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Get me out of the déclaration impôts!


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I have now filled in all the required annexes, so Stage 3, I think.  But, try as I might, no joy with trying to get on the final bit.  "Suivante" after suivant after suivant and then.....end of the road.

A real Kafkaesque nightmare.  Therefore cannot close the page other than disconnecting myself.

Is it possible to move on at all, when you have no further foreign accounts OF ANY DESCRIPTION to add?

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Are we talking about the annex concerning foreign bank accounts?  If so, did you put in the right number of accounts at the very beginning? If I remember correctly you have to set the number of accounts before starting. If you have inadvertently got the number wrong it will keep asking the same question over and over.

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Still unable to progress after filling in 3916.

Got the summary of all our accounts (9) then it says do you have OTHER accounts you know of that you wish to declare.  If you have declared all accounts, press "suivant".

But that takes me back to account No 1 so I patiently reclick suivant, suivant, suivant until the end but no exit page.  Nothing to move on from Etape 3 to Etape 4.

fittersmate, read your document carefully and went through page by page and indeed all was correct including 3916.  But, after everything, still cannot exit that particular screen.

Now thoroughly fed up and at my wits end.

Further suggestions, anyone, PLEASE?


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On the bank a counts declaration page it asks how many accounts you have and you list them; have you numbered more than you actually have? If so, reduce that number until it is the same as the number of those declared. ( my memory is hazy but I think it is like that.)

Alternatively, declare no bank accounts, send in your tax form and then send them an email explaining the problem you had and declaring the bank accounts there and ask them to transfer them.

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Hi Wools, yes, have looked till I am cross-eyed.  Didnt make a mistake, put 9 and listed 9.  After the 9th, I pressed suivant and blow me if it didn't come up with 10.

I have even thought of making up a pretend 10th account but then I thought it would only come up with give us the details of account 11.

Have written another message to them and then, if they don't give me an anwer by Wednesday, I would be too late.  Seemed to have the same problem a couple of years ago (but not last year) and someone rang me and asked me to do a paper declaration and not to worry about being late.

If, by tomorrow afternoon, and still no reply, I shall be extremely triggered (as the new vocabulary will have it)!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankfully my one UK bank account didn't cause me any probs, I think it sails through year on year.

But this year a new problem with 'Pensions/Retraites' on Stage 2, the tick/amount box was grey and couldn't be filled in 🤔. I wanted to submit my new annuity income.

Ended up making a face-to-face appointment at Hotel des Impots. But she couldn't complete it either, she tried to key in the name 'Legal & General' but computer said 'no'..... So she printed off a paper Declaration and filled in the amount in box 1AS on page 3.

She said I'll be sent a paper Declaration from now on.

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Well done Woodrup.  Unfortunately calling at the local impôts is no longer an option.  The local office to us has been closed for a couple of years and to go to the nearest impôts is about an hour and a half's drive away.  IF you can get a RV that is.

I am interested in what you have said about your annuity.  Since our first year of declaring (2008) my husband was advised that his annuities go into "rentes viager".  We have never had to name the company.

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Yes I imagined from your posts you didn't have a Tax Office near you. Fortunately mine is just a 15 minute drive.

"Rentes viager" could be right. In fact the woman at the Tax Office was keying in 'Legal & General' to get a French code number for it I think, and she couldn't find one.

On the paper Declaration page 3, I see it is headed Salaries, Pensions, Rentes.

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