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The EU wants to make sure the people they represent don’t know what they are doing until after the French elections.

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“BRUSSELS — European officials are drafting plans for an embargo on Russian oil products, the most contested measure yet to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and a move long resisted because of its big costs for Germany and its potential to disrupt politics around the region and increase energy prices.

The earliest the proposed E.U. embargo will be put up for negotiation will be after the final round of the French elections, on April 24, to ensure that the impact on prices at the pump doesn’t fuel the populist candidate Marine Le Pen and hurt president Emmanuel Macron’s chances of re-election, officials said.”

New York Times April 15th 2022


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That'll be why they announced it then, so that nobody knows what they're doing. They really are stupid aren't they (well comebody is).

Or just possibly it is exactly as it says. The EU has always had a policy of keeping out of the national politics of its member states. It doesn't take a genius to see how easily this move, which affects every EU state, could be used right now to influence voters in France even though it is nothing to do with French politics.

I have to admire the way you have turned a policy of ensuring that French voters aren't influenced by EU policies, into bemoaning the fact that the EU is not going to help one side over the other (I'm sure it's entirely coincidental that if confusion was allowed to arise, it would benefit your favourite candidate).

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Nothing to do with favourite candidates - I was highlighting the dubious action of the EUSSR doing their best to enhance the election chances of their biggest fanboy.

And the EU seem to be continuing to try to do "a Fillon" on MLP 

Marine Le Pen (RN) and her relatives are accused by the European anti-fraud office of having embezzled around 600,000 euros of European public money during their terms of office as MEPs, according to a new report revealed on Saturday by Mediapart and handed over to French justice.
"I am surprised by the always strong timing about the revelation" and its "instrumentalization", reacted to AFP Me Rodolphe Bosselut, the lawyer for Marine Le Pen, campaigning for the second round of the presidential election.

Me Bosselut also says he is "dismayed by the way Olaf (European anti-fraud office) acts, without contradictory character" and on "old facts of more than ten years" for some.


Funny that this report should be publicised a week before the election isn't it? 

Scummy way to run an election IMHO.



Edited by Harnser
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58 minutes ago, Harnser said:

Nothing to do with favourite candidates - I was highlighting the dubious action of the EUSSR doing their best to enhance the election chances of their biggest fanboy.

And the EU seem to be continuing to try to do "a Fillon" on MLP 

Marine Le Pen (RN) and her relatives are accused by the European anti-fraud office of having embezzled around 600,000 euros of European public money during their terms of office as MEPs, according to a new report revealed on Saturday by Mediapart and handed over to French justice.
"I am surprised by the always strong timing about the revelation" and its "instrumentalization", reacted to AFP Me Rodolphe Bosselut, the lawyer for Marine Le Pen, campaigning for the second round of the presidential election.

Me Bosselut also says he is "dismayed by the way Olaf (European anti-fraud office) acts, without contradictory character" and on "old facts of more than ten years" for some.


But we have known this for years, they may be pushing it to the surface now, but it doesn't change the fact that she, and her party, are well known for "mismanagement" of funds. 




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4 hours ago, Harnser said:

Nothing to do with favourite candidates - I was highlighting the dubious action of the EUSSR doing their best to enhance the election chances of their biggest fanboy.

And the EU seem to be continuing to try to do "a Fillon" on MLP 

Marine Le Pen (RN) and her relatives are accused by the European anti-fraud office of having embezzled around 600,000 euros of European public money during their terms of office as MEPs, according to a new report revealed on Saturday by Mediapart and handed over to French justice.
"I am surprised by the always strong timing about the revelation" and its "instrumentalization", reacted to AFP Me Rodolphe Bosselut, the lawyer for Marine Le Pen, campaigning for the second round of the presidential election.

Me Bosselut also says he is "dismayed by the way Olaf (European anti-fraud office) acts, without contradictory character" and on "old facts of more than ten years" for some.


Funny that this report should be publicised a week before the election isn't it? 

Scummy way to run an election IMHO.



Well you have changed tack now. Elections are always scummy but politicians and their past behaviour are fair game, unlike decisions that are out of their hands and are nothing to do with French politics. The introduction of this sanction is a complex and divisive issue in itself and has no business getting mixed up with the présidentielles. By all means look at what policies M and lP are proposing to control fuel prices and what their stance is on sanctions, those factors are totally relevant, but not a short term local blip in prices caused by a decision made by the EU that affects every EU country, a blip that would be no different whether leP or M was in power in France.

The timing of the le Pen report is no doubt just as coincidental as the "revelations" about the amount of taxpayers money Macron has spent on consultants. I don't have a problem with that, politicians need to be aware that whatever they do as a politician can come under scrutiny at any time, so if you don't want something to come out, don't do it. There are questions to be asked on both these issues and it's right that they should be asked, because it is in everybody's interests to learn as much as they can about the candidates. Of course it is a bit "dirty tricks" to bring stuff like this up at election time but it's pretty much inevitable. And I am sure that if someone could have dug up something worse on Macron, they would have. In fact I imagine there are people digging away busily as we speak, there is still a week to go. Let's see what else crawls out of the woodwork.

