestingly the paperwork received with my last NatWest card still used the work 'servicecard' in one place.

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