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Tax forms


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Thanks to everybody who has taken the trouble to answer my queries.

I have now got to decide which route to go down, declare online or collect the correct forms from les impots next week. The only problem I have is down to the rules changing this year regarding treatment of capital gains on share purchases. We have lived in France since September 2008, and in the years 2008 and 2009 I made losses on my share dealings, but I turned in a profit for 2010. My losses for 2008 and 2009 wipe out any gain for 2010. Again on another thread parsnips kindly advised that I can ignore declaring any capital gain in box 3VG for 2010, as my earlier losses wipe out my gain, or hand in all my contract notes since becoming a French resident, so the tax office will then have all my gains/losses on file.

Either way I am not defrauding the authorities as I can genuinely prove what I have stated above, but I am not sure which road to go down, leave the box blank for 2010's gains and maybe risk an audit, or declare the gains for 2010 and hand in all my contract notes. If I do this I am not certain if this would in itself trigger an audit.

Whilst I feel I have nothing to hide, I just don't fancy all the hassle an audit would cause. Maybe if I leave the decision until I have had a glass or two of red wine the decision will seem easier!

Once again many thanks for all your replies.
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[quote user="Grecian"]Thanks to everybody who has taken the trouble to answer my queries.

I have now got to decide which route to go down, declare online or collect the correct forms from les impots next week. The only problem I have is down to the rules changing this year regarding treatment of capital gains on share purchases. We have lived in France since September 2008, and in the years 2008 and 2009 I made losses on my share dealings, but I turned in a profit for 2010. My losses for 2008 and 2009 wipe out any gain for 2010. Again on another thread parsnips kindly advised that I can ignore declaring any capital gain in box 3VG for 2010, as my earlier losses wipe out my gain, or hand in all my contract notes since becoming a French resident, so the tax office will then have all my gains/losses on file.

Either way I am not defrauding the authorities as I can genuinely prove what I have stated above, but I am not sure which road to go down, leave the box blank for 2010's gains and maybe risk an audit, or declare the gains for 2010 and hand in all my contract notes. If I do this I am not certain if this would in itself trigger an audit.

Whilst I feel I have nothing to hide, I just don't fancy all the hassle an audit would cause. Maybe if I leave the decision until I have had a glass or two of red wine the decision will seem easier!

Once again many thanks for all your replies.[/quote]


 I now have up to date advice on declaring capital gains . see                                                                                                 http://www2.impots.gouv.fr/divers/noticeIR2010_hand/notice_impot_2010.html

     " section 4 plus values et gains divers"

Afraid its too long to post in full.

You declare on form 2074 and annexes and send copies of relevant documents. If I were you I'd do it for all relevant years. If you declare on line, you don't have to send paperwork (unless requested later).

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Thanks C/lola. I did go into the site you gave but couldn't find where you said to put in the info to find the address of the Tax Office. I tried all the different areas of Recherche and went through each of the headings but just couldn't find anywhere to put in 'the address' to locate local Tax Office for my friend to return the form to.



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This bit: (you'll need to go back to the link - it won't work from here.)

If you still can't do it then pm me with the details (no need for a house name - a lieu dit or street name plus commune and code postale works) and I will do it for you.

Vos services locaux


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[quote user="Laurier"]Thanks C/lola. I did go into the site you gave but couldn't find where you said to put in the info to find the address of the Tax Office. I tried all the different areas of Recherche and went through each of the headings but just couldn't find anywhere to put in 'the address' to locate local Tax Office for my friend to return the form to. Thanks Laurier[/quote]

Try here


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[quote user="tinabee"]

[quote user="Laurier"]Thanks C/lola. I did go into the site you gave but couldn't find where you said to put in the info to find the address of the Tax Office. I tried all the different areas of Recherche and went through each of the headings but just couldn't find anywhere to put in 'the address' to locate local Tax Office for my friend to return the form to. Thanks Laurier[/quote]

Try here


[/quote]What's not obvious, Tinabee, is which of the 37 centres on that list deals with Laurier's friend's tax.  For that, imho, it's best to use the form on the impots website (or telephone one of the numbers on your list).  Hopefully, if it were sent to the wrong office then they would pass it on but you just never know!
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Thanks for the link parsnips. I have got myself confused in which year the proposd changes to capital gains come into effect. I thought everything was to have capital gains and social charges applied to for 2010 declaration, but after reading all the information I have gleaned from various websites and forums, if I have it correct in my mind now, 2010 declaration gains will be subject to are dear old friend social charges at a rate of 12.1%, and capital gains of 18% to any gain made in 2010, if there are no losses to offset the gain from previous years.

Going back to my original dilema, it will now be to my advantage to make a paper declaration, and hand in all supporting contract notes to show losses for 2008 and 2009. I do not think I have done anything wrong upto now with my declarations, as in 2008 and 2009 I did not 'turnover' more than 25,830 euros, although I still managed to make a loss for the two years!

Not wishing to burden you with my 'box problem', but the only problem I think I am now not sure on is what do I put in the 3VH box for 2010 declaration. Obviously I will have to declare my gain in box 3VG so those nice people at les impots can take their 12.1% social charges, but can I put all my losses for 2008 and 2009 in this years 3VH box so they will hopefully not take any capital gain from 2010? Or do I leave it blank and hope with all supporting documents I will supply them they will work it out for themselves that my gain is offset with losses from previous years?
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Hi Grecian,

        Gains made in 2010 on withdrawals under 25830€ are subject only to CSG this year only; the gain should be put in 3VT and any 2010 perte in 3VU.

 You  should calculate your losses for previous years ( these are only allowable if your total withdrawals exceeded the threshold for those years) and enter those in 3VV . You should send copies of your calculations and  contracts etc. (you can use form 2041SPS for this, or plain paper).  This is how I have read it , but your safest course might be to take everything to the tax office and let them sort it.


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Thank you very much for the info parsnips.

I suppose if you think about it, it is obvious that unless you exceed the threshold, losses for that year cannot be carried forward, as up until now at any rate no tax/CSG would have been paid on any previous years you had made a gain, but not breached the threshold. So I guess we cannot have our cake and eat it.

I have rechecked my 'turnover' for 2009 and in fact I actually breached the threshold, although not by very much, so I guess I am entitled to carry forward that loss. All very confusing stuff, and I will take your advice and get some clarification on all this.

It will be interesting to see how the French deal with the new tax, as I think it said in the Sidalls newsletter I read, when this was last tried the French virtually stopped selling shares, and the government at the time had to repeal the law and go back to how things were. We can only hope they do the same again.

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