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6 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:


That'll be why they announced it then, so that nobody knows what they're doing. They really are stupid aren't they (well comebody is).

Or just possibly it is exactly as it says. The EU has always had a policy of keeping out of the national politics of its member states. It doesn't take a genius to see how easily this move, which affects every EU state, could be used right now to influence voters in France even though it is nothing to do with French politics.

I have to admire the way you have turned a policy of ensuring that French voters aren't influenced by EU policies, into bemoaning the fact that the EU is not going to help one side over the other (I'm sure it's entirely coincidental that if confusion was allowed to arise, it would benefit your favourite candidate).

Keeping out of national politics of member states! You are joking of course! The E.U. has threatened, and indeed, sanctioned, certain member states already. The E.U. is a disgrace. France and Germany should hang its collective head in shame regarding Ukraine. Le Pen or Macron ,unfortunately it will be Macron. I would vote for Le Pen, if I could but I can't vote at all! Would Macron have talked to Hitler? Probably, the slime bag!!  I am absolutely  disgusted by  French duplicity and think that Le Pen is a breath of fresh air by comparison.

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I am depressed.

I don't want 4 more years (probably 7 years) of Macron and I don't want MLP for five minutes.

I speak on behalf of France.

Ni Macron Ni-MLP....It is wriiten everywhere.

What has France become ?

What a sorry world we live in. 







Edited by alittlebitfrench
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Not being allowed to vote I can't speak on behalf of myself let alone a nation!!!! However I do have thoughts on the subject and forever I will be loyal to Britain. With that in mind I would prefer Le Pen to Macron simply because she doesn't appear to be obsessed with trying to punish Britain for leaving the E.U. 

I see the E.U. have also entered the 'fray' regarding the election. With perfect timing they have accused Le Pen (and her father!) of embezzling half a million euros. I wonder who the E.U. supports ?

As for Jupiter, who but the unimpressionable (me for one!) could fail to be impressed by the photos of Macron sprawling on a couch, shirt open to the waist showing off a hairy masculine chest? Unfortunately it was comparing him to the likes of Sean Connery and I'm afraid Macron equating to Connery invites comments more personal than a hairy chest!!

When they meet head to head I hope she remembers to point out to the viewing public Macron"s behaviour regarding vaccines and vaccinations which probably led to an awful lot of deaths in France. Also his cosying  up to Putin and the stupid phone calls. Not to mention backtracking on various promises, Oh well! He will still win, France isn't ready for a woman yet!

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It's the same old - all over again.

Dominique Strauss Kahn - convenient rape accusation allegedly choreographed by political enemies linked to Nicolas Sarkozy.

Francois Fillon - 2016 convenient financial scandal following which Macron was elected.

And now Marine Le Pen, blatant interference by the EU's tame anti-fraud investigation unit, dragging up allegations from years ago to support their poster boy Macron.

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I can't help but think politicians are what we make them to be. They may be left or right, in favour of Trans, wokiism, just about anything really! But we (well I don't!) vote for them. Politicians are normal in that they are as ambitious and self serving as most of us are! Let's face it I doubt anyone does anything that will harm themselves and we all strive to improve 'our lot'. Isn't that what a politician is doing? They see an opportunity in as much as they will put forward an idea in line with their left or right political views and know that people will vote for it; no matter how weird or controversial it is and not what they, personally believe.  I see it as very shallow behaviour by politicians that they behave this way but they want the money, prestige etc. that goes with being elected. People in all walks of life behave the same way. In industry you don't become a manager if you oppose the director! In fact, in almost any sphere of life unless you go along with current ideology you can forget about being a success! I think in an almost classical way Britain is obsessed by Johnson and partygate. People are almost in a state of hysteria over it and apparently at the local elections the tories are going to lose around 500 seats. If it were a general election Britain could well end up with a Labour Government. With what is going on in the world a government can be toppled by a slice of cake!!! That is what I meant by 'we make them what they are'! The opposition know that this is what the 'people' want so quite happily go along with it despite it being a trivial thing and bad for the country. With politicians you get who (or what!) you vote for, weird or otherwise!! I doubt actually that politicians are more corrupt than anyone else. They just have a better opportunity to be corrupt!!!

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What I learned over the years as an elected local union representative in my industry; plus in those days a fee paying member of the old Labour party, you know the real one, not the momentum based one of today, Was that MPs and indeed career Union representatives compromised themselves so much to get where they are going, once they got there they couldn't stop themselves, and think they are unaccountable to us mere mortals. 

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