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Indian Summer

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Can I still call it that?

Well, delicious days, warm and sunny which enable gardening, lawn cutting ( it won’t stop growing this year) and some outdoor eating.

But then there have been surprises like the sudden and unexpected tornados which have ripped through the Nord and almost wiped out a couple of hamlets.

Is this the future weather pattern?

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Torn between loving this weather and hating it! Loving the warmth, sun and being able to walk around in shorts and a 'T' shirt but hate the lack of rain. The pays Basque needs a lot of rain and this month , so far, we have had only 10mm. which is hardy worth considering given the temperatures. This morning at 5o/c is was 25.C with humidity at 48%. I keep a daily record of the weather and have done so for many years.

I don't worry about so called global warming or any of the other nonsense concerning the weather. It has always evolved and will continue to do so. It would be nice to have some rain but keep the warm weather though; never happy!!!

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Another denier of global warming. Having been caught up in Hurricane Ian just four weeks ago and witnessed the devastation first hand it's clear to see what we have done to the planet.

We're likely to have record high temperatures this weekend followed by a week of solid rain, that's not evolution but a complete destruction of normal weather patterns.

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1 hour ago, DraytonBoy said:

Another denier of global warming. Having been caught up in Hurricane Ian just four weeks ago and witnessed the devastation first hand it's clear to see what we have done to the planet.

We're likely to have record high temperatures this weekend followed by a week of solid rain, that's not evolution but a complete destruction of normal weather patterns.

Another ignorant 'supporter of 'global warming'. I haven't denied that global temperatures have increased or there is less rain or anything else including 'tornadoes' or hurricanes in Tunbridge Wells! Instead off simply following the idiots who claim to know the answers do a little research on the subject. If the dipsticks who advocate their nonsense gave it some thought they might , perhaps, wonder why there still isn't an ice age!!

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(Pall Mall Gazette.)

a plentiful crop of speculation from weather prophets and projectors, and half-instructed meteorologists, and all the philosophic tribe of Laputa in general, to whom the periodical press now affords such fatal facilities.

every season is sure to be “extraordinary,” almost every month one of the driest or wettest, or windiest, coldest or hottest, ever known. Much observation, which ought to correct a tendency to exaggerate, seems in some minds to have rather a tendency to increase it.

– Brisbane Courier, January 10 1871

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Well....I have said it before and will say it again.

The biggest factor for anyone moving too, or within France is global warming.

Brit peeps are still asking STUPID questions on forums about where they shoud live in France. A dumb question I know. How the **** do I know where you want to live in France 😀

That said, I would not advise anyone to live in an area below the Loire river. Unless you like living in 40 degrees in the summer...(or this year the winter) or having your house flooded, burnt down or demolished by wild weather. 

Yeah...I would say France is in the shît with regards to climate change. 

The biggest problem in France I think is the heat stress on houses. Houses tend not to be very well made for this type of climate. Big cracks !

There you go. I would go very more North towards the Shetland Islands personally than France. 

'Answer' (sorry I mean Chancer 😀) has moved to Bergerac. He is going to regret that at his age. Not a good idea. 

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3 hours ago, DraytonBoy said:

Another denier of global warming. Having been caught up in Hurricane Ian just four weeks ago and witnessed the devastation first hand it's clear to see what we have done to the planet.

We're likely to have record high temperatures this weekend followed by a week of solid rain, that's not evolution but a complete destruction of normal weather patterns.

Ever heard of the great storm of 1703?

"The storm was unprecedented in ferocity and duration and was generally reckoned by witnesses to represent the anger of God, in recognition of the "crying sins of this nation". The government declared 19 January 1704 a day of fasting, saying that it "loudly calls for the deepest and most solemn humiliation of our people". It remained a frequent topic of moralising in sermons well into the 19th century.[7]"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_storm_of_1703#:~:text=The great storm of 1703,Forest%2C which lost 4%2C000 oaks.

This occured before the industrial revolution, diesel SUV's, jet aircraft, gas central heating etc - so what was the cause?
Weather? Climate? Climate is what is expected. Weather is what you get.

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1 hour ago, Harnser said:

Ever heard of the great storm of 1703?

"The storm was unprecedented in ferocity and duration and was generally reckoned by witnesses to represent the anger of God, in recognition of the "crying sins of this nation". The government declared 19 January 1704 a day of fasting, saying that it "loudly calls for the deepest and most solemn humiliation of our people". It remained a frequent topic of moralising in sermons well into the 19th century.[7]"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_storm_of_1703#:~:text=The great storm of 1703,Forest%2C which lost 4%2C000 oaks.

This occured before the industrial revolution, diesel SUV's, jet aircraft, gas central heating etc - so what was the cause?
Weather? Climate? Climate is what is expected. Weather is what you get.

Wasting your time I'm afraid! The weather is evolving but unfortunately some human beings are not!!

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14 minutes ago, Ken said:

Wasting your time I'm afraid! The weather is evolving but unfortunately some human beings are not!!

They've been captured by the climate cult, no reason or scientific argument will deter them from believing in their false prophets.

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8 minutes ago, Harnser said:

They've been captured by the climate cult, no reason or scientific argument will deter them from believing in their false prophets.

Are you really saying the scientific community supports your theory that the climate is simply evolving naturally and the change is not man made? 

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11 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

Are you really saying the scientific community supports your theory that the climate is simply evolving naturally and the change is not man made? 

Are you really saying that mankind can control the climate of planet earth?


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22 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

alter 100%.

We have no chance of altering climate change and its effects. It is far too late for that. 

Humanity can't turn this one around. 

As a civilisation, we are doomed. We are gone. 

I reckon by 2050/60 the world will be pretty much dead.

Members of this forum will be long gone before that but our kids, Grandchildren will die a very slow death.

Scary innit. 





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12 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

We have no chance of altering climate change and its effects. It is far too late for that. 

Humanity can't turn this one around. 

As a civilisation, we are doomed. We are gone. 

I reckon by 2050/60 the world will be pretty much dead.

Members of this forum will be long gone before that but our kids, Grandchildren will die a very slow death.

Scary innit. 





Why not forecast race horse winners? Makes as much sense, more so really, than just regurgitating nonsense about the end of the world! As for being scary, only If someone is daft enough to think that is what is  going to happen in 30 or 40 year's time.  I don't suppose you can give an exact date I suppose, perhaps a time even?

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6 minutes ago, Ken said:

  I don't suppose you can give an exact date I suppose, perhaps a time even?

What is the point ? You will be pushing up daisies my friend long before the time comes. So it of no importance to you anyway. Enjoy your afterlife. 

My kids on the other hand...!!!

I reckon 2050/60. Something like that. October 10th 2055 sounds good. 

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4 minutes ago, betise said:

I saw that at lunchtime too 🙂

I was going to post that but it was on French telly. No one would get it.  Most peeps would be too busy worrying about dishy Rishi destroying their pensions 😀

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1 hour ago, alittlebitfrench said:

What is the point ? You will be pushing up daisies my friend long before the time comes. So it of no importance to you anyway. Enjoy your afterlife. 

My kids on the other hand...!!!

I reckon 2050/60. Something like that. October 10th 2055 sounds good. 

Pushing up daisies! And you are going to live forever? As for the dates and time; well you have fantasised so far so continuing obviously isn't a problem!  You perpetuate the doomsday rubbish with no evidence other than that of the swivel eyed loons agenda with,  probably a little bit of Hollywood thrown in, and obviously agree with; and you expect to convince people your forecast is right? You are right only with one point: When I'm dead it will be of no importance to me, one way or another but what makes you think you are different, because you have kids? I too have children! You spout rubbish with no evidence to support your childish predictions. Think about it, don't you think you are being silly with predictions that a child would make, a fantasy with no real basis for saying it?

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37 minutes ago, Ken said:

Pushing up daisies! And you are going to live forever? As for the dates and time; well you have fantasised so far so continuing obviously isn't a problem!  You perpetuate the doomsday rubbish with no evidence other than that of the swivel eyed loons agenda with,  probably a little bit of Hollywood thrown in, and obviously agree with; and you expect to convince people your forecast is right? You are right only with one point: When I'm dead it will be of no importance to me, one way or another but what makes you think you are different, because you have kids? I too have children! You spout rubbish with no evidence to support your childish predictions. Think about it, don't you think you are being silly with predictions that a child would make, a fantasy with no real basis for saying it?

Ken my dear dearest forum friend...the world is finished for humans.  We are on life support and those running the show know it.

Humanity will not live beyong 2050/60. 

On that point...I am going to glue myself to something. 😀

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