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More Covid?


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I wonder if the relaxed Chinese travel restrictions will end up with us being , once again, restricted? It seems incredible to me that China, in the grip of this pandemic with horrendous reported deaths and spread of the disease, has lifted travel restrictions. It seems even more incredible that the West is going to allow China to once again export Covid! 

Several countries have reportedly said they will test Chinese travellers when they arrive and Macron has asked the French government to look at ways to protect the population. The only way, I believe, is to forbid travellers from China entering the country in the first place. It is inevitable that Covid will, once again, pose a serious problem. China has really been quite 'cute'. It will be sending its sick and diseased people on holiday and relieving itself of the caring of them whilst once again damaging western economies!

I suppose money is at the bottom of it all. The West wants Chinese tourists but our politicians are not bright enough to know that having the spread of Covid amongst us is counter productive! I think it is three years now since Covid caused a huge problem here in the West. I think we are about to get another 'dose' !!!

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It looks like the US will impose Covid tests (for what they are worth) on Chinese tourists which is a start.  You would think that the Governments would have learnt the value of a shut down from the initial breakout.  As you say, tourist money will be the driving force.  The Chinese Government spokesperson on the TV yesterday was quite belligerent. The "problems" in China shown on the rest of the worlds TV is not true, a Capitalist plot etc.  They have a lot of internal problems to deal with on top of this.  Not good omens for 2023.

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Seems crazy to me.  How many times - per day - are we being told our health facilities are at maximum stress level??  Doctors and nurses are leaving the profession.  Now, we are opening the doors to all.  How in the world is that going to help us?  Those tourisme dollars will go up in smoke when we end up paying for hospital stays and care for those not in our system.

Very tired of it all.  Very bad decisions are being made.  First graders could make better decisions.



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>Do the French research labs know the sequence of the current virus circulating in China?

>Should we trust them if they told us?

>Is it a new variant?

> If a new variant - Is it liable to be more or less contagious than the current one in France?

>Until these questions are answered no entry to persons travelling to France from China would seem to be sensible.

You can't make proper decisions without proper data.

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