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Ukraine and the E.U.


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59 minutes ago, Ken said:

Gerhard Schroder, the former German chancellor, has warned the country not to ban Russian energy and refused to apologise for his close ties to the Kremlin in a defiant first interview since the start of the war in Ukraine.

The Germans have no shame! I wonder If Macron will also try and cement ties with the Kremlin?

Ken....why do you live in France ?

Honest question.

France will always be Germany with a different coloured flag.

I learnt that quite quickly back in the 90's.

Edited by alittlebitfrench
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2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Ken....why do you live in France ?

Honest question.

France will always be Germany with a different coloured flag.

I learnt that quite quickly back in the 90's.

A question asked of me many times. Now for the honest answer;  My wife wanted to live in France; that was 25 years ago. I have no problem living anywhere, so we came and we loved it. My wife died here 12 years ago so this is as much my home as ever Britain was. I am English and will forever be so and Britain does have my first loyalty. Where I live, in the Pays Basque, the countryside is mind blowing and the people likewise. The big plus is there are no Brits!!!! The Basques actually despise, to a large extent, French people who come here for either holidays or in a second home. I'm quite ambivalent regarding the French as a nation; yes, things are different and sometimes very frustrating but I accept that. I am unaffected by riots or problems of any sort and I don't have any children (all gone) to worry about so what is there (for me) not to like?

I suspect though that your question is more targeted in that I criticise the E.U. mercilessly; Macron and the Germans particularly. Macron isn't a typical Frenchman and the Germans, well they are behaving typically!  France is the most E.U. sceptic country in Europe so in fact, there is a kindred spirit here for me! I have always hated the E.U. for one reason and one reason only, it is also why I supported Brexit. Over 50 million people died in a war not so long ago so that countries could plot and make their own future and I believe in that right 100%. With the E.U. that obviously can't happen! Currently, the war in Ukraine: The E.U. and particularly France and Germany are acting despicably, without shame and certainly not in the spirit which they keep trying to ram down peoples throats regarding loyalty, unity etc.! In addition Macron continues to try and hurt Britain, that is enough for me to despise him!!! Britain still is a fantastic country and my living here doesn't change my loyalty one little bit. In fact Britain's current behaviour regarding Ukraine makes me feel extremely proud.

I hope that answers your question.

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7 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Surely, France and Germany are plotting their own futures within the EU? Their policies over Ukraine, however much we dislike them are illustrative of that

Quite patently they are. Any sane observer  would understand that. as for 'however much we dislike them'!!! an understatement if ever there was one. Thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians are being killed and that elicits "no matter how much we dislike them!!! The point though is that the E.U. is supposed to be a unified union, not a dis-unified union! Given that these two countries are, in effect, running the E.U. the whole structure should be questioned. Their behaviour regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine is disgraceful, the whole world can see it, including other member states. That these states appear to be doing nothing to reign them in makes them, and thus, the E.U. culpable. There doesn't seem to be much criticism from E.U. supporters either. It may yet be the case that Putin is responsible for the break-up of the E.U. as it stands. Just how can the leaders of the E.U. look themselves in a mirror?

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As an aside, I was thinking of Putin's long table, used to keep him at a distance from foreign diplomats etc.. I have read opinions that this is used because his fear of Covid.

Could it possibly be used to keep people far enough away that they don't realise that the person at the other end is not Putin, but maybe a body double? The real Putin being in hiding far away.

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