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Gary Linekar


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I don’t like talking about UK stuff on a French forum because it is not fitting.

But Gary Lineker deserves a discussion….because there is a link with France.

Soo I will add my thoughts.

He is a complete and utter uneducated twãat. 

The brain dead idiot should stick to talking about some dumb off side rule in football that nobody cares about rather getting involved in politics that quite frankly when he tweets about makes him look more stupid than he already is.

Go spend your millions Gary….and shut up. It is embarrassing. Especially for those who live in Europe.

oooooh….I needed to get that off my chest.

I feel better now.




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25 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

But he's right in what he said however crude and the fact that he's been taken off air shows how controlling the current UK government is unless you believe the decision wasn't influenced by them. 


Is he right in what he says ? Are you joking me ?

He implies that the present UK government’s policy on UK imigration to be the same as **** Germany policy in the 1930’s. You know where **** Germany went on to murder 6 million Jewish persons and 5 million POW’s.

What are you on ?

The UK puts up immigrants in hotels, give them heath care and some pocket money.

Does France ?

So I’m struggling to understand what overpaid Gary (1.4 million a year to talk about football) who also presented the football in Qatar and milked it….😶..what his problem is.





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The UK government spends £7 million a day keeping asylum seekers in hotels etc because the asylum processing system is an absolute mess with over 150K waiting for their cases to be dealt with, do you think that's a good use of taxpayers money?

Lineker made a comment about the language used by the government over the 'small boats' issue and likened that to what was being said in Germany in the 1930's, he is spot on and millions agree with him in the UK.

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7 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Please name these millions.🥵

Even if you ignore the 10 million who follow him on social media he has found support across the political spectrum, within television, the general public and even from relatives of Holocaust survivors.

The BBC have royally screwed up here with their hypocrisy and deference to the government. 

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11 hours ago, DraytonBoy said:

The UK government spends £7 million a day keeping asylum seekers in hotels etc because the asylum processing system is an absolute mess with over 150K waiting for their cases to be dealt with, do you think that's a good use of taxpayers money?

Lineker made a comment about the language used by the government over the 'small boats' issue and likened that to what was being said in Germany in the 1930's, he is spot on and millions agree with him in the UK.

Nope I am struggling.

How does Gary Lineker know what was being spoken in 1930’s Germany ? Did he read a book or something ?Or is he just citing **** Germany because that is what everyone does when making a point of this nature ? The trouble with that is that it distots history and undermines the seriousness of what eventually happened. 

Does Gary know how migrants are being treated in France ?  Ever been to Paris recently ?

France does not want to take back migrants from the UK but expects Italy to take back their migrants. How does that work then ?

How are migrants are being treated in the EU baltic countries ? It is well reported if you or Gary google it. It is not nice. 

It was reported some time back that Gendames or French police….or whoever were stealing the shoes off migrants on the French Italian border to deter them ? Does that happen in the UK ?

So I think the UK is not that bad, well actually very good compared to other countries. There is only so much you can do with limited resources. So maybe Gary should read around the subject before saying stupidities. Or just stick to football maybe.

Very easy to stop people smuggling into the UK.



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13 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Very easy to stop people smuggling into the UK.


I'm fully aware of the 0000's of migrants that arrive across the France/Italy border and that the French government's current policy is to simply return them but legally the government is doing nothing wrong according to EU regulations. Is it morally right probably not but that is a separate issue to Lineker's tweet.

This furore is about freedom of speech not an individual country's immigration policy.


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59 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:


I'm fully aware of the 0000's of migrants that arrive across the France/Italy border and that the French government's current policy is to simply return them but legally the government is doing nothing wrong according to EU regulations. Is it morally right probably not but that is a separate issue to Lineker's tweet.

This furore is about freedom of speech not an individual country's immigration policy.


Freedom of speech works when you have not signed a contract preventing you from sharing your political beliefs and more importantly not saying stupidities. He said something stupid. He was also paid handsomely to work in Qatar. How do you take him seriously ?

I have been to a concentration camp and it was the most harrowing experience of my life. I doubt very much Gary has otherwise he would not have said what he did.

Stopping boats, well you pick them up, give them something to eat, medical assistance if required and then take them back to France. Who is going to pay 5000 euros for a return trip. So that breaks the people smugglers model staight away. Then you set up a housing (there used to be one until Sarky knocked it down) and process people with dignity they deserve.

