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property prices in france 2009


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[quote user="LEO"]Do I need an IQ test to comment on property prices, in France


Absolutely - score under 100 and you may be accepted as an accredited estate agent - should you score less you may be a pundit - under 70 and you could work for a bank - perhaps...

However who knows what you need to be a third party?

Meanwhile comment away....

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="LEO"]Do I need an IQ test to comment on property prices, in France


Absolutely - score under 100 and you may be accepted as an accredited estate agent - should you score less you may be a pundit - under 70 and you could work for a bank - perhaps...

However who knows what you need to be a third party?

Meanwhile comment away....


Nice post, Dog, and I must say that I cannot pick any bones with what you have written.

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The home ownership concept is a uniquely British mindset.  Most other cultures have a very different model either renting or staying with family and then inheriting the family home.  The current (British) demand that it is your right to be an owner occupier from your early twenties reflects the materialistic / greedy outlook of our society.

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[quote user="Scooby"]The home ownership concept is a uniquely British mindset.  Most other cultures have a very different model either renting or staying with family and then inheriting the family home.  The current (British) demand that it is your right to be an owner occupier from your early twenties reflects the materialistic / greedy outlook of our society.

Mmmm - in the road that I live one of the neighbours has moved away but, presumably because prices are low have rented out their house. Their tenants seems to show absolutely no respect for the house - I dread to think what it is like inside. It is completely different from when the owners lived there.

From my viewpoint there are some renters who totally fail to respect property 'because it is not ours'. In addition, some of the renters is paid by the working population - 'I'm on benefits so why should I get a job the State (i.e. the taxpayer) gives me money and pays my rent, if I can 'knock out' a couple more kiddies I will get even more money'.

But, what do I know, I am one of those members of society is materialistic and greedy that does not rely on the state to provide me with housing. I wondered what I had been doing wrong all these years.

Perhaps I should also get rid of my materialistic car and nick one when I require transport

Yes Scooby I totaly agree with you [:@]

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 I think that that its a desire for security that appeals to Brits in owning their own homes, no landlord to have to worry about, no need to live under a relatives roof with all that entails

Losing your home  is a very traumatic thing , frankly if banks want to step in and and allow people to stay  where they are all the better, otherwise the family risks being split up or going into B&B accommodation and in the end the State ends up having to house people.


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[quote user="Scooby"]The home ownership concept is a uniquely British mindset.  Most other cultures have a very different model either renting or staying with family and then inheriting the family home.  The current (British) demand that it is your right to be an owner occupier from your early twenties reflects the materialistic / greedy outlook of our society.

Is it greed or ambition to want a better house /car/ life ?
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[quote user="ebaynut"]

[quote user="Scooby"]The home ownership concept is a uniquely British mindset.  Most other cultures have a very different model either renting or staying with family and then inheriting the family home.  The current (British) demand that it is your right to be an owner occupier from your early twenties reflects the materialistic / greedy outlook of our society.


Is it greed or ambition to want a better house /car/ life ?

Both.  As your post said - it's about what you want not what you need...the culture of greed. 

As an aside it's interesting to read so many supporting the property ownership culture - having moved to a country where it is more usual to rent and where children often move into the homes of their parents.  How many times has it been said on this forum that the french have a different attitude to property?  Most don't aspire to make their home look like something off the front cover of 'home and garden' in an effort to finance their next scrabble up the property ladder.

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Thats because most (IMHO) cant comprehend that a potential buyer might actually be put off by their cluttered unmaintained and often dirty hovel, or to put it into other words the need to do a little work before expecting your house to sell.

It is gradually changing, whilst we dont have the Sarah Beeney greed, greed, greed, property ladder or how I made my property million type programs there is now the French equivalent of The House Doctor, what they advocate seems to be a totally alien concept to the householders and even my French friends arent realy sure whether to believe the very basic tips that they offer, declutter, clean everything, neutral decor etc.

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[quote user="Scooby"][quote user="ebaynut"]

[quote user="Scooby"]

Is it greed or ambition to want a better house /car/ life ?


Both.  As your post said - it's about what you want not what you need...the culture of greed. 

As an aside it's interesting to read so many supporting the property ownership culture - having moved to a country where it is more usual to rent and where children often move into the homes of their parents.  How many times has it been said on this forum that the french have a different attitude to property?  Most don't aspire to make their home look like something off the front cover of 'home and garden' in an effort to finance their next scrabble up the property ladder.

I guess then that the banks don't NEED Canary wharf, they WANT it, so I suspect that's greed on their part then?

The reason the French mostly rent is possibly that they have never had a prime minister like Lady Thatcher who decided to give the working classes a chance to change their life's for the better, by allowing and encouraging them to buy their homes. In France they are expected to work their life's to pay rent and taxes to their masters, and have never been given the encouragement to "better their lot", in fact the rules in France make it so they  cant. 
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[quote user="Scooby"]As an aside it's interesting to read so many supporting the property ownership culture - having moved to a country where it is more usual to rent and where children often move into the homes of their parents.  [/quote]

So Scooby, can I ask, do you rent both of your houses (England and France)?

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[quote user="AnOther"]

[quote user="Braco"]The housing bubble just created the illusion of wealth.[/quote]Nothing illusory about the wodge of money we trousered when we sold our UK property in Aug 07, just before the wheels came off [;-)]


May I offer my congratulations on your timing Ernie, guess which month and year we put our home on the market? [Www]
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[quote user="ebaynut"][quote user="Scooby"][quote user="ebaynut"]

[quote user="Scooby"]

Is it greed or ambition to want a better house /car/ life ?


Both.  As your post said - it's about what you want not what you need...the culture of greed. 

As an aside it's interesting to read so many supporting the property ownership culture - having moved to a country where it is more usual to rent and where children often move into the homes of their parents.  How many times has it been said on this forum that the french have a different attitude to property?  Most don't aspire to make their home look like something off the front cover of 'home and garden' in an effort to finance their next scrabble up the property ladder.

I guess then that the banks don't NEED Canary wharf, they WANT it, so I suspect that's greed on their part then?

The reason the French mostly rent is possibly that they have never had a prime minister like Lady Thatcher who decided to give the working classes a chance to change their life's for the better, by allowing and encouraging them to buy their homes. In France they are expected to work their life's to pay rent and taxes to their masters, and have never been given the encouragement to "better their lot", in fact the rules in France make it so they  cant. 


The real greed is the bankers/traders that think they are creating money trading on markets when all they are doing is skimming money from the general hardworking populace.

I should think the French are only too happy they never suffered at the crazy hands of Margaret Thatcher - she sold all the family silver and left UK at the hands of the multinationals.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Losing your home  is a very traumatic thing , frankly if banks want to step in and and allow people to stay  where they are all the better, otherwise the family risks being split up or going into B&B accommodation and in the end the State ends up having to house people.


Sadly when the banks foreclose on unpaid mortgages unless the unfortunate individual goes bankrupt they still owe all the unpaid monies and interest to the banks.

It sounds a good idea to leave these people in the same house but very often they cannot afford the rent and the repayments on their debts - so they end up being kicked out anyway.

Banks don't care if the state picks up the tab for B&B they have the B&B owners by the proverbials as well.

Banks do not do 'kind' they have only one god money.

Interest rates are abnormally low and when they rise as they surely will the suffering will increase for the individuals that bought into the banks cheap offers of money.

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We own our (modest) house in the UK - having bought it 23 years ago.  We purchased our house in France to (eventually) release capital to fund our retirement (unlike my OH I have little pension to speak of - courtesy of GB). I may be head of tax at the bank I work for but I don't earn megabucks.  My NHS scientist husband earns a lot more than I do.  Dog, I think you confuse clearing banks with investment banks...

Everyone blames the banks for the crisis but, without the greed of those desperate to finance themselves to the hilt in their efforts to climb the property ladder, there would have been no crash.  I agree Maggie T does carry some blame - given it was she who fostered the culture of 'everyman for himself' and dismissed the concept of society and community...

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[quote user="Scooby"]
Everyone blames the banks for the crisis but, without the greed of those desperate to finance themselves to the hilt in their efforts to climb the property ladder, there would have been no crash.  I agree Maggie T does carry some blame - given it was she who fostered the culture of 'everyman for himself' and dismissed the concept of society and community...

Lol greedy people at the bottom of the foodchain were demanding banks sorted them  a cheap fix of cash to ascend the property dream... not on your life...

Reality is greedy banks exploited dim people with easy cheap money while carrying away wheelbarrows full of money in the knowledge that they could exploit these people again and again safe in the knowledge that a dozing government were swept up in the scheme.

Grrr the UK governement is only now - a year after being smash and grabbed by the bankers - just about thinking of making some small savings maybe even cuts. Meanwhile the bankers are mopping up the money ploughed back into the system.

I will have to get a placard 'The end of the monetary system is nigh' and go to the city or get a job there and show them how to really ripoff the sheep - it is so easy even bankers can do it!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Dog, have you never heard of the saying that a banker is a person who lends you an umbrella when the weather is fine and wants it back when it starts to rain?[/quote]

Yes I have Sweet - quite some time ago - I could add a few more that are not quite so pleasant and some truisms from people I have met in business that actually produce things.

I met a tipping point with banks when the manager of many years was replaced and the replacement no longer rang me to warn me of wronguns that I shouldn't do business with. Plus some other shadier things the bank were involved in but it wouldn't be allowed to mention those here.

I said OK if that's the way it's going to be I don't help you either - at one time I made 50p for every Barclaycard stolen in the UK and I could have saved them money but why bother. I used the money to help charities and natural health societies.

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[quote user="Dog"]

Lol greedy people at the bottom of the foodchain were demanding banks sorted them  a cheap fix of cash to ascend the property dream...


So all those who lost out did so because of their own greed and stupidity - that's exactly my view!!  I knew you would come around to my point of view!!

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[quote user="Scooby"][quote user="Dog"]

Lol greedy people at the bottom of the foodchain were demanding banks sorted them  a cheap fix of cash to ascend the property dream...


So all those who lost out did so because of their own greed and stupidity - that's exactly my view!!  I knew you would come around to my point of view!!

Read what I said more carefully - the greedy ones were the banks reeling in the fishes with poisoned bait.

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[quote user="Scooby"]I read it perfectly well and understand that you agree with me [:)]  This is why, I guess, you are in support of the 'liar' mortgage applications.

You give an interesting insight into the world of banking - I thought bankers dreamed up self certificated mortgage applications and the salesmen pushed them to the gullible.

Obviously I have it all wrong and it is all lead by customer demand -  who just get what they want????

I think you better demand rules of conduct and fair trade agreements with these evil customers.


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