But Mr Macron says non. So maybe Gary should vent his anger at the EU. The EU just spends its money on building fences in the baltics.

There was a report on F3 last night about a village that is going to house migrants. Most of the village says non and a few say yes. So they are protesting against each other in the street.

Same problems in France as the UK. I wish peeps would stopping picking on the UK when it does its bit…and it does it a lot more humanly.



Edited by alittlebitfrench
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Gary Linekar has been active in highlighting the plight of refugees for years. He hosts them in his own home. He knows more about the subject than most. As has been said, he was referring to the language being used and, yes, he probably has read more than one book on the subject.

More interesting, in my opinion, is the actions of Suella Braverman. To all intents and purposes she's very bright. She studied law both at Cambridge and the Sorbonne and is a KC. Last year she was sent a letter from a group of Holocaust survivors asking her to refrain from using dehumanising language when referring to refugees as it was reminiscent of the language used in Germany before the second world war. In January another holocaust survivor went to her constituency and requested the same thing. Both times she refused and on the second occasion the home office office threatened legal action against the woman if she didn't remove the video of her asking the question from the internet. Numerous charities and aid associations have made the same point. You could argue the Gary Linekar is merely the last.

So my question is this, why does the home secretary persist in using such language? What is she hoping to achieve if not the demonisation of a whole group of people.

Just like what happened in 1930's Germany.

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If Lineker had broken his contract/agreement with the BBC then they would have said so and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Regardless of whether you agree with what he said or not his removal from presenting MOTD is an attempt to silence him by the government/Tory MP's and there is now a massive backlash that won't die down anytime soon.

As for the idea that you simply cure the 'small boat' problem by scooping them up and dumping back in France, what can I say except - it's against international law, it's dangerous, it's morally wrong, it will worsen the relationship between France and the UK etc, etc. Any more simplistic and daft ideas? 


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1 hour ago, DaveLister said:

Gary Linekar has been active in highlighting the plight of refugees for years. He hosts them in his own home. He knows more about the subject than most. As has been said, he was referring to the language being used and, yes, he probably has read more than one book on the subject.

More interesting, in my opinion, is the actions of Suella Braverman. To all intents and purposes she's very bright. She studied law both at Cambridge and the Sorbonne and is a KC. Last year she was sent a letter from a group of Holocaust survivors asking her to refrain from using dehumanising language when referring to refugees as it was reminiscent of the language used in Germany before the second world war. In January another holocaust survivor went to her constituency and requested the same thing. Both times she refused and on the second occasion the home office office threatened legal action against the woman if she didn't remove the video of her asking the question from the internet. Numerous charities and aid associations have made the same point. You could argue the Gary Linekar is merely the last.

So my question is this, why does the home secretary persist in using such language? What is she hoping to achieve if not the demonisation of a whole group of people.

Just like what happened in 1930's Germany.

But there is language and there are actions. The actions of the UK towards migrants is far more humane than that of the EU. If you could  persuade my differently then please go ahead. 

So why is Gary the expert in migration sounding off at the UK government ?

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1 hour ago, DraytonBoy said:


As for the idea that you simply cure the 'small boat' problem by scooping them up and dumping back in France, what can I say except - it's against international law, it's dangerous, it's morally wrong, it will worsen the relationship between France and the UK etc, etc. Any more simplistic and daft ideas? 


Funny, I have never said scooping or dumping in my post. You sound like Gary now. 

Why would taking them back on a border force boat be dangerous ?

What I am saying is that you need to break the smuggling model. 

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8 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

But there is language and there are actions.

Words and deeds yes. So, if the language of the current government doesn't bother you why should the words of a former footballer?

Why are you getting so upset, it's just words.

10 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

The actions of the UK towards migrants is far more humane than that of the EU.

Personally I think very few countries can cover themselves in glory over this issue ( Germany's maybe an exception ).

Being an asylum seeker in the UK can be a miserable existence. Just ask those poor souls who have caught diphtheria in overcrowded centres or had their accommodation firebombed by angry mobs. Not to mention the hundreds of unaccompanied children the Home Office itself admits to losing.

Oh, and Sarkozy didn't have Sangate knocked down, it was returned to Eurotunnel from which it had been requisitioned. Sarkozy was only able to do this because the British government promised to sort out it's dysfunctional asylum processing of Kurdish refugees. Sound familiar?

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24 minutes ago, DaveLister said:

Words and deeds yes. So, if the language of the current government doesn't bother you why should the words of a former footballer?.



In this case, because Gary presented the world cup from Qatar and in that respect he is not morally better than the Tory government. 

And he is clearly very stupid yet his views influence millions. 

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35 minutes ago, DaveLister said:


Being an asylum seeker in the UK can be a miserable existence. 

Premier Inn, food, health care and pocket money vs sleeping rough in a field in Calais or in an urban jungle in Paris being bullied by the French police or ending in the drugs trade.

Take your pick Gary.

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YES the BBC has scored an own goal (to coin a phrase!)

I bend towards what DB and some others have said.  GL is a freelancer (NOT employed by the BBC) and does presentations on other channels too.  He did not say the government was acting like the Nazis, he objected to the language used by Braverman.  He did NOT say any of this on TV or on his programme.  He tweeted this on his own account.  

What Braverman (for Braverman read the government) wants is for us to see the migrants not as individuals with families and problems and fears and worries but as "floods", "hoards", "masses", "thousands"....faceless and "not our problem".  I believe that in the past, this was called depersonalisation.  Just give them a number, even one tattooed on an arm....reminds you of something?

Actually, but for some twist of fate, one of us could very well have ended up as one of the boat migrants. 

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5 hours ago, menthe said:

YES the BBC has scored an own goal (to coin a phrase!)

I bend towards what DB and some others have said.  GL is a freelancer (NOT employed by the BBC) and does presentations on other channels too.  He did not say the government was acting like the Nazis, he objected to the language used by Braverman.  He did NOT say any of this on TV or on his programme.  He tweeted this on his own account. 

Why does he feel the need to tweet ? That is the real question.

Is he genuinely concerned about such issues or is he just trying to make himself look relevant ?

He kicked a football about for a few years and he presents Motd but other than that he has not done an awful lot in his life ?

He does not know or have the experience of the daily grind or lived in areas where most people live. 

I saw him on TV yesterday during the debarcle driven in a chauffeur driven car. 

The BBC have scored an own goal by not getting riid of him earlier. 

1.4 million salary for presenting football ?




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14 hours ago, DraytonBoy said:

Lineker has been vocal about the plight of migrants for some time and has housed people arriving from Ukraine so this is not some 'stunt'.

Yep he does a lot of work for charity mate but he don’t like to talk about. Well does actually because we all know about it.

I think that most people with his money would do the same but not talk about it. I would. And not tell anyone.

Now as I understand it, and maybe I am wrong so I will appologise in advance, he does not live with them. If true, that is an important point. Most hosts live with the people they providing accommodation for.

But the point still remains, why call out the UK ? Compared to some other EU countries, the Uk goes well and above the call of duty for migrants. He should be proud not making silly comments. 

Not sure what he expects.

25000 people died this winter due to excessive waiting times in the Nhs. The fact remains, the infrastructure of the UK can’t cope with this level of migration.

And if he thinks there is a problem now, wait a fews for years for climate migration. We will be talking millions not thousands.

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16 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Is he genuinely concerned about such issues or is he just trying to make himself look relevant ?
He kicked a football about for a few years and he presents Motd but other than that he has not done an awful lot in his life ?





1 hour ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Yep he does a lot of work for charity mate but he don’t like to talk about. Well does actually because we all know about it.

Except 15 hours previous, you didn't seem to know anything about it. LOL.

Bless you ALBF, you never change. You have pretty much perfected the art of tunnel vision.

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Looks like the BBC has backed down.

Statement from Gary Linekar.

After a surreal few days, I’m delighted that we have navigated a way through this. I want to thank you all for the incredible support, particularly my colleagues at BBC Sport, for the remarkable show of solidarity. Football is a team game but their backing was overwhelming. I have been presenting sport on the BBC for almost 3 decades and am immeasurably proud to work with the best and fairest broadcaster in the world. I cannot wait to get back in the MOTD chair on Saturday.

A final thought: however difficult the last few days have been, it simply doesn’t compare to having to flee your home from persecution or war to seek refuge in a land far away. It’s heartwarming to have seen the empathy towards their plight from so many of you. We remain a country of predominantly tolerant, welcoming and generous people. Thank you.

Can't argue with that can you ALBF